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Scuba April 18th, 2008 11:27 AM

The gang from the Vancouver SPCA
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These are some of the :dog::dog::dog: that I have encountered at my local SPCA. Since I have started, there were other dogs that I have walked but have since gone to their forever home and their pictures aren't online anymore.

[COLOR="Red"]Cracker has gone to a forever home.[/COLOR]

Scuba April 18th, 2008 11:27 AM

Here are two more ladies.

Scuba April 18th, 2008 11:28 AM

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Didn't manage to get the pictures up.

[COLOR="Red"]Shelby has gone to a forever home.[/COLOR]

mastifflover April 18th, 2008 11:33 AM

They are all beautiful

Frenchy April 18th, 2008 11:36 AM

ohhh a tripod !!

I love the Rottie's face :cloud9:

Chris21711 April 18th, 2008 11:44 AM

They all have such soulful eyes.:cloud9:

Scuba April 18th, 2008 11:48 AM

Their names a bit about them
1. Cracker
Malamute cross with something

He is between 3-4 years old, pretty easy going. Doesn't have good leash manners though and lately there has been some dominance issues. Likes his belly rubbed and coat brushed a lot.

2. Ginger

She is a senior about 8 years old. Biggest suck there is and pretty much everybody at the shelter likes to indulge her at the moment. Drools a lot but who cares when she has a face like that.

3. Sadie (the tripod)
German Shepherd and Doberman cross

She is really friendly and likes her walks but her left front leg tires out pretty quickly. Loads of energy though, so we normally take her out a bit bring her back to the shelter and take her out again later. Doesn't get along with other dogs well but likes people a lot especially if there are treats and belly rubs involved.

4. Shelby
German Shepherd and Border Collie

She has loads and loads of sass, my main concern is that she won't stop at intersections or when crossing the road. Have to physically stop her by short leashing. Then she looks at you with her big brown eyes and is like "why we stopping?". Once she has calm down after 20-30 minutes into her walk, then she behaves pretty good. Very funny to watch her rolling around on the ground.

ancientgirl April 18th, 2008 11:50 AM

All beautiful! Cracker's face looked like a chow to me, but I'm not great at figuring breeds.

You say they've all found forever homes? That's great!

Frenchy April 18th, 2008 11:53 AM

2. Ginger

She is a senior about 8 years old. Biggest suck there is and pretty much everybody at the shelter likes to indulge her at the moment. Drools a lot but who cares when she has a face like that.


I love her ! And you're right , who cares about the drool ! Not me :D

Scuba April 18th, 2008 11:55 AM

[QUOTE=ancientgirl;581761]All beautiful! Cracker's face looked like a chow to me, but I'm not great at figuring breeds.

[B]You say they've all found forever homes?[/B] That's great![/QUOTE]

No unfortunately these gals and guy haven't found forever homes yet. There were a few other dogs that I have spent time with that have though and their pictures I didn't post since they are available on the SPCA website anymore. Still, Ginger (rottie) has an approved application already from a lady whose rottie passed away due to old age and is looking for another rottie to keep her company at home.

Scuba April 18th, 2008 12:01 PM

I wanted to say thanks to [B]Sugarcatmom[/B] for telling me about biobags, pretty easy to use. Cracker just had to back his bum right into some guy's bush to do his business last night though and unfortunately for me whilst reaching in I managed to smear some on the hand spreading the branches apart.:eek:

All the dogs were liking the buffalo liver treats that I got them, some were savouring them by chewing them slowly and some just practically inhales them. I was thinking what was the big deal about them.:confused: Finally I had to find out for myself so I tried a piece, it is pretty good actually, crunchy and tastes like liver.

Still trying to look for a good leash though.

rainbow April 18th, 2008 02:27 PM

They are all beautiful :lovestruck: ......I especially love Cracker :cloud9: but am surprised that he loves to be brushed with all that fur :D .....the hairy ones usually hate it. :laughing:

I hope they all find their forever home soon. :fingerscr :goodvibes:

Chaser April 18th, 2008 03:41 PM

If I lived in B.C. I would adopt Ginger in 2 seconds flat! :lovestruck:

chico2 April 18th, 2008 04:09 PM

Ginger has that"take me home with you"face,wonderful,hope she gets to go home with someone soon.
I hope they all get to go home:pray:

phoozles April 18th, 2008 05:44 PM

They are all gorgeous and look like they have great characters!
I hope they are just temporary residents of the SPCA!

Scuba April 21st, 2008 11:30 PM

Some updates
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I think from now on I am just going to keep adding to this thread and updating the different dogs and puppies situation.

Cracker and Shelby since last Thursday (April 17th 2008) and now (April 21st 2008) have both gone to their respective forever homes.

Here is another lady that I had the privilege to walk with tonight. Her name is Shadow and she is a Black Lab Pitbull Terrier cross.

growler~GateKeeper April 22nd, 2008 12:19 AM

Thanks for the pics & updates :thumbs up good to hear they are going home :highfive:

Shadow is just adorable :lovestruck:

Chaser April 22nd, 2008 01:20 AM

Awww....Shadow is such a pretty girl!

ancientgirl April 22nd, 2008 08:22 AM

Shadow is a beautiful girl. I'm sure she'll find a home very quickly.

FancyAppy April 22nd, 2008 12:52 PM

I love Shadow.She is just precious.Thank you for sharing these dogs stories with us.And especially the happy endings which warm my heart.Rescue and adoption is so close to my heart, like so many here.Thank you for all you are doing for the pets without homes.

