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Old October 10th, 2006, 03:13 PM
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Violeta Violeta is offline
Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: Toronto (Canada)
Posts: 94
Cool I think that I need some help – small puppy, big attitude

I am the only one that really disciplines and teaches the dog in my house. My parents in law completely spoil her and baby her every time she is in their site so she is obviously extremely happy to see them (unlike to see me …:sad: ). They take her in their arms and on their lap on the bed, let her do what she wants, I’ve seen them plain tug-war (sp?) with her and wrestling and then when she starts biting they scream at her “NO BITING” but then laugh and continue babying her ?!!!!

I told them not to and their answer was “haw can you not, she is so cute” .

Because I am the only one that disciplines her she obviously is more happy to be or see them and is starting to retaliate when I tell her no to bite; last night she was really biting my foot and I told her NO, didn’t listen so I pushed her away gently, she came back and bit me again, then I pushed her again and at this time she growled at me (not in play, it was a very stand offish, serious growl ! ) and then bit me on the hand, I tried to take her by the scruff and then completely went ballistic on me, tried to take her nicely (I was thinking that maybe it was hurting her but it didn’t help) I have puncture wounds on my fingers and scratches all over my hands .

If I hand feed her something, she knows to lick and be gentle but all the other time she tries to bite, very, very mouthy. Also, this may count, she is not submissive at all, would not stay on her back unless you scratch her belli. When she meets new people she greets them very happily (kind of hyper actually) and submissive so this is a little confusing to me.

I am very convinced that it was aggression and not play because it’s the same pattern that I’ve seen with her brothers, they would jump on her and bite her and then she would start to fight back really aggressively because that was the only way she was able to fight them off.

What to do now? I have never had a dog that bit me before; I do understand that she is a puppy but that was no puppy play! And I am not willing to let her be this way.

I made this very clear to the breeder that I need a puppy that is gentle and not aggressive and this is what I still want – I can not have her going to see sick children and old people with this attitude :sad: .

Any advice?
Here’s my baby girl:
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