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Old January 17th, 2006, 09:45 AM
catsnatcher-CDN catsnatcher-CDN is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2005
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The weather is hitting them hard. I've set up a make shift shelter for them but I'm pushing my luck. It's not my balcony and my landlords live downstairs. They are super p*&&*ed about the cats being there to begin with, so everyday I push my luck one more day. I even have to hide it from my neighbors because they complained. :sad:

Sometimes I come home late at night and see them crossing the street or walking down the sidewalk and it freaks me out because my street is very busy and a bit dangerous. I call them and they come running back into the backyard.


You're right that ideally, the 2 feral ones should be left where they are so that they don't try to escape their new location. But I won't live here long and even while I'm here, this neighborhood is not the safest place for them and my landlords don't want me taking care of the cats.

The maincoon and 2 black cats have a better chance of adapting to an indoor environment since they purr and roll around when they see us coming.

Cats become feral when they grow up without any human contact. It would be the same for dogs born in the wild without any exposure to humans...As adults, they don't trust the unknown and feel like they have to defend themselves.
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