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Old October 15th, 2011, 08:11 PM
snugsy01 snugsy01 is offline
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feline leukaemia and complications

I was wondering if anybody could help me.

Our 3 yr old cat as just been diagonised with leukaemia, tumour and fluid in chest. At the moment he is taking furosemide to help drain the fluid of his chest.

He as been poorly off food, not much water,very lethargic. So we took him to the vets yesterday. He told us what it was, and asked very nicely, do we want to put him to sleep. We asked if we could take him home for the weekend. last night he was very poorly still.

This morning he came down to see us, took his food when offered, used litter tray,ect. We thought it was a good sign. Anyway, he was cuddling with me on the floor, when he had is 1st fit. We have told by the vet today,that the fit could be a one off, or it could be linked to his illnesses.

We are taking him back to vets on monday. But if we cant get him eating and drinking more, he will be staying in. And a good chance he will ask the question again, about his future.

But know he is lethargic and wanted to be left alone,like he was last night. But he is still purring. He is only eating when we coax him, the same with water. Plus,he has only been on toilet once for a wee. He should be doing more,because of the dierutic to clear his chest fluid.

He has always been vaccinated against this since 8 weeksold. Vet says that he probably got it off his mum, and its been activated.

Was wondering if you could please help and advice in anyway.
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