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BenMax July 9th, 2010 11:29 AM

Need advice for Abby shutting down
Listen - question for you all. I have a 7 year old female foster abby that I took from the shelter before her scheduled euthanasia. When I looked at her I realized that I really should have left her there, but I just couldn't. I was given drugs and sub q fluids. She has rhino pretty bad and will not eat. I have tried EVERYTHING. Opened up different brands of wet and dry, mixing, not mixing etc, raw, cooked, fresh fish, tuna, name it. 2 days ago I sat on the floor with her trying to coax her to eat and she wanted my honey nut cherios with milk - which I just gave her since it was something. Anyways, yesterday I went and bought Cat Milk which she is actually drinking but I know it is no good for her.

Can I continue with whatever she wants? It is a miracle that she is still alive.

The vet does not have much hope for her, but I cannot give up. I do realize there is a fine line on what is humane and what is not. I have to tell you that she will walk to me and give me those Abby headbutts. I just cannot think of the alternative and want to keep plugging away at this.

Please - your input is so very important and suggestions, opinions, comments are very welcomed.

Thanks All!

Forgot to mention - she has been to the vets and they prescribed the meds and sub q. They are just not optimistic.

Love4himies July 9th, 2010 11:43 AM

Sometimes cats can get anorexia when they become ill and is very difficult to get them to start eating again. Has your vet suggested a feeding tube? appetite stimulant? L-lysine? Is she able to smell her food?

If she like milk, try some plain yogurt or get some KMR from the vet to mix with her food. It will be more nutritional than cat milk.

Good luck!!!!!

cpietra16 July 9th, 2010 11:45 AM

I don't know about Abbey's condition, but 16 years ago when they almost forced me to put Nickie down, I fought against.. the rest is history.
She too had Rhino, and everything else...I am not telling you wha tto do, but if she is not suffering and is eating, even if its human food....just wait. Miracles do happen..:pray:

BenMax July 9th, 2010 11:52 AM

[QUOTE=Love4himies;935695]Sometimes cats can get anorexia when they become ill and is very difficult to get them to start eating again. Has your vet suggested a feeding tube? appetite stimulant? L-lysine? Is she able to smell her food?

If she like milk, try some plain yogurt or get some KMR from the vet to mix with her food. It will be more nutritional than cat milk.

Good luck!!!!![/QUOTE]

Yes she is given L-Lysine and I also have Forti Flora in the food. I thought maybe it was that she would not eat so I have several 'sample' foods out there for her to try. Looks like a buffet.

My neighbour did some 'energy' thing on her and then gave her a few kibbles of something and she ate a that is progress. However, when back in the house, she retreats again and it looks depressed. For this reason the BF took a day off to keep her outside with him as much as possible to try and keep her moving forward.

Cpietra- I just cannot give up hope just yet.

ownedbycats July 9th, 2010 11:54 AM

If she is not suffering, and you are willing to put in the time, effort and money required to nurse a sick cat, then no, letting her live in not inhumane (in fact it requires lots of :grouphug: and :highfive:)

BenMax July 9th, 2010 11:58 AM

[QUOTE=ownedbycats;935699]If she is not suffering, and you are willing to put in the time, effort and money required to nurse a sick cat, then no, letting her live in not inhumane (in fact it requires lots of :grouphug: and :highfive:)[/QUOTE]

Thank you ownedbycats, but I did remove her from another clinic as they felt it more humane to let her go. I just couldn't do it and decided to try myself. She has been with me now for 3 days and she has not improved at all. I do realize that her system may be shutting down yet when I bring her outside I see alot of life in her. She scratches her non existance nails on the concrete, catches bugs and eats them, and follows me wherever I go. This is what is keeping me going.

2 nights ago, I took her out at midnight for 45 minutes as I thought it would be her last night with me. But - she was up in the morning.

Love4himies July 9th, 2010 12:00 PM

Are you able to syringe feed her? Kitten Wellness I found was the easiest cat food to mix with water so I could get it through the syringe.

BenMax July 9th, 2010 12:01 PM

[QUOTE=Love4himies;935704]Are you able to syringe feed her? Kitten Wellness I found was the easiest cat food to mix with water so I could get it through the syringe.[/QUOTE]

Yes - I am force feeding but she clamps down so hard that it is very difficult. I get in what I can. If I force too much she goes limp and I realize that she is using all her energy fighting me. But - yes - I am getting in what I can. I have wellness along with other brands.

diandpat July 9th, 2010 12:05 PM

Aw poor Abby...Ziggy had rhino/uri when I adopted him and was just miserable too. It does not say how long you have had Abby but it took a solid month to get Ziggy on the mend.

