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nirajverma November 28th, 2008 02:35 PM

Dog emergency - vomited and cant walk
I have a two year old Labrador, weighing 32-34 kilos and in good health. A few hours ago, after his evening meal, he vomited thrice, throwing up his entire food and the last time some green colored vomit. After this, he suddenly has been unable to walk - problem seems to be in his left back foot. Are the two events correlated? Could this be because of catching a cold (it is winter in Delhi and he was bathed on Sunday while we were out, unfortunately in cold water)? Very worried since he just cant walk even after trying. Any inputs would be appreciated. Thanks

BenMax November 28th, 2008 02:43 PM

You really need to go see a vet soon. This does not sound right. The vomitting and not being mobile sounds suspicous. Do you have vets close by?

aslan November 28th, 2008 02:47 PM

any form of lameness would concern me i agree with benmax about try and get him to a vet quickly. What do you feed him out of curiosity.

totallyhip November 28th, 2008 02:50 PM

Sorry the others are right. Call your vet now and take your baby in

nirajverma November 28th, 2008 03:23 PM

Thanks all. This is worrying. Its 2 am currently and no vet would be available. But will certainly take him first thing in the morning to the vet. He is thankfully sleeping soundly and I am watching over him.

I feed him chicken liver, rice cooked with some vegetables in the morning and Royal Canine in the evening together with rice, some curd/yoghurt. He is a great, non-fussy eater. However, just yesterday shifted from Royal Canine Maxi Junior to Royal Canine Adult. Not sure if this might be the problem since my second one, a basset hound, who eats the same food, has been fine.

bendyfoot November 28th, 2008 03:29 PM

It does seem strange that he would be vomitting and coming up lame in only one foot at the same time. Hopefully it's just a very strange coincidence. Keep an eye on your dog overnight until you can get to the vet. It's a fairly good sign that he's sleeping soundly...and not restless or showing irregular breathing/panting, I assume? I can't think of what else you could do at this point other than watch, keep him comfortable, and perhaps withold food (but not water) until the vet has a chance to examine him. Has he pooped since he vomitted?

totallyhip November 28th, 2008 04:18 PM

Oh please keep us posted

JennieV November 28th, 2008 04:50 PM

I, too, would suggest that you see the vet as soon as you can, however, the two events may not be related... He may have hurt his foot otherwise, not food related.
I would also recommend that you look at the food section on this website, there is some great advise and while I understand that you may not have access to ALL the brands, you should be able to get [B]something[/B] better than Royal Canine.
Also, was the food switch gradual or sudden?? If it was sudden, that would explain why he did not digest it well, dogs do not take change in food easy, you may expect some digestion issues, especially if the change was from one day to another, and not over a couple of weeks.
Please keep us posted and good luck!

hazelrunpack November 28th, 2008 08:01 PM

I hope you've been able to get your dog in to see the vet. Bloat or an obstruction can cause vomiting and be painful enough to keep a dog off his feet.

:goodvibes: for it being nothing that serious and for a quick recovery! Please keep us posted on your dog's progress, nirajvirma! :grouphug:

nirajverma November 28th, 2008 09:09 PM

Dear all:

Frodo slept well but he still cant walk. He hasnt peed or pooped since yesterday evening. I am taking him to the vet now and am hoping for the best.
Jennie V, the food change was relatively sudden, though we had tried the new pack three weeks ago and at that point he was ok. Unfortunately Royal Canine is the best that is available here.

aslan November 28th, 2008 09:10 PM

good luck at the vets and please do come back and tell us what is ailing your baby.

Mat&Murph November 28th, 2008 11:14 PM

Good Luck with your baby.. We are praying for you!!:pray::grouphug:

hazelrunpack November 28th, 2008 11:17 PM

Hoping for a good update :goodvibes: :grouphug:

Frenchy November 28th, 2008 11:27 PM

[QUOTE=hazelrunpack;702690]Hoping for a good update :goodvibes: :grouphug:[/QUOTE]

Here too :fingerscr

Karin November 28th, 2008 11:36 PM

I am in the waiting room with the others.

