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LovNKyra October 16th, 2013 01:57 PM

Doing a ton better BUT...
After going back, and forth with fighting skin issues, sores, bald spots, chewing, and scratching I've 100% narrowed it down to two causes. Let me explain.. I went through all the basics of allergy tests, testing for parasites, changing foods, shampoos, you name it! Finally got a cream for burns, rashes, yeast infections, and fungus through the local hospital. Lyderm 0.05% Clotrimaderm 1:1 Compound, and it has worked amazingly well for Kyra! What took months to accomplish has only now taken weeks. Now for the problem.. Prescription is running out with no chance for a refill. I've tried to take her off it and the sores, and scratching returns in a matter of days. Problem number two.. Vet is trying to charge me 200$ for the visit, and who knows what else for the yeast / anti fungus meds. I swear these vets are like doctors now, and are only interested in your money for their prescriptions as once you no longer need them your kicked to the curb. So what can I do now? Help from the vet is out of the question, and I will not discuss that option any further. Need antifungal / yeast meds I can get over the counter. Please help!!

Barkingdog October 16th, 2013 02:21 PM

Have you washed all your dog bedding and cleaned all of your dog favorite resting places in the house? He could be contaminating himself all over again.

LovNKyra October 16th, 2013 04:45 PM

[QUOTE=Barkingdog;1062139]Have you washed all your dog bedding and cleaned all of your dog favorite resting places in the house? He could be contaminating himself all over again.[/QUOTE]

Yes. Weekly.

Love4himies October 17th, 2013 11:00 AM

Or try a homemade diet?

LovNKyra October 17th, 2013 09:29 PM

[QUOTE=Love4himies;1062163]Or try a homemade diet?[/QUOTE]

I tried that and she lasted about 3 days then decided she'd rather starve... nasty squirts too! EEK! Nope, I'm sticking to finding some over the counter antifungal antiyeast cream or shampoo or something... Be so much easier if I had a good vet but only have one in town, and that unfortunately isn't going to happen! Help is appreciated guys! Need asap!

Barkingdog October 18th, 2013 09:52 AM

Have you tested for scabies on your dog ? There is series of 3 shots the dog get once a week for 3 weeks . It's give under the dog skin .

LovNKyra October 18th, 2013 11:52 AM

[QUOTE=Barkingdog;1062185]Have you tested for scabies on your dog ? There is series of 3 shots the dog get once a week for 3 weeks . It's give under the dog skin .[/QUOTE]

We did do scrapings for demodex so perhaps. Either way though, vet will no longer help me!

Barkingdog October 18th, 2013 03:12 PM

What ?? How come the vet will not help you anymore? Can you find another vet?

LovNKyra October 18th, 2013 11:22 PM

[QUOTE=Barkingdog;1062190]What ?? How come the vet will not help you anymore? Can you find another vet?[/QUOTE]

Well, long story short, I decided that the vet was not doing much in helping my dog, and took matters into my own hands. It was definately the right choice! Now the vet will only treat my dog if I pay for a bunch of useless expensive tests that will tell the same as what I've already told. I dont wanna get into the details but it seems this vet only cares about money! Already spent thousands for nothing over the span of 3 years when in my hands cost barely anything, and have had much success!

LovNKyra October 18th, 2013 11:38 PM

She's much much better! But the cream is running out!

Barkingdog October 19th, 2013 10:38 AM

Have tried getting another vet to buy more cream? What kind laundry detergent are you using ? Maybe your dog is getting a rash from that, I know people can get a rash from laundry detergent so it a dog could too.

LovNKyra October 19th, 2013 12:05 PM

[QUOTE=Barkingdog;1062196]Have tried getting another vet to buy more cream? What kind laundry detergent are you using ? Maybe your dog is getting a rash from that, I know people can get a rash from laundry detergent so it a dog could too.[/QUOTE]

No other vet at all. She only gets a rash/sores from not using the cream. The cream is not from a vet.

MaxaLisa October 20th, 2013 01:37 AM

You might want to link your old thread so folks can see what you have been through...

