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PennyRuf October 21st, 2008 09:40 AM

House breaking Help
Hope someone out there can give me some advice. We got a 5 month old puggle and having problems training her to go outside. She is crated at night and we get up with her every 4 to 5 hours to let her out. When we are around she is on a leash to try to correct her nipping and going after our other dog a 6 year old Bernese X. She will do her thing outside but 5 minutes after she comes in she try to piddle on the floor. We tell her no and scoop her out to put her outside. She does not whine or give any indication that she needs to go she just goes. I am at my witts end with this. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Diamondsmum October 21st, 2008 10:25 AM


You have to keep her outiside until she goes, even if its a hour & PRAISE & PRAISE. My neighbours thought I was whacko when my Puppy would "go" outside. Sometimes I was out for 1 & 1/2 hours or more with her.

I usually took her out right away after eating, drinking, playing & kept her there until she went. and first thing after she was out of her crate in the morning.

lots of patience trust me she will get it.

I had also taken her poop from inside & placed it outside so she smells it.

& cleaning up the pee I used Natures Miracle to completely get rid of the smell Otherwise she can still smell & think she can go inside

bendyfoot October 21st, 2008 02:38 PM

It really is going to boil down to persistence...she'll get it eventually, but both pugs and beagles are hard-headed dogs...

Make sure you have a regular, very consistent potty routine. As soon as she wakes up, any time she's removed from her crate, 15 minutes after eating or drinking, any time after playing or chewing. Keeping her [B]tied [/B]to you via her leash is a good idea...use the opportunity to watch her closely for subtle signs she needs to go out...usually it's as simple as sniffing or circling a bit, or looking towards the door. When she has an accident, do what you're doing (firm no, scoop outside, praise like crazy when she pees in the right place). Oh yeah, and praise her like it's the biggest crazy party on the planet whenever she pottys where you want her to.

At her age, accidents are to be expected, and will be happening for months to come.

The Nature's Miracle (or other enzyme-based cleaner) is an absolute must to remove the odours from the accidents.

As for the nipping, that's a whole other thing, and DEFINITELY shouldn't be tolerated. When is she doing it? What is the other dog doing? Are there toys or food around? How are you correcting her right now?

scathach October 22nd, 2008 01:15 PM

trainning a puppy is hard! We have problems with Georges too... i mean last sunday i was standing in the kitchen playing on my PSP while checking a cake... Georges came an pee right beside me!!! :eek: He don't ask for going out... we usually just watch him and if he's sniffing we take him out... luckly we don't have to wait cuz he usually go 5 secs after he's out... Now we are trying to make him go on trainning pads inside because the winter is coming and with all the snow we had last years, it might be hard to get him out in blizzards!!! We don't have any idea on how to do it :loser: Anyway i sympathize with you!!! :)

PennyRuf October 23rd, 2008 01:23 PM

She has her routine every 4-5 hours outside even during the night and she is tied to me with a leash when she is not in her crate. But like scathach he will stand right beside me and start her pee. No warning or whinning. When she does go outside my neighbours must think i am crazy jumping up and down saying good girl. My Berner just ignores her. I realize the odd accident will happen for awhile and am patient with her. At least my muscles are getting a workout from lugging the carpet cleaner from the basement... thanks for the help and encouragment.

scathach October 25th, 2008 07:43 AM

hehehe you're going to be stronger... i don't have that chace since Georges we don't have carpet where he can go... but man my floor is clean!!!:laughing:

ShiroPower November 4th, 2008 05:04 PM

We had issues like that with our dog.
we finally figured out that he wanted to go outside to play- so he knew if he peed in the house then we'd scoop him up and bring him out ASAP, and then he'd get to play around.

we started crating him, bring him outside... if he did nothing, we brought him in and put him back in his crate and would try again in a half hour (or 10 minutes, or whatever). If he did his stuff outside, we'd play outside for a bit and then he got an hour of run-around time inside the house, then back in his crate when it got close to the 2.5-3 hr mark when he'd need to go out to pee again.

