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Old August 18th, 2001, 08:24 PM
Danielle Danielle is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2001
Location: StoneyCreek, Ontario
Posts: 1
Dog sprayed by a skunk

My dog was sprayed in the face by a skunk. Everyone knows you just use tomato juice to neutralize the odour. Which sounds easy but until it happens to you. My dog (a 7lb, 8 year old poodle) was sprayed in the face by a skunk. He ran in the house and the smell was horrible. We wrestled him out and sprayed him off. Bathed him with tomato juice(we had to go to the store for). He had to sleep in the basement. The next day I bought "skunked" shampoo. It helped but he still smelled. Then his eyes which were sprayed were very irrated. Later in the day he started bleeding from his bum. It smelt like skunk, maybe he inhaled the spray. It was very scaring and upsetting for the dog. He's still very sick. It was very hard to get any info, without going to the vet. Please tell me any home remedies or advice on dealing with skunk spray. Know I'm scared of skunks, I had no clue what they smelled like up close.

Danielle Feit
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