Lyderm is permethrin - wonder if you could switch to a flea product, or the like, that contains that product?

LovNKyra October 20th, 2013 03:19 AM

[QUOTE=MaxaLisa;1062218]You might want to link your old thread so folks can see what you have been through...

Lyderm is permethrin - wonder if you could switch to a flea product, or the like, that contains that product?[/QUOTE]

Hmm surely it cant be fleas right? It would have shown up in the scrappings no? I tried to find the old thread but couldnt. Any suggestions on a quality flea product?

growler~GateKeeper October 20th, 2013 03:39 AM

Here's LovNKyra's original thread: [URL=""]Last option with Ivermectin![/URL]

Glad to hear you've had success treating Kyra :fingerscr :goodvibes:

LovNKyra October 20th, 2013 02:53 PM

[QUOTE=growler~GateKeeper;1062222]Here's LovNKyra's original thread: [URL=""]Last option with Ivermectin![/URL]

Glad to hear you've had success treating Kyra :fingerscr :goodvibes:[/QUOTE]
Much appreciated! Would you by any chance be able rename it to Kyra's skin problems? Thanks.

growler~GateKeeper October 20th, 2013 07:16 PM

I'll add that to the original title. It's good to keep the original in case someone else comes searching for information on Invermectin then your experience with it may helps others :)

MaxaLisa October 20th, 2013 07:58 PM

Great you found the old thread!

Permethrin, I guess I wasn't thinking fleas, but there may be other tiny parasites, like mites (storage mites in kibble, dust mites, scabies, etc). Don't know if there are other critters that might be susceptible.

I guess the question is how much of the anti-fungal is helping, and how much of the anti-parasite is helping? Definitely not something you know right now, unless you have tried an anti-fungal alone with no success.

I do not know if the current flea and tick meds with permethrin in them would be as effective as the creme. There may some natural products that contain similar ingredients.

Ivermectin *i think* usually helps scabies, so I'm a bit confused about why this works and the ivermectin didn't, unless there is a strong fungal component, or a bug that is resistent.

Barkingdog October 20th, 2013 08:50 PM

scabies are under the skin and my vet said the pet is give 3 shots , one per week . And a flea bath or cream will not kill scabies on a dog . I knew someone that got scabies and they gave their dog a flea bath , which was a waste of time and money. The shots for scabies are $10 a shot at my vet , I asked about the scabies shots because a coyote was coming right into yard and a lot of coyotes had to be killed one year because they had scabies . :(

LovNKyra October 20th, 2013 10:46 PM

[QUOTE=growler~GateKeeper;1062239]I'll add that to the original title. It's good to keep the original in case someone else comes searching for information on Invermectin then your experience with it may helps others :)[/QUOTE]
Much appreciated friend.
[QUOTE=MaxaLisa;1062248]Great you found the old thread!

Permethrin, I guess I wasn't thinking fleas, but there may be other tiny parasites, like mites (storage mites in kibble, dust mites, scabies, etc). Don't know if there are other critters that might be susceptible.

I guess the question is how much of the anti-fungal is helping, and how much of the anti-parasite is helping? Definitely not something you know right now, unless you have tried an anti-fungal alone with no success.

I do not know if the current flea and tick meds with permethrin in them would be as effective as the creme. There may some natural products that contain similar ingredients.

Ivermectin *i think* usually helps scabies, so I'm a bit confused about why this works and the ivermectin didn't, unless there is a strong fungal component, or a bug that is resistent.[/QUOTE]
Im using celcin blu shampoo which is an antifungal and it basically does nothing. Im almost positive its a yeast issue as i switched her to an all veggy diet and became 99% free of everything. However she was also reallygetting skinny so i stopped that. As for how much cream do i use.. Maybe 3 quarter size drops spread all over everywhere. Id put money on it that its a yeast infection... Allthouth read below.
[QUOTE=Barkingdog;1062249]scabies are under the skin and my vet said the pet is give 3 shots , one per week . And a flea bath or cream will not kill scabies on a dog . I knew someone that got scabies and they gave their dog a flea bath , which was a waste of time and money. The shots for scabies are $10 a shot at my vet , I asked about the scabies shots because a coyote was coming right into yard and a lot of coyotes had to be killed one year because they had scabies . :([/QUOTE]
I guess I need to do some research on symptoms.

