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Old June 26th, 2004, 07:13 PM
jeepgirl2004 jeepgirl2004 is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2004
Posts: 3
Talking Harley And Dozer Have Been Found!!!!

We found our 2 German Shepherds, Harley & Dozer.On Friday June 25 we went to the Humane Society in the morning, and although the dogs were not there, they had just received a call that a man had 2 dogs since Monday and he was keeping them until he could find the owners. So we went to his house and sure enough it was them!!
The dogs were very well taken care of and in good shape.
This just goes to show that there are still some really caring people out there and that you should NEVER give up hope.
Thanks to everyone for their help and concern, it was very helpful to know that there were people out there who really cared.
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