Thread: Hunter killed
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Old November 13th, 2006, 03:07 PM
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MyBirdIsEvil MyBirdIsEvil is offline
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and since there is no way to control these idiots, hunting season makes a walk in the woods dangerous for everyone including the animals shot for "sport
You can't control ALL idiots anywhere. Here you are required to take hunter safety courses before you can even get a deer tag, so the people going out and hunting legally know how they're supposed to behave when they hunt. Those that don't take hunter safety courses and go shoot a deer are poaching which is illegal. Also, people often make walks in the woods dangerous for themselves by not wearing bright colors, or by hiking in areas specifically designated for hunting, there are idiots on both sides.

And the only reason I mention ethics is to get people thinking. Several people in here mentioned that it's better to buy from the store. People drive to the store and buy food without thinking of the energy wasted getting the food to them.

Deer overpopulation? OK just re-introduce the natural predators which were almost wiped out due to starvation and ensuing disease.
You're right that is simplistic. As much as some people hate to accept it damage has already been done to those predators habitat.
You know what one of main causes of damage to wild animals habitat is? FARMING. That's my point. When you buy groceries from the store you're not HELPING wild animals, you're helping in many ways to take their habitat away, why does no one see that?
When you buy rice there are HUGE pieces of land flattened, levees built and fields flooded. When you buy soy products, there are huge pieces of land destroyed, tilled and planted to send soy products to the grocery store.
When you buy corn products, land is flattened, fields planted and not to mention corn is a HUGE destroyer of topsoil.
That's just a few of the impacts that are caused by growing food. My point is, hunting is one of the least impactful practices to feed oneself.
Missouri is one of the biggest growers of rice and other grains. WHOLE swamps were destroyed to grow grains to send to the grocery store for people to eat. You're screwed either way, humans cause a huge impact to feed themselves, and going to the store to buy food doesn't make you a better person than someone hunting. THAT is the attitude that pisses me off "I'm better than you, I don't kill my food". I'm sorry, ANYONE buying from the store is also causing a huge impact on native animal habitat, so I don't get why some people who don't hunt act so high and mighty about it.
I don't care whether someone hunts or buys from the store, I just don't like that "I'm better than you" attitude that some people put forth because they buy from the store instead or don't eat meat.