Scuba April 28th, 2008 11:42 PM

More updates
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[COLOR="Red"]Sadie (tripod) has gone to a forever home!![/COLOR]

I actually walked another dog last week (21st April 2008), but he was still being assessed and didn't have a picture up at the time. His name is Spencer, he was quite the hand full. Kept wanting to pull and wouldn't wait at the intersections when crossing the streets. Other than being a little naughty, he was really friendly and just wanted to be my buddy. Trying to do some sit and stuff, he would maybe listen 50% of the time, the other 50% he would be looking everywhere. Really enjoyed that buffalo liver treat though. He also managed to find a rotting salmon fish head in the gutter and managed to down a third of it before I managed to take the rest of it from him. At the end of our walk, he kept wanting to give me a kiss.:yuck:

Scuba April 28th, 2008 11:44 PM

Spencer's kennel mate
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Right now Spencer is sharing his kennel with a new dog, whose name is Mason. They get along really well, the staff are trying to socialise Mason at the moment. I didn't get a chance to walk Mason yet but he seems to be a really easy going guy with people.

Scuba April 29th, 2008 12:03 AM

Walked with Shadow^^ again. Plus spent some time with Ginger^^.
I was early getting to the shelter tonight so I sat with Ginger for half and hour, fed her some treats and rubbed her belly and behind her ears. When it was time to walk the dogs, as I left to get the leash from the volunteer room someone else had swooped in and took Ginger out before I managed to get back to her kennel.

In the end I decided to take Shadow out first. She was really good tonight, it was pouring with rain and stuff but she was still really excited to get out. So far, I feel that she has the best leash manners of all the dogs that I have walked.

Shadow was being really funny tonight. I knew from last week that she would like to play with other dogs from the way she behaves when we see other dogs on our walk. She does not bark or growl, just looks longingly at the other :dog:s running around with their owners. It is the SPCA shelter's policy that the dogs don't interact with each other or dogs that they encounter on walks. This is due to incidents in the past where dogs had been injured from unexpected fights. Also to cut down on the chances of spreading kennel cough. She was so funny though tonight because, at one apartment building that we walked passed, a unit on the ground floor had some ceramic dog figurines on display on the window sill and Shadow just had to go and check out these other dogs. Later on during our walk, she saw some stone lions that sit on pillars to the gate of somebody's house and she just had to check those :cat::cat: out as well. She stood up and was scratching plus sniffing at one stone lion then the other. Too bad I didn't have a camera on me, it was just too funny.

Poor girl did get spooked by some lighting and thunder, good thing there was some delay between the flashes and the bangs. As some as I saw a flash, I would short leash the poor thing and wait for the bang which causes her to want to bolt. She was soaked by the end of our hour and a half walk. Gave her lots of treats and a good rub down with a big towel.

Scuba April 29th, 2008 12:07 AM

Walked another sweetheart as well.
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This is Tilly, only managed to walk for 20 minutes with her since it was getting late but she seems to be really friendly.

growler~GateKeeper April 29th, 2008 12:19 AM

Sounds like both you and the dogs had a great time despite the thunder & rain ;)

Thanks for the updates on the dogs adopted :thumbs up

athenamor April 29th, 2008 06:29 AM

that is awesome, thank you for keeping us updated. Both our pooches are from animal control/shelters. I wanted to take them all home last week, sigh, but I can't be a hoarder, gotta give someone a chance lol

rainbow April 29th, 2008 06:47 PM

WOW.....lots of great dogs there. :lovestruck:

Glad to hear that Cracker, Shelby and Sadie have found forever homes. :thumbs up

Scuba May 9th, 2008 01:02 AM

No new photos but just a update
Haven't walked any new dogs, just some of regulars. Walked Ginger, Spencer and Shadow.

[COLOR="Red"]Tilly (see picture in previous post^^) has been adopted.[/COLOR]

A few funny incidents did happen with Ginger, out on her Monday night walk. It was pretty early in her walk and she was still really worked up and excited. She was in such a hurry that she was just pulling me along and next thing I knew she had wrapped the leash around a street sign post and bionked her head on it. Then she was looking up at me with those big brown eyes of hers and asking me what was that all about.:shrug:
When she was tired we headed back to the shelter. The problem was that she kept pulling me to the front door where the reception is. The thing is that door gets locked up at 5pm and we have to go back into the kennel area via a gate at the side of the building. I kept leading her to the gate but she just wanted to go in through the front door and would keep pawing at the glass. That and try to magically fit herself through that one millimeter crack at the bottom of the door. In the end I had to take her out for another 15 minutes of walkies at the nearest park. I think she kept wanting to get into the reception area because the staff lets her hang out there all day when they are there.

Spencer and Mason aren't allowed treats at the moment, I am not sure why. Did not have a chance to ask the staff.

Also, it was the first time that I walked an isolation dog (ISO). These are dogs that have kennel cough or other medical conditions that aren't allowed in the regular kennel area. If I walk one of these dogs, I am not allowed to go back to the regular kennel area and I have to walk in a foot bath when I go in and out. I can walk a regular dog then a ISO dog but not the other way around. It was kind of interesting, just something new to me. The dog that I walked was a yellow lab, he is pretty chubby and overweight though. Really excited to get out and all. The hardest part was trying to put a collar on the guy, he was just bouncing off the walls when he saw me get in his kennel with a leash and collar. Don't even know his name, instead of a picture and information on the door to his kennel there is a list of rules to follow in ISO. I just called him Chubby and he seemed fine with it so...

All in all it was really enjoyable, what with the nice weather Monday night and Ginger's antics.

growler~GateKeeper May 9th, 2008 01:15 AM

Ginger probably wanted to go in the front cuz she knows that's where the dogs get adopted ;) :D

Good that they let you take the ISO dogs out too, bet "Chubby" was just thrilled to have someone to walk with & pay some one on one attention to him

:thumbs up excellent work Scuba :)

Love4himies May 9th, 2008 06:32 AM

Thanks for the update, Scuba, I enjoy reading your posts about the dogs there.

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