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Old February 12th, 2015, 02:05 PM
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Join Date: Jul 2012
Location: Thunder Bay, ON
Posts: 462
Hello ClaireMo:

Welcome to the forum. I have a couple of suggestions.
You have not indicated what symptoms your kitty has. Is the eye runny, and if so, what colour is the discharge? Is there any redness in the eyelid? Does she sneeze either occasionally or otherwise? Is she favouring the eye - example, partly open or closed? Has she had recent vaccinations?

What is she eating - there is a possibility of an allergic reaction to something in the food. I would venture to mention that there would have been a lot of stress involved in your move - cats generally re-act to having their routines upset, and a move is a major event to them.

If you can answer some of these questions, it will give other members something to work with.

Personally, I think I would go along with your comment that you are going to find another vet. It seems strange that there hasn't been any definitive diagnosis in all this time - even a calculated guess would be better than nothing at all.

I'm going to include a couple of web sites that might give you some ideas

It sounds to me as though it could be some sort of conjunctivitis and if so, something as simple as pure ( no additives ) L-lysine - not the treats - will help to alleviate some of the problems.

Here are 3 sites for you to check out. Hope they will shed some light. We would be interested in hearing how you make out with another vet - what they might have to offer to you.
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