Thread: Stray Rabbits
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Old October 24th, 2005, 03:26 PM
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Stray Rabbits

Everyday I drive by a location in the city where there is about 10 rabbits living. There rabbits are not the wild type, they are the type you see as pets. The rabbits are free to roam and about every second day there is a dead rabbit on the road. I have called the local HS and they refered me to animal services. The HS said the rabbits are "wild" in a sense that they have no owners. I phoned the city's animal services department and their response was that they know about the rabbits. They been there for about 3 weeks, that I have noticed.

It seems to me no one is responsible for these rabbits. I feel frustrated, and I don't know what to do. I don't want to see another dead rabbit tommorow morning.

Do you think I should attempt to go catch them? Then what do I do with them, I can't excaly bring them home with a JRT living there.

Any advice or suggestions would be appreciated.
Roxy - JRT
Smokey - DSH
Salem - DSH

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