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Old August 14th, 2005, 01:21 PM
KimmieLou124 KimmieLou124 is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 5
What's weird is that she'll only go to the bathroom on the bed when it's made. When I'm sleeping in it, she doesn't, or when there's something on top of the comfortor when it's made, she doesn't. Since the incident, she's used the box. I'm just confused. They've been declawed for over a month now, and it has happened before the declawing, so I would guess it's not becuase of that. They also only had their front paws done. Her poop this morning was not loose, so I'm not sure if it is just going to vary now and that the medication really helped? I guess time will tell. It may be a misunderstanding between me and the vet assistants, but they are just now 16 weeks, which is what they told me they had to be to get rabies. I haven't directly asked about deworming, so maybe I'm assuming that since I got the kittens at about 5-6 weeks from the shelter that they would've been dewormed there. Now that I think of how little of help the shelter has been (when they had feline resp. infections from there, it was not their fault, and they pretty much told me that if I wanted them to live, I would have to take them for a check up and get the medicine, and they would have no part in it....don't take it the wrong way, I had no problem doing it, I thought it was just rude that they didn't offer to help in any way), I doubt they got dewormed. I asked for their file and they told me "nothing was on file" so I told them that when I adopted them, it came with first shots, so I took them back for the shots, FVRP or something like that, and after they got it, they came out and said ....well they've had these once already, so you pretty much got a free shot....blah blah blah. Just plain rude. I'm not entirely sure how to exactly go about owning kittens, which shots they need, how often, because my mom always did it with our cats at home. Anyways, I think she's feeling better, I'll just have to keep an eye on her as far as using the bed goes. I have an appointment with the vet to get their shots, it's not her fault because maybe she assumed I just knew how it went? Who knows? Thanks so much for ya'lls help!
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