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Old April 6th, 2004, 11:26 AM
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woodbyter woodbyter is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2004
Location: Michigan
Posts: 232
Bleach & Pine SOl??

Jumping Jimmy Crickets they might as well gas the poor buggers. (Only kidding)
Anyone with an ounce of sense should know not to use bleach in a contained area. Bleach mixed with urine emits a caustic gas that can burn lung and eye tissue. Bleach itself is bad enough and can burn the pads of feet.
I am a firm believer that Pine Sol is not good for animals since they get it on their feet and lick it off.
SPCA's sometimes don't hire the best or pay what it would take to get caring people and sometime people think killing germs and odors is all that counts forgetting the residual effects of the chemicals they use.
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