A good report will be nice. Crossing every thing I can for luck.

JennieV November 29th, 2008 04:48 PM

[QUOTE=nirajverma;702606]Dear all:

Frodo slept well but he still cant walk. He hasnt peed or pooped since yesterday evening. I am taking him to the vet now and am hoping for the best.
Jennie V, the food change was relatively sudden, though we had tried the new pack three weeks ago and at that point he was ok. Unfortunately Royal Canine is the best that is available here.[/QUOTE]

Please keep us posted once you visit the vet. I hope that vomiting is related to the sudden food change, as I cannot see relation between foot and digestion, but I am not a professional. That is why it is necessary to see one.

Like I said, look around in this forum about food for dogs, there are many different things you can do. Have you thought of feeding raw?

Mat&Murph November 29th, 2008 04:49 PM

Waiting and hopeing for good news. Fingure,toes and paws crossed:pray:

nirajverma December 1st, 2008 11:31 AM

Folks, good news finally. Thank you for all the kind wishes for Frodo's good health.

The vet said that this was a case of severe gastroenteristis which also caused acute cramping on which account he was unable to get himself up. With some medicines for his stomach ailment and glucose and digestive medicines, Frodo recovered slowly but steadily and is now back to his bouncy happy self. He is now walking and running fine and touch wood will stay that way. Thanks again.....

Incidentally my basset who was also worried and missing his playtime with Frodo is back to troubling the lab as usual and they are keeping each other and us occupied with antics through the day. Ciao

aslan December 1st, 2008 11:33 AM

oh yay i'm soooo glad that Frodo is doing well. And thank you for getting back to us about what it was.:thumbs up ummm got any pictures of the fur kids you'd like to share, hmmmm.

Love4himies December 1st, 2008 12:56 PM

I am so glad Frodo is back to his old self again. I second aslan's request for pics.

bendyfoot December 1st, 2008 01:55 PM

Yay, I'm very glad your pup is feeling better! Poor guy, that must have been one heck of a tummy-ache!

Ashish May 3rd, 2014 05:36 AM

My lab female puppy is not able to stand
Hi everyone,
i have 4 month lab, she was fine before 3 day, but don't know suddenly she started vomitting after dinner. she vomates continuosly at night (yellow colour) till second day afternoon. After that vet come to our home and he told us that she had fever, and gave her some injections. She stop vomating from that day.yesterday vet come to my house and gave her IV,after that she drunk lots of water, getting weak, and today she not able to stand by her rear legs (i am sure, not because of IV syringe). i dont' know what to do.i am so scared. is she suffering from paralysis??
i search on google and i got some symtoms like paralysis, what to do dont know.
any one having same issue??? HAve any one face this type of probleme????pls help.i am so scared.

Longblades May 3rd, 2014 07:25 AM

Ashish, your puppy might be deathly ill, please contact your Vet immediately and keep him up to date. It's good she is drinking as puppies can dehydrate very easily and very quickly. Your emergency is not over yet.

You are in a part of world removed from most of us on this forum. We don't know what treatment options are available to you. Myself I would not self treat a puppy presenting with those symptoms, it would be straight to the Vet.

Your Vet makes housecalls? I'm impressed, we'd have to take our pets to the Vet.

And, you have posted in a thread that is six years old. You might make a brand new thread of your own in the health section. We would all like to know how your puppy is and what the result is. Good wishes for puppy.

Barkingdog May 3rd, 2014 08:56 AM

[QUOTE=hazelrunpack;702584]I hope you've been able to get your dog in to see the vet. Bloat or an obstruction can cause vomiting and be painful enough to keep a dog off his feet.

:goodvibes: for it being nothing that serious and for a quick recovery! Please keep us posted on your dog's progress, nirajvirma! :grouphug:[/QUOTE]

Or he could had gotten into thing toxic like rat poison .

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