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Old August 16th, 2018, 10:00 PM
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Join Date: Jul 2012
Location: Thunder Bay, ON
Posts: 462
Hi Marko:

I was just thinking about the box you are thinking about building. I assume it's a closed-in container made out of wood or something of that nature. It might be an issue with Twiggy due to the fact that she will not be able to see around. With cats being both prey and predator, they are always on the lookout especially in the multi-cat household, for the chance of being attacked. If this is a closed in container it could be an issue with her using it.

Have you considered the possibility of using a wire dog crate? Twiggy would be able to see all around while she was in it. If it was working to your satisfaction you would be able to make a door out of plexiglass that would hold the four-way passage door in it.

Maybe there's a room that you wouldn't mind her using. If that's the case maybe a good cheap cheap door could be hung with the four-way pet door in it. The only problem is that maybe Twiggy might want to keep it for permanent residence. Just a few ideas. But I do think, if it was me, I would be trying to circumvent the problem with food ideas first.

In order to keep my animals weight managed each meal is weighed to fit the individual's cats needs. In this way I am able to control their weight, and supplements when they get them. When feeding raw like I do, the amount of food put out is a lot smaller than if using cans or dried food. I have found that good controlled measuring means a lot to weight control.

By the way, I only feed kitties twice a day - morning and evening - and this doesn't seem to bother them at all. And they are all senior cats - 2 are 10 and one is 9 years. The only time we ever fed them more than twice a day was when they were kittens.

Hope this gives you some food for thought.
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