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Old May 28th, 2012, 08:55 AM
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marko marko is offline
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The Ottawa Human Society just put out this warning and video a few days ago.

OTTAWA, Ont. (25, May 2012) – Leaving a dog in a car even for a few minutes on a hot day could be fatal. Last year, the Ottawa Humane Society (OHS) received more than 250 calls about dogs left in vehicles on hot summer days. When the thermometer soars, a parked car can quickly become a furnace, endangering an animal’s life and making the owner liable to criminal charges.

With only hot air to breathe, a dog’s normal cooling process-panting-doesn’t work. A dog can withstand internal body temperatures of 40°C for only a few minutes before brain damage or death can occur.

Signs of canine heatstroke/heat exhaustion include;

1. Rapid heartbeat

2. Heavy panting

3. Lethargy

4. Lack of coordination

5. Weakness or muscle tremors

6. Unconsciousness

7. Glazed eyes

8. Convulsions

If you see an animal that may be suffering from heat exhaustion, and the owner can’t be quickly located, call the Ottawa Humane Society’s emergency phone line at 613-725-1532.

A hot car is no place for a pet. The OHS advises people that when it’s hot, leave your pet at home, with access to shade and plenty of fresh water.

For an eye-opening view of what it’s like in a sweltering car, view the video made by an Ottawa reporter who sat in one for 20 minutes.

A word about the Ottawa Humane Society:

The Ottawa Humane Society is a registered charity founded in 1888. The Society works in and with the community to provide leadership in the humane treatment of all animals, to address the causes of animal suffering, to encourage people to take responsibility for their animal companions, and to provide care for animals who are neglected, abused, exploited, stray, or homeless.
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