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missinseattle June 4th, 2007 06:38 PM

new here with sick cat
I will be taking her to the vet first thing tomorrow morning. But she is a 2 yo spayed female. Just the past two days she's been throwing up bile. She is not eating more then a bite here and there and her usualy favorite drinking spot- the bathroom sink, has been vacant for 2 days now. I do put fresh water down for her by her bowl a few times a day- she's picky and likes it better then fresh.
I'm worried with all these food recalls as of late. She's still walking around here and she doesn't mind being held. Just seems she can't eat or drink anything because within 10 minutes or so she's throwing up. Just now she threw up green bile.
We're feeding her a holistic food from Trader Joe's and she's been eating it for about 2 weeks now.

Can cats get the flu?

badger June 4th, 2007 08:58 PM

Not sure if cats get the flu, I would be more worried about something bacterial.
Could it be a reaction to the food? If you boil up a little chicken and white rice, cooked until it is very soft, she might have an easier time keeping it down.
But definitely take her to the vet. Green bile :eek:

missinseattle June 5th, 2007 06:33 AM

Well she's not eating, but she's still drinking- but throws it up 10 minutes or so afterwards. Vet opens at 9- it's 7:30 right now. I noticed she's not using her litter box either. I just changed the litter.
I'm so worried about her. It's weird though, she's still running around here perky as ever- we have 3 dogs and she's been playing with our one like she usually does. She's an indoor cat and NEVER goes outside so I know it isn't something from outside.
I'm going to cook up some chicken and rice for her so I'll have it ready after the vet. Thanks for the help.

She throws up water and then comes the green bile- is that a bad sign?

Love4himies June 5th, 2007 06:57 AM

Sorry to hear your cat is sick, please update us after the vet visit and if you can, post some pictures.

Love to look at pictures.

hazelrunpack June 5th, 2007 07:35 AM

Good luck at the vet today :fingerscr I hope it's nothing serious. :grouphug: Please keep us posted.

missinseattle June 5th, 2007 01:58 PM

Well we got to the vet first thing this morning.

Vet seems to think it's some kind of virus because nothing showed up in her bloodwork. They did xrays as well and she said her intestines looked thick but Sasha did not appear to be blocked up or have a hairball stuck or anything. She wasn't dehydrated either which I was worried about.
She gave us Reglan and sent us home. Gave that to lil miss when we got home and she's not thrown up all day and did manage to drink a little water earlier and keep it down.

Course it hurt the pocket book but I'm glad it's nothing serious. I knew something was wrong when she wasn't hanging out in the bathroom sink as usual in the morning!

CyberKitten June 5th, 2007 05:09 PM

Glad to hear it was nothing serious!! Cats as you may well know cannot do well for long without food and water! But it sounds like she is OK now, I am happy to hear that!

missinseattle June 6th, 2007 06:43 AM

Poor thing is still throwing up! Still acting completely normal though. Day 3 of not eating anything. I'm going to back and buy the food she was eating before and see if that helps. She sniffs her food and walks away. She's been drinking water but throwing up still.
The vet put her on Reglan and we started that yesterday morning when we got back from the vet.

I'm going to try the chicken broth and rice thing and see how she does. The vet said if she's not any better by Friday to bring her back in. My pocket book can't afford another visit to the vet right now!

CyberKitten June 6th, 2007 11:39 PM

Perhaps you can call the vet and inform him or her that she is still not well and outline the symptoms - my vet often will look at my cats for free if I just recently brought them in. Once you establish a long term relationship with a vet, they are usually very helpful unless they are not as compassionate as they should be!

It could be a reaction to the medication? This drug is not actually approved by Health Canada or the FDA for use by animals but is legal if given by vets for what is known as "extra label" use, ie a use not for what the medication was not originally intended and approved for. It is an anti-emetic - meaning it is commonly prescribed by doctors for humans with digestive illnesses, nausea and in many ER's as an IV med for migraine headaches.

In animals, metoclopramide (its generic name) may cause sedation, mild constipation and nausea. So, I just wonder if the med is the problem?

And if you cannot afford a vet, perhaps youi can work out a payment plan - it is much better to nip a prob in the bud early if it is something else. I am not a vet and my comments are just suggestions so I really think you should see or talk to a vet!!

I prescribe it quite often for cancer patients and I have taken it as both a medication that helped me keep food down when I had a partial gastrectomy (ie half my stomach removed) and later for chemo.

rainbow June 7th, 2007 02:51 AM

If you haven't already done so, I would call your vet first thing in the morning and tell her that the medication is not helping. Good luck and keep us posted. :fingerscr :goodvibes:

dudabug June 10th, 2007 03:33 PM

Sometimes hairballs dont show up on xrays. Ive had xrays done and ultrasounds and both missed picking up the hairball. I went to the store and bought a 4$ tube of hairball paste and she was fine within 12hrs.... Hope your baby feels better soon. :fingerscr

rainbow June 10th, 2007 05:44 PM

How is Sasha doing? :fingerscr

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