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UTANRO January 29th, 2010 10:04 PM

Recent Pics Of The Furkids (Pic Heavy)
Been a bit since I popped in with some photo's of the furkids. Here's some recent ones that were taken.

Annie and Bo










UTANRO January 29th, 2010 10:05 PM






Caeli and Annie



UTANRO January 29th, 2010 10:07 PM









UTANRO January 29th, 2010 10:08 PM







Sam and Bo





Kay9 January 30th, 2010 03:44 AM

Absolutely beautiful!!!!!!!!!

You're a wonderful photographer (and, of course, you have wonderful subjects :lovestruck::lovestruck:).

Those photos of your beagles just pull at my heartstrings since they remind me so much of my Abbey. :angel2:

I also loved the photo of the two little guys lying on their backs, looking at the camera--was that their idea? ;)

shirley1011 January 30th, 2010 06:56 AM

What gorgeous pics...mine would never stay still long enough to get such great photos...well done!

GoldenAngel January 30th, 2010 10:56 AM

Those are absolutely incredible!!!

What kind of camera do you use?!

Your pups are all canine supermodels - amazing poses... As Tyra Banks would say - "They look fierce!"... :thumbs up

UTANRO January 30th, 2010 11:32 AM

Thanks guys! :)

I also loved the photo of the two little guys lying on their backs, looking at the camera--was that their idea? ;)[/QUOTE]

Yeah it was. :laughing:

They love to roll around on their backs playing with each other. I caught that pic as I was sitting behind them watching them play like that.

What kind of camera do you use?![/QUOTE]

I use an older Fuji S6000. :)

chico2 January 30th, 2010 11:43 AM

UTANRO,nice to see you stop in for a visit:thumbs up
I really,really enjoy your beautiful pics,love them all:dog:

UTANRO January 30th, 2010 12:20 PM

Thanks Chico! I love this place, and will try to stick around a lot more often. :D The puppers keep me busy, LOL.

Macomom January 30th, 2010 01:26 PM

Wow, Utanro- those puppies and pictures are both gorgeous.
Can you tell us how you manage to feed/walk/bathe 15 dogs??? I am in absolute awe of how one family would be able to take on a pack of 15!
They are very beautiful and your shots are really interesting as well :)

UTANRO January 30th, 2010 02:54 PM

[QUOTE=Macomom;879594]Wow, Utanro- those puppies and pictures are both gorgeous.
Can you tell us how you manage to feed/walk/bathe 15 dogs??? I am in absolute awe of how one family would be able to take on a pack of 15!
They are very beautiful and your shots are really interesting as well :)[/QUOTE]


Taking care of 15 really isn't all that difficult. I have set schedules and a routine that I'm into each day. They get bathed every 2 weeks, on a weekend, and I split it between Sat. and Sunday. For exercise, we have about a 1/2 acre of land fenced in for them to play and run on.

Tig's mom January 30th, 2010 03:13 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Your dogs are all so beautiful, and you take incredible pictures.(like everyone has said). Even though you mentioned 'a schedule', it still must take so much time to groom them, and the other puppy care that they require.
I don't know how you manage, but you are amazing!
Thanks for sharing your gorgeous pics.:thankyou:

UTANRO January 30th, 2010 03:40 PM

[QUOTE=Tig's mom;879614]:lovestruck:
Your dogs are all so beautiful, and you take incredible pictures.(like everyone has said). Even though you mentioned 'a schedule', it still must take so much time to groom them, and the other puppy care that they require.
I don't know how you manage, but you are amazing!
Thanks for sharing your gorgeous pics.:thankyou:[/QUOTE]

Thanks! :)

This is our typical schedule, of course it isn't exact. The times change a bit, depending on what's going on that day:

- 7am get up and everyone gets to go outside to run and play for a couple hours (supervised, as I leave the backdoor open so they can come and go as they please.

- 9am, come in for morning treats, and hang out in the house. At this point, I start washing doggy beds, blankets, and doing house cleaning. House cleaning takes about 2-3 hours, and includes sweeping, mopping, ect.

- Noon, they go back outside and spend about 4 hours outside playing, supervised.

- 4pm, come in and relax before dinner.

- 6pm, go out and potty again, and then go into their kennels for dinner.

- 7pm come back out for the night to run and play in the house some more. Around this time, the long-hair's get their nightly brushing, everyone gets flea-combed, wiped with a baby wipe if they're a little dirty from playing outside, and then time for evening treats.

- 10pm, picked up for bedtime.

On days that I work (evenings), someone is always home with them, and takes over where I left off. Which basically is just letting them outside to play, and supervising, then bringing them back inside.

krdahmer January 30th, 2010 04:45 PM


Oh oh oh.....can I come over....can I can I????? :lovestruck::cloud9::laughing:

Oh what an adorable little army of goggies you have!!!:D Those photos are just gorgeous! Makes you want to run over to your house and get down on the lawn and roll around with them! (I know I can say that cause we're all animal lovers in a good way here! :rolleyes:) Chris can vouch for me, I'm not happy when visiting doggies until I am covered head to toe in happy slobber!!!:o:laughing:

growler~GateKeeper January 31st, 2010 02:08 AM

Great shots :thumbs up Nice to see the puppers again :)

Post #3 pic #4 (the middle one of Gage) He's got the cutest little "I've got a secret ;)" look on his face :lovestruck:

Tundra_Queen February 2nd, 2010 10:33 AM

Your photos are so great! And your pups are beautiful! And you have 15? Wow!


BrownEyedGirl February 2nd, 2010 04:39 PM

Wow what amazing pics, amazing subjects.

angeldogs February 3rd, 2010 07:16 AM

Wonderful pics of your gorgeous furries.

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