Other than the Lysine I would suggest when trying to feed her (whatever she will eat...Ziggy liked scramble eggs and cheese!) do it from an elevated dish. Ziggy ate much better that way...seemed more comfortable.

Also, from the yahoo group of feline herpes, they suggested Loratadine which is a decongestant that will get rid of some of the mucus so that she can smell what she is trying to eat.

Bless you for once again going the extra mile for a poor soul. Hope she can get some food in her soon and begin to enjoy life Chez Benmax :goodvibes::goodvibes:

Love4himies July 9th, 2010 12:39 PM

[QUOTE=BenMax;935705]Yes - I am force feeding but she clamps down so hard that it is very difficult. I get in what I can. If I force too much she goes limp and I realize that she is using all her energy fighting me. But - yes - I am getting in what I can. I have wellness along with other brands.[/QUOTE]

Poor girl. I imagine it would have to be done very slowly so she can breathe in between :( :grouphug:

BenMax July 9th, 2010 12:44 PM

[QUOTE=Love4himies;935718]Poor girl. I imagine it would have to be done very slowly so she can breathe in between :( :grouphug:[/QUOTE]

Yes it is daunting L4H. Luckily I have someone at home now who is continuing the care. He did say she started to lick some food on her own - so that is a good sign. Also, she was grooming herself outside - which is also good is it not?

I don't know if I have false hope or what really.:shrug:

Love4himies July 9th, 2010 12:58 PM

I am a firm believer that some outside time is good for everybody.

Is it really hot there still? I have read that some cats will groom themselves when they get overheated (I personally haven't seen any of my cats do it).

Eating on her own is a GREAT SIGN! She needs some food to fight this darn virus :evil:. So even a little bit is better than none.

I have mentioned the food "Almo" to Winston for Bomber. There are some fish flavours that my cat's go ape :crazy: over. Their favourite is Tuna and Shrimp. Maybe if you mix a bit of that in her food, it will entice her :shrug:. It is not nutritionally complete so you can't feed it long term alone.

cpietra16 July 9th, 2010 01:17 PM


Cpietra- I just cannot give up hope just yet.[/QUOTE]

Thats what I mean....if I had given up on Nickie 16 years the age a few days old...I would have missed all these years with not give up, especially if the kitty is no where close to giving up.

BenMax July 9th, 2010 01:36 PM

[QUOTE=cpietra16;935732]Thats what I mean....if I had given up on Nickie 16 years the age a few days old...I would have missed all these years with not give up, especially if the kitty is no where close to giving up.[/QUOTE]

Thanks Cpietra. I will continue. I was hoping that being at my place would do her some good. I truly feel that at the clinic she was declining more rapidly and showed no life whatsoever regardless of the efforts made. Sometimes just the reassurance that they have a place boosts them somewhat. Frenchy currently is fostering Daisy which was in the same condition. I kept her until she was healthy and she recovered incredibly fast. I am keeping his in mind for this little Abby.

BenMax July 9th, 2010 01:52 PM

Leaving now. Hopefully on Monday I will have good news.

Thank you for all your suggestions, opinions and good wishes. Please say an extra prayer for this little angel.


Dog Dancer July 9th, 2010 04:33 PM

BM, you are so good to be trying to heal this sweet little kitty. Abby must feel your strength and will take her lead from you. She'll struggle along, you'll see. You are all in my thoughts and prayers.

14+kitties July 9th, 2010 10:56 PM

Crud! I was hoping you would be checking in over the weekend. :( Frenchy - could you maybe give BM a quick call and see if she could try something? BM - you mentioned Abby is grooming herself. If she is still you could try to put a small amount of food on her front paw. She will lick it off as cats hate having anything like that on them. I know it will be slow going but maybe if she does that enough she will try some off a plate after a bit. :fingerscr I have been putting the vitamin gel the vet gave me for the new gang on their paws and they have been licking it off quickly. At least I know they are getting it.
Have you tried elevating her dishes? Maybe she can't breathe well with her head at that angle?
Just a couple of thoughts. You rock mf for not giving up on this girl. :grouphug: You and the new bf (congrats btw:thumbs up) are amazing!!

luckypenny July 9th, 2010 11:56 PM

You've gotten some great advice, BM. I just want to say I think you're great for not giving up on this girl :2huggers:. Hoping Monday will bring us all some good news on her improvement :goodvibes:.

