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hillbilly December 23rd, 2009 09:15 PM

correct dosage for treating sarcoptic mange
from what i have read ivermectin is used to treat sarcoptic mange. the dosage is 200mcg/kg twice two weeks apart or 200mcg/kg once a week for four weeks.

Is this correct?

most of the posts i have read say to use ivomec injectable given orally. can the ivomec pour on be used as a topical treatment?

hazelrunpack December 23rd, 2009 09:20 PM

Welcome to the board, hillbilly.

We aren't vets here and can't give dosing info. Is there a vet you can call to find out the proper dosages? Are you sure what you're dealing with is sarcoptic mange?

BenMax December 24th, 2009 01:53 PM

I have had two dogs in foster with mange. This is the product that was used orally however it is very important to refer to a vet in regards to the dosage. For me, one was a puppy with severe mange who also had a severe reaction to the treatment. The other was a 6 month old that did well.

As Hazel says, please consult your vet as everything is dependant on weight. Also, they will provide you with a list of things to look out for if this product is not suitable for your dog.

Good luck and keep us posted on the progress.

hillbilly December 24th, 2009 02:43 PM

hazel, yes its sarcoptic mange.

I have seen a few vets that have posted here and was hoping one would verify the dosage and when to give it. i found the merck vet manual online it has the 200mcg/kg given twice 2 weeks apart. i was told the once a week for 4 weeks. wanted to verify that so i could go with the lower dosage. I'm not real worried about the beagle considering what they did to beagles testing it. I am more concerned about my sons min pin.

Dr.H December 24th, 2009 04:59 PM


I personally will use anywhere from 200-400 ug/kg once weekly for 4 weeks to treat sarcoptic mange. I find this to be the most successful. Ivermectin can be administered with subcutaneously, or by mouth.
However, there is a lot of variation and protocols out there, therefore your vet may recommend differently.

Also, a big word of caution: DO NOT USE IVERMECTIN IN ANY HERDING BREED!
Just remember: "White feet, don't treat".

I hope this helps :)


totallyhip December 24th, 2009 06:14 PM


Also, a big word of caution: DO NOT USE IVERMECTIN IN ANY HERDING BREED!
Just remember: "White feet, don't treat".

I hope this helps :)


Why is this?

Hillbilly have you taken the dog to the vet to confirm. We had a rescue who everyone thought had S Mange and it turned out to not be the case.

hillbilly December 24th, 2009 07:49 PM

thanks Dr H

is the ivomec pour on for cattle ok to use its a topical treatment

totally its sarcoptic besides all the dogs scratching and the yellow crusts and hair loss on one of them and i have been scratching as much as they have. just glad to know they cant multiply on me and will die out.

the reason why you dont give it to herding breeds is a mutant gene that some of them have. the drug crosses the blood barrier and goes into their brain and and cause them to have such things as tremors, not being able to get up, vomiting, blindness, confusion, coma and death(theres a few others).

i just wish people would stop dropping dogs off on my road. I have to big of a heart to not take the dogs in until i can find them a home. last time it was parvo and the time before that it was fleas.

kathryn December 24th, 2009 09:07 PM

While I understand you are trying to do what is best for your animals, it is actually illegal for ANY of us on here to give you a dosage. Even if a veterinarian comes on here and tells you exactly what you need to do, they would still be breaking the law as they have no examined your animal and do not have vet-client relationship.

Certain things are easy for us to give tips for like dewormers or how much flea prevention to use. Helping with over the counter things like that is not a problem.

Sarcoptic mange on the other hand is a serious medical problem. Hopefully you are aware that it spreads to humans as 'scabies'. If you start getting the itchies go see your doc :o !!

But in all honesty, this is going to be an on-going medical problem and you really need to just stick with going to the vets. I've never at any point heard of ivermectin being applied topically. I work in a shelter and we deal with mange (sarcoptic and demodex) frequently and I've heard of it being prescribed orally and in subQ shots but never applied directly to the skin.

You should get all your animals on Revolution ASAP. Revolution is great as a 'helper' in keeping it from spreading or getting any worse. I've never heard of it curing mange, but I've always heard vets saying to get the animal and all animals near it on revolution. It can also prevent mange or keep it from coming back.

Have you had a skin scraping done? That is your best way to diagnose that it is scabies for sure. I've actually seen scabies under a microscope before and they are sooo gross. They are so scary looking.

Good luck... I'm sorry that I had to be a part pooper but really you should never ever rely on dosage information on the internet instead of what your vet prescribes.

Dr.H December 25th, 2009 08:36 AM

[QUOTE=kathryn;864882]While I understand you are trying to do what is best for your animals, it is actually illegal for ANY of us on here to give you a dosage. Even if a veterinarian comes on here and tells you exactly what you need to do, they would still be breaking the law as they have no examined your animal and do not have vet-client relationship.

Certain things are easy for us to give tips for like dewormers or how much flea prevention to use. Helping with over the counter things like that is not a problem.

Sarcoptic mange on the other hand is a serious medical problem. Hopefully you are aware that it spreads to humans as 'scabies'. If you start getting the itchies go see your doc :o !!

But in all honesty, this is going to be an on-going medical problem and you really need to just stick with going to the vets. I've never at any point heard of ivermectin being applied topically. I work in a shelter and we deal with mange (sarcoptic and demodex) frequently and I've heard of it being prescribed orally and in subQ shots but never applied directly to the skin.

You should get all your animals on Revolution ASAP. Revolution is great as a 'helper' in keeping it from spreading or getting any worse. I've never heard of it curing mange, but I've always heard vets saying to get the animal and all animals near it on revolution. It can also prevent mange or keep it from coming back.

Have you had a skin scraping done? That is your best way to diagnose that it is scabies for sure. I've actually seen scabies under a microscope before and they are sooo gross. They are so scary looking.

Good luck... I'm sorry that I had to be a part pooper but really you should never ever rely on dosage information on the internet instead of what your vet prescribes.[/QUOTE]

Good point kathyrn. Any concerned pet owner with a medication condition, should in fact be properly diagnosed and managed by their own veterinarian.
I was merely informing here of my personal preference of treating sarcoptic mange. In no way intending to be a actual "prescribed" course of action for her particular pet.

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