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Old August 21st, 2012, 01:27 PM
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Originally Posted by kittiesandbirds View Post
I am worried about the source of the meat. When I look at the images I see of how chickens are raised it concerns me. As would the source of any meat.
I totally understand where you're coming from. I personally think industrial agriculture is one of the greatest evils of the modern world (and one reason why I'm vegan). But there are better options if you can find them. Local farmer's markets or holistic/organic health food stores are often a great place to source humanely raised and less contaminated meats. Also, there are a number of commercial frozen raw diets for pets that use much better quality meat than you'd find even in a grocery store. You may have to pay more for that convenience though. I myself am not totally comfortable feeding my cats chicken from the grocery store, but I also know many people that do without issues. It's also important to realize that 99% of the meat in pet food comes from the dregs of factory farming, with any remnants of goodness cooked out of it and then a schwack of additives dumped back in to make it palatable and nutritionally adequate. So if I had to choose between grocery store meat and commercially processed pet food, I'd pick the fresh meat. (As it stands now, I happen to feed my cats half higher quality canned and half frozen commercial raw. Would love to one day feed them 100% raw.)

Anyway, there's a great article here related to this topic that you might be interested in:
"To close your eyes will not ease another's pain." ~ Chinese Proverb

“We must not refuse to see with our eyes what they must endure with their bodies.” ~ Gretchen Wyler
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