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Old June 25th, 2012, 04:30 AM
albion.danes albion.danes is offline
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Posts: 4
thanks for the responses. my friend bred her cat with a cat belonging to a friend of hers. her reasons are her business and none of my business regardless of how irresponsible i feel it is to breed non-purebred unregistered pets. she is certain it was the mother who killed the kittens. her female is fixed now, thankfully.

i did not stimulate the kittens anus or genitals to help induce bladder or colon release. he had no problems defecating or urinating, though he did so on the floor and refused a litter box (i tried dirt, scented and unscented cat litter, sand, and all natural corncob litter- with and without adding his feces). as a lifetime student of veterinarian medicine, genetics, husbandry, behavior, evolution, biology, and nutrition i had the idea to change foods, add vitamin drops, have the kitten checked for colon polyps and/or injury, etc. he checks out good on everything. his behavior towards small breed dogs, other cats(but not his reflection), and every small animal he can see (a squirrel outside will send him into a screaming fit of rage bashing himself against the window) leads me to believe it MUST be a psychological problem, cerebral injury or developmental problem, or a combination of the two.

im considering sending him to a friend of mine to live for a short time who is an animal behaviorist and who specializes in both canines and felines. im worried that changing environments again may change his behavior for the poorer. im not a fan of sertraline hydrochloride or fluoxetine as both are serotonin inhibitors. in young mammals this can cause reduced size as development is slowed and can cause increased bone mass and/or osteogenesis imperfecta like disorders and symptoms. in my opinion, with the kittens observed and perceived behavior, i would think lithium would be a better fit if i were to consider treating a mental disorder. wouldnt you agree?
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