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Old May 26th, 2011, 06:40 PM
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Originally Posted by Melinda View Post
if you google it you'll find some like this, I know, only 30 thats enough??? geeesh. we have to strike harder.

Hamilton woman gets jail time for animal cruelty

A 45-year-old Hamilton woman who left a tied-up dog to starve to death is headed to jail for 30 days.

A month after Theresa Fletcher was evicted from her Barton Street East apartment, the property manager found the decomposed remains of the dog.

Ontario Court Justice Richard Jennis told Fletcher a jail sentence was warranted because of the callousness of her actions and to deter others from treating defenceless animals with such cruelty.

The mother of five will serve her sentence on weekends.

Fletcher is also banned from having pets for the next 20 years.
30 days for causing pain and suffering to a living thing? Nice!! I know that case well. It's in my back yard. And serving it on the weekends? So what? She gets to keep her job (if she even works), her kids aren't being taken from her so she isn't suffering with missing them, she gets to have her fun during the week and go serve her time on the weekends. I had a brother in law who did that years ago. He said it was the best time ever. All they did was sit around all weekend yakking and playing cards. Yeah, some punishment.
And not having a pet. What's to stop one of her kids getting one and having it in her home? It isn't technically Fletchers. It's her kids.
Maybe when someone decides not to feed an animal and watch it starve to death the penalty should be more fitting. IMO she should have gotten at least two years minimum. Served full time. JMO
Assumptions do nothing but make an ass out of u and me.

We can stick our heads in the sand for only so long before it starts choking us. Face it folks. The pet population is bad ALL OVER THE WORLD!
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