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JennieV September 9th, 2008 04:56 PM

Re-Hello again/Official Intro
3 Attachment(s)
Hello everyone!
I don't think I ever posted an official "hello" post, so here goes:

We are animal-owned family, with a bunch of different pets: we are slaves to our cat Max, short for Maximilian, who is a moody individual and definitely thinks he is at least a human.
We recently lost our beloved doggie Tarzan, who was 16 years old and very sick, but after a while rescued Sparky, who has a sparkly personality (hence the name) an is just a beautiful ray of sunshine in our lives.
We also have 3 aquariums with rather pretty and nice fish, and a crabarium with 6 land hermit crabs, all of which don't have names.
We owned a bunny (Binky) too, but my body could not tolerate so much fur and at one point my allergies shot through the roof.:yell: We found it a super-nice home at one of our friends and I am glad to update that he recently got a little brother to live with him (another bunny) and is doing terrific.:thumbs up
Once Binky was adopted and gone, all came back to normal, all I need is a Claritin pill once in a while, if it gets bad. :rolleyes:
So yes, I am an all-animal person, although can't say I am very fond of birds, we don't quite get along very well - me and birds..:shrug:
so here are some pictures of my and my family:
1. Dh and I, the proud mommy and daddy
2. one word: CATNIP!
3. One of my cool fishies, Blue ram...My favorite

JennieV September 9th, 2008 05:00 PM

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More pics:
1. Binky
2. One of my crabs, now he is about 4 times the size..
3. Max enjoying the great outdoors at the country

luckypenny September 9th, 2008 05:00 PM

Your kitty picture made me laugh :laughing:. That's too cute and funny!

Well, I'd like to 'officially' welcome you and your pack to, [B]JennieV[/B].

More pics please :D :goodvibes:.

JennieV September 9th, 2008 05:03 PM

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And the last ones:
1. Tarzan, RIP, my friend, my companion...Through thick and thin, across borders and countries (moved with him from Israel and then form Toronto to Montreal..)
2. Sssssparky! Our new ray of sunshine..

Diamondsmum September 9th, 2008 05:07 PM

Awwe Just adorable pics

Welcome to the site :)

JennieV September 10th, 2008 12:27 PM

Thanks Luckypenny & diamondsmom..
I love my pets to pieces and they know it. :D

dogcatharmony September 10th, 2008 12:33 PM

Beautiful fur family past and present.

Love the kitty pic, and little Sparky,,,well he looks like he could be full of fun (and mischief too!!)

julster September 10th, 2008 12:41 PM

You look like a regular Dr. Doolittle!! Adorable "kids"!

JennieV September 10th, 2008 02:32 PM

LOL! julster, would you believe if I told you thats what my mom calls me?
she knows I will pick up anything and everything..She is actually scared when I talk about owning my own place, because she knows whats gonna happen: kitty/doggy heaven!

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