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Old July 4th, 2005, 01:37 PM
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Ok, called the vet, he was busy so the vet technician responded by saying that the small bites are likely to be caused by red ants or other small bugs rather than mosquitos, and that they hear a lot of similar complaints around this time of the year.

She suggested to spray Diego with children's OFF. And to help with Diego's itchiness, she suggested some kind of anti-itch calamine cream or benadryl. However she actually thinks that it's better to do nothing but to protect the puppy, i.e. use children's OFF, but not treating the existing bites. Does this sound about right?

Diego's been scratching his underbelly, crotch and "armpit" areas like crazy lately. These bites have caused him a great deal of discomfort, I'm really concerned.

Grover4: Did you give Spencer children's liquid benadryl?
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