TeriM July 10th, 2010 12:14 AM

Sending some good vibes for Abby :goodvibes: :fingerscr :goodvibes:.

Tundra_Queen July 10th, 2010 01:00 AM

bm...when willie wasn't eating the vet gave him diazapam and he gulped down his food,,but of course wasn't able to walk very well. He was put on prednizone and that gave him an appetite too.

Love4himies July 10th, 2010 06:04 AM

Great idea's 14+ :thumbs up.

I would be very interested in hearing an update too if somebody could get in touch with BenMax.:pray:

RUSTYcat July 10th, 2010 11:04 AM

[B]BenMax[/B] - you asked for any/all is one thing I would definitely do:

(First, understand that I'm NO FAN of "prescription diets"....that said, there is one of the Hill's products that has a proven track record of helping severely nutrient-deprived kitties...)

Considering that she is taking in so very little - despite your best efforts - if I were in your position, I'd be maximizing the protein and fat content of the little that I was able to get into her.

The [url=][B][COLOR="Red"]Hill's a/d[/COLOR][/B](link)[/url] formula is very high in protein and fat, is easily given by syringe and is considered quite "tasty" by most cats. I would, at least, pick up one can from the Vet and try it out.

(On a [U]dry matter basis[/U], Hill's a/d contains [B]44% Protein and 30% Fat[/B])

I'm rooting for this little one too!

BenMax July 12th, 2010 09:32 AM

Update on Abby whose has been named Olive
Not good news, but not horrible either. Friday night she seemed better. More active, ate some food, pooped and pee'd in the litter box. All good signs. Come Saturday morning a decline again. Took her out, gave sub q, force fed a little and brought her outside. She was weak.:(

Called my trusty rescue who has never failed me (thank you G!). I explained the situation and advised that financially I could no longer do it. She intervened and made an immediate appointment for me. We went to the vets and we discovered that the meds prescribed by the other vet was contaminated and out of date.:frustrated:. They assured me that this was not the culpret but certainly did not help the situation either. She is hooked up on IV but she is urinating so much now. They feel that there is a problem with one kidney. Blood panel is scheduled today to find out what is wrong internally.

Prayers required please. I asked the clinic to name her which they did: Olive. I figured I really needed for her to have a name as she is important.

Thank you all for great advice. I indeed put food on her little legs and also she was on the food as indicated by RustyCat which my neighbour gave me. It seemed like the only one she was interested in. Go figure.

Again - thank you all so much. More wonderful vibes required for Olive.

14+kitties July 12th, 2010 09:37 AM

:fingerscr:goodvibes::pray: coming your way.

serenamlambe July 12th, 2010 10:36 AM

I love the name! :pray::goodvibes: for Olive!

Frenchy July 12th, 2010 10:40 AM

I'm glad G is helping BM , you have done all you could to save this little one , let's hope only good news from now on. Go go Olive ! :goodvibes:

BenMax July 12th, 2010 10:46 AM

[QUOTE=Frenchy;936291]I'm glad G is helping BM , you have done all you could to save this little one , let's hope only good news from now on. Go go Olive ! :goodvibes:[/QUOTE]

You know Frenchy I so did not want to burdeon her with this, but since I saw the difference from Friday to Saturday morning, I knew it was critical. She actually was great about it and immediately took action. So I am grateful once again. She ROCKS!.

Sometimes the best effort put forward is just not enough sadly. I thought I could save this one on my own, but I cannot. So - I will fundraise to get whatever it is that is needed.

ScottieDog July 12th, 2010 10:48 AM

Sending prayers for Olive. :pray:

I have very limited kitty experience, but have been following your updates. She sounds like a sweet girl.

Love4himies July 12th, 2010 10:48 AM

Sending lots of :goodvibes::goodvibes::goodvibes: Olive's way!

Frenchy July 12th, 2010 10:50 AM


Sometimes the best effort put forward is just not enough sadly. I thought I could save this one on my own, but I cannot. So - I will fundraise to get whatever it is that is needed.[/QUOTE]

we always need a little help :o

next time we see each other , I'll bring you some things for the garage sale , if that's what you'll do.

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