Thread: Hunter killed
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Old November 13th, 2006, 04:21 PM
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I almost had an accident after seeing that poor deer in the back lying there all dead. I hope his family is hungry but this is the city usually we buy our meat. It's very usual to see something like that, that's all.
When I lived in the city many people hunted out in the country and brought back meat to share with everyone. There's people in the city that don't just go kill deer and throw the bodies out.

As far as seeing dead animals, if you eat meat there are animals dying for your benefit and it's just as gruesome, so I don't know what to tell you.

From the time I was a little kid my dad always told me where my meat came from and what parts of the animals it came from and what kind of animal it was from. It gave me respect for my food to know where it was coming from and to know that a living being died for me to eat.
I think way too many people put meat in their mouth without thinking about the fact that they're eating from a previously living being.