It worked! Finally! We were also at our wits end, with a 4 month old puppy who still piddled in the house.

honeybeargirl November 5th, 2008 04:16 AM

[QUOTE=PennyRuf;678223]Hope someone out there can give me some advice. We got a 5 month old puggle and having problems training her to go outside. She is crated at night and we get up with her every 4 to 5 hours to let her out. When we are around she is on a leash to try to correct her nipping and going after our other dog a 6 year old Bernese X. She will do her thing outside but 5 minutes after she comes in she try to piddle on the floor. We tell her no and scoop her out to put her outside. She does not whine or give any indication that she needs to go she just goes. I am at my witts end with this. Any suggestions would be appreciated.[/QUOTE]

I use the grass4upetpatch You get this organic mulch in a container. You spread over this special grass seed that can grow anywhere just about, you get grass within a week and it's all contained. I am sure your puppy will get used to using it. No smell because the mulch has enzymes that turn the urine into fertilizer for the grass and eats up any odor. Most of the "grass" indoor potty's are expensive, but I found this one for around $25/container of mulch/grass. We had tried dogwiz and it's so unrealistic that she wouldn't use it. The grass patch is very soft and lush. You'll love it! Gone are the nights we have to go out in the muddy rain!

Kai'smom November 5th, 2008 08:07 AM

Just loads of patience and routine taking outside. When housebreaking our husky, we were told by our puppy class trainer to take away his water bowl after 6pm. No water thereafter till 6am. Take out before bed for at least half an hour. Treat and praise for making a "twinkle". Also giving a name to what you want the dog to do. Our new pup, when we take her out i call "wee wee" constantly while walking her out. This worked really well, as eventually our husky would wee on command! He knew what he was supposed to be doing. Unfortunately we couldnt get it right with his No'2's and he never did one outside his own borders!
Good Luck (I checked with the vet about the no water rule, and he said its totally fine). Once they get control and understand what you expect of them you can leave water out 24/7.

Daynaa November 5th, 2008 12:55 PM

We have been having similar problems, our 4 month old lab/husky mix pup is peeing on the carpet still. Whenever we take her out of her crate she pees in the crate and on the floor no matter how many times we reward her for going outside and no matter how fast we get her outside. When she was smaller we were told it would help to carry the crate outside and let her out then, and it worked well and she didnt go inside, but now that shes getting too big to do that we are back to square one. Does anyone have any ideas on how to break this habit?? We've tried almost everything and are getting so frustrated! thanks!

clm November 5th, 2008 01:31 PM

I've never crated a dog, but Bentley will still go if we don't get him outside fast enough once he's awake in the morning. Sometimes it's hard, but especially when they're small, and 4 months is still very young, you have to put off going yourself to get them out first if you don't want an accident. Patience is key too because if she sees you are angry because she's had the accident in the crate, you may be creating a submissive peeing response.


scathach November 5th, 2008 01:59 PM

we had problem with Georges peeing on the hall rug but we found out that if we had the leash high on his neck (not strangling him ;) ) he wouldnt be comfortable enough to pee... after a few days he now goes straight for the door not sniffing the rug at all :thumbs up

Most of the days, he's a charm but some other days he'll be peeing inside... twice on the bed last weekend :eek::yuck:

We are still wondering how to make him pee on the stupid doggie diaper... we bought a spray that is suppose to make him wants to go on it but it doesnt works, Georges prefer the destroy the sprayed diaper :frustrated: We are out of ideas

honeybeargirl November 7th, 2008 02:08 PM


We are still wondering how to make him pee on the stupid doggie diaper... [/QUOTE]

yeah, we had tried the stupid diaper too and my dog hated it.

She loves our indoor grass4upetpatch because it's real grass in a short container, so they think they're peeing outside.

It was cheap and never needs replacing so I thought it was a no brainer!

scathach November 7th, 2008 02:56 PM

i should look for a grass4upetpatch depends on the size of it cuz we don't have much space... we were planning on put the stupid diaper in the back entrance wich is not heated... not really good for grass... any i'll see if i can find it to see where i could put it...

caesar November 8th, 2008 02:45 PM

At 5 months of age, she shouldn't need to go out every 4-5 hrs thru the night.

I'd suggest first having her checked by your vet and making sure she doesn't have a UTI.

scathach November 8th, 2008 03:47 PM

yeah Georges can be in his crate from 10 pm to 6 am and he is okay... but Georges never peed in his crate...

scathach November 10th, 2008 09:49 AM

seems like i can't find grass4upetpatch :cry:

DoubleRR November 10th, 2008 12:52 PM

How about:


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