LovNKyra October 22nd, 2013 10:16 AM

Well it isn't scabies. I have two other dogs who she is always in contact with, and they have never had any problems. Plus scabies are a mange, and we did scrappings for that. It has to be a yeast infection as I've treated her with anti fungal meds, and that did absolutely nothing. Treating her with anti yeast cream, and a veggy diet works like a charm. I had do stop the diet as she was practically starving. Like I said, I need a cream or something over the counter as the vet does not wish to help. Thanks.

Marty11 October 22nd, 2013 10:38 AM

I wonder if it's seasonal, because it was good for a bit? Have you thought of Atopica? It didn't agree with Marty, but it apparently works. My feelings are treating with drugs if you absolutely have to, I would rather have some quality of life for a shorter time. Every time you smell an odor in the ears or on the skin, it's an infection and you have to treat with an antibiotic. I had this issue with a Golden for 12 years, poor guy. My Boston is on one low dose of Vanectyl P once a day and her coat is perfect, she still enjoys back scratches but it's minimal. I spent over $2000 bucks on a dermatologist. I believe it's poor breeding, I believe she is from a puppy mill.

LovNKyra October 22nd, 2013 11:33 AM

[QUOTE=Marty11;1062291]I wonder if it's seasonal, because it was good for a bit? Have you thought of Atopica? It didn't agree with Marty, but it apparently works. My feelings are treating with drugs if you absolutely have to, I would rather have some quality of life for a shorter time. Every time you smell an odor in the ears or on the skin, it's an infection and you have to treat with an antibiotic. I had this issue with a Golden for 12 years, poor guy. My Boston is on one low dose of Vanectyl P once a day and her coat is perfect, she still enjoys back scratches but it's minimal. I spent over $2000 bucks on a dermatologist. I believe it's poor breeding, I believe she is from a puppy mill.[/QUOTE]

Well I did snag her up from a bad household before reporting the people. Mother of the pups was extremely malnourished, and there was trash everywhere. Wish I could have saved them all myself but there was no way. I did what I thought best and reported them.

It's not seasonal as its been an all year round problem for years.

Atopica is way too expensive, and I feel allergies are not the issue after wasting 1000's on meds, and testing with poor results.

The sour oder is now completely gone, and has been gone for months now so I must be doing something right.

I have been testing how long it takes for her to start getting sores, or scratching without the cream, and without baths. I got to 4 days before she started scratching, and pimples on her belly appeared. Maybe I am using it too often applying it daily. I'm now doing cream every 4 days after a bath with celcin blue for 10 minutes. Seems to be working the same so far and will save me on cream. Wish me luck.

MaxaLisa October 22nd, 2013 12:31 PM

I sent you a pm, don't know if you got it. At least I think I sent it!

If it's infection, atopica will suppress the immune system, not good...

I don't recall, have you tried cocnut oil externally?

Neem oil, external and/or internal? If it's mites, oils might smother, even maybe imple liquid vit E?

Some OTC anti-fungals might help? I've never tried the athletes foot one. But the women's yeast one worked really well for my GSD' chronic ear problems. I supect those cremems are for different types of yeasts.

I have,t read all the replies, I might have missed something...

MaxaLisa October 22nd, 2013 12:33 PM

Oops, just reas above, forget about the OTC anti-fungals.

MaxaLisa October 22nd, 2013 12:37 PM

The more I think about neem, the more I think it might be worth trying if you haven't tried it - it's used a lot for mange cases. Evem though this isn't standard mange, an anti-parasite creme is working, and there must be a reason for that...

LovNKyra October 22nd, 2013 07:38 PM

I used the coconut oil but as I recall she had a bumpy reaction. Never tried neem oil though. Didnt get your pm.

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