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Old September 3rd, 2006, 12:19 AM
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kashtin's kin kashtin's kin is offline
Critter Cult Peon!!
Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: small, decrepit-but improving!-farm in Southern Ontario
Posts: 563
Smile 'feral kitten newsletter'

Hi chico2 et said "no thx necessary", but I sure do appreciate the support and ideas. The resources locally with this kind of thing are so thin on the ground, I really felt at a bit of a loss before I found this board. It's great to get feedback, and share the situation; I'm just hoping that the good news continues (I always convince myself that I am aware of the not-so-fun possibilities of just about anything in life...but if they happen it's as if all my self-coaching never happened, and I am so least I generally pick myself up again pretty animal nurturer/slave is always needed).

Yes, the 2 kittens were around more today; came in the porch twice for big meals...they must be getting sick of my dinner table conversation (luckily I am never at a loss for words!). They didn't look too wet at all, so they're sticking to their 'nest', which is good.

The smaller of the 2 kittens is a bit bolder. It's funny to see the bigger one acually walk right under her? to get to the food without having to get to close to me. I sit on a stool a couple of feet away; as I chat, I'm trying to move around a little to get them less alarmed by the motion thing. I wish I had a big net that would just drop down on top of them...guess I saw too many cartoons as a kid!?

Hope everyone is staying relatively dry. I was busy getting my horses blanketed and then into their clean/dry stalls today; it was great that the rain didn't start too early, so I was able to get my chores done beforehand. Being in and out all the time doing horsey stuff has really helped re: my awareness of the 'feral family', and they are used to my regular appearances and routine.
Don't be a critter litterer!! ...also, R.I.P. OTTB [severe neglect] 'Monte Devil'-unforgotten.
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