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Old September 21st, 2006, 12:25 AM
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kashtin's kin kashtin's kin is offline
Critter Cult Peon!!
Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: small, decrepit-but improving!-farm in Southern Ontario
Posts: 563
Smile FunFunFun with Ferals...

Well, Darrell the Feral tested FIV neg. , so he got his shots and op; he's resting overnight in a small cage in our insulated garage, and tomorrow he'll be out from behind bars...minus a bit of testosterone etc. I imagine he'll be taking off right quick after his not-optional surgery; I just hope he stays as safe as possible. He is definitely one VERY FERAL cat.

At least he won't be fathering any more kittens , and is not spreading FIV. There was no sign today of his galpal, WW-the one I thought we were going to trap. I guess we'll bait the sucker again tomorrow night, and see what happens; good thing those badgers moved on, 'cuz if D the Feral was a lilttle scary...

With all the drama the past 24 hours, there wasn't much time to supervise Sparky's integration, or for the 2 Pumas; I'll just have to catch up a bit tomorrow?! An interesting day, but not one I would care to repeat on a real regular basis without some kind of medication . However, I guess the experience may serve me well in the future, as this feral theme seems to be recurring. People who know me are amazed at the number of times that they DON'T hear the word 'horse' in my conversation these days...
Don't be a critter litterer!! ...also, R.I.P. OTTB [severe neglect] 'Monte Devil'-unforgotten.
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