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Old June 3rd, 2012, 08:51 PM
Barkingdog Barkingdog is offline
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Originally Posted by mischa91 View Post
My kitty Mischa seems to be experiencing an allergic reaction to something. Her skin is obviously very itchy and she is licking her from legs raw, she's licked the hair off he inside of one of them. I just got home and noticed her constant licking and when i looked i saw this:

Attachment 77698

Attachment 77699

I've always suspected her of having allergies because she has frequent stomach upsets and vomiting episodes. My previous vet wouldn't even entertain the idea that she had allergies and the new vet couldn't get a look at her, she's so traumatized by vets that they've classified her as a 2 star cat (dangerous to herself and others).

I've been trying to get her on a more natural diet, adding partially cooked chicken to both my cats meals is just the start, they both seem to like it which is good and her vomiting hasn't reoccurred in a while. Next i plan to add more raw food to their diets but i must have inadvertently given her something she's allergic too and caused this itching.

So, is there anything i can do/give her that will help her out. I'd hate for her to lick her legs until they bleed. I applied an anti itch spray i have which says it's good for cats,dogs and horses but she promptly licked it off. I don't really want to apply more in case it upsets her guts. I also considered wrapping her legs with soft gauze and vet wrap (i have some at the barn fro my horse i could go get) but again i'n not sure if this will help or make it agonizing for her.

Any advice?
Could you put a Elizabethan collar on her then she will not be able to lick off
the anti itch spray? Poor cat. Did you clean your carpets recently?
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