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Old August 24th, 2005, 09:27 AM
lesliemay lesliemay is offline
Junior Member
Join Date: Aug 2005
Location: Ontario, South western
Posts: 2
Smile Desperately want to adopt

Hello everyone,
New to this site, great opportunity to discuss and get feedback. Anyway I just want to post that our family is looking for a small dog to adopt. We live on a large 50 acre property in southern ontario with a large country home. I have 4 kids, 9 down to 31/2 and have 1 dog of 10yrs and 1 cat 10yrs. The cats gone most of the day doing her own thing and the dog goes to work with my husband. The kids are very respectful of our pets and have grown up with them. Any way I would love a little companion to love but I've found that alot of rescue sites won't allow their smaller dogs be placed with a family with smaller children. If you know of anyone or a pet, (cocker spaniel, poodle etc) that needs a home with lots of love and tonns of space, please let me know.
Sincerly, Leslie
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