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TinaMcq May 13th, 2008 06:27 PM

puppies weight when it get older
HI anybody know how to figure out how much a dog will weigh when it gets old the mother is 9lbs and the father is 5lbs? I am just asking :shrug:

happycats May 13th, 2008 06:44 PM

All you do is ask questions about puppies on you even mourn poor Skipper??!! You should never get another dog, you didn't even care about skipper, to have him put to sleep and the same day (and even before) your looking for a new dog to destroy!!

Get a fish!!:mad:

Masha May 13th, 2008 07:00 PM

Tina, you seem to have a lot of "just asking" questions that sound like you are alrady shopping for a new puppy.

When puppies are teething they will bite, and since their baby teeth are very sharp they may draw some blood. What will happen then?

Please dont get another dog... Dogs are not for everyone and they are most definitely not disposable.

ancientgirl May 13th, 2008 07:14 PM

I agree with Masha. You have a small child, and had to put down one dog already. I'm wondering if your former dog even had aggression issues before you put him in your home. Dogs that are in homes with small children need supervision, mainly because small children don't know how to properly handle them. Ultimately they will sometimes get bitten, why? Because they were too rough with the dog or even cat.

Please, do not get another dog. You apologized in your other thread for letting us down. IMO, it's not us you let down.

TinaMcq May 13th, 2008 07:50 PM

excuse me for asking a question. I constantly think of Skipper and if any of you were put in the same situation some of you would had done the same thing. I don't reveil everything It wasen't Skippers first bit it was his fourth if you really need to know. I worked with him the best I could my son was to afraid of him. I don't care what any of you think I ask question and get nothing but fake rude people. I don't dispose of dogs I have had dogs all my life and all but Skipper died of old age or cancer so all of you can go to hell.

Frenchy May 13th, 2008 08:08 PM

[QUOTE=TinaMcq;592467]e get nothing but fake rude people. [/QUOTE]

First of all , you haven't seen rude yet !!!

Second of all , you obviously aren't ready nor are you in a position to adopt.

Frenchy May 13th, 2008 08:09 PM

[QUOTE=TinaMcq;592467] so all of you can go to hell.[/QUOTE]

No problem , I like it there , it's pretty hot. :D

happycats May 13th, 2008 08:14 PM

[QUOTE=Frenchy;592479]No problem , I like it there , it's pretty hot. :D[/QUOTE]

Yeah and that's where all the fun is!!:evil:

funny thing is she thinks she's going somewhere else!!:laughing:

BusterKitty May 13th, 2008 08:18 PM

As Frenchy said, no, you haven't seen rude yet. Get a fish first and once your child is older, MAYBE get another dog. You might even fall in love with the fish since it's pretty low maintenance =)

happycats May 13th, 2008 08:20 PM

[QUOTE=BusterKitty;592488]As Frenchy said, no, you haven't seen rude yet. Get a fish first and once your child is older, MAYBE get another dog. You might even fall in love with the fish since it's pretty low maintenance =)[/QUOTE]

The kid is 10! and they live with grandma! maybe [B]she[/B] needs to GROW UP before getting another dog!!

Fish is good!

14+kitties May 13th, 2008 08:44 PM

Tina - I have tried to stay out of this post. Now it's time to get involved.

It has upset me so much that Skipper was put down without giving him a chance. You were given so much good advice about things you could do to help him be better adjusted. You told us so many times about his aggression on the elevator. You asked our opinion about what you could do to help him. You never once took us up on any of our suggestions.

Did you get in touch with any shelters, rescues, so forth before you reached the decision to put him down? Did you get in touch with anyone who would work with him? No, you just put him down.

Please, I beg of you, [B]before[/B] (and I hope it is not too late) you bring another dog into your life teach YOUR SON how to handle, be around, communicate with, be GENTLE with a dog. Because you know what, never once in all the pleas for help that you made, never once [B]until the end[/B] did you admit to us that [B]your son[/B] played rough with Skipper. That probably is what aided his aggresion. It sure didn't help.

I agree with everyone else. PLEASE do not get another poor puppy who will probably meet the same fate. Get a fish. At least they are flushable!

Frenchy May 13th, 2008 08:49 PM


Please, I beg of you, [B]before[/B] (and I hope it is not too late) you bring another dog into your life [/QUOTE]

She already did , posted about it , but deleted the post.

14+kitties May 13th, 2008 09:03 PM

[QUOTE=Frenchy;592499]She already did , posted about it , but deleted the post.[/QUOTE]

Oh, that poor poor puppy. What has it to look forward to? :sad: Will her son teach it how to be aggresive too?

TinaMcq May 13th, 2008 09:12 PM

Somebody gave me a web link for doggonesafe something like that I have it in my favorites. I tried to find him other places I didn't know kijiji was not a good place. I am going through other issues that a pretty hard to handle which is not an excuse but without going into detail would be pretty bad if I had kept Skipper believe me when I say if I could have kept I would have. I wanted to find a different home, nobody is in my position and nobody should be so rude. I understand that people have a right to there own opinions and feelings. My son was afraid of Skipper my grandma was afraid of Skipper and I did try everything people said to try I wouldn't have asked if I didn't want the advice. Again I am sorry if I let people down but there is nothing anyone can say that could change the outcome. I loved him cared for him tried my best with him.

Yes I will admit that we got a puppy and I know its alot more work but we can teach him right from the beginning and we can socialize him right from the beginning we don't have him yet but will be soon getting him. I have talked and talked with my son we go over that site. I know its early I wasen't planning on getting this soon but it happened.

TinaMcq May 13th, 2008 09:22 PM

plus my son never made Skipper aggresive he was aggressive when I got him.

14+kitties May 13th, 2008 09:33 PM

I'm sorry Tina, I wasn't trying to be rude. Just trying to point out all of the options you had that you didn't take. Believe me, I can be ruder. :D A whole lot ruder!
There are so many of us on this site who go through hell and high water to do anything we can for our pets. Some of them have been very unhealthy but because of the owners hard work, love and determination they are still with them. Some of the other dogs have had large issues and the owners have worked with them constantly to correct this. Some of us look after a large, very large, number of animals because we know without us those animals would be dead. Some of us break piggybanks, search the couch, look under beds for spare change so we can feed our pets. Some of us have scars from cats and dogs being terrified of us but we know the best thing for them is to pick them up and take them to safety so we suffer the scars gladly. Some of us............ do you get the picture?

You have eluded to problems you are going through. We all go through problems. But we don't go out and get another dog after putting one to sleep the day before until those problems are solved!

It is not an easy task. It is 24/7. It is teaching everyone in your house how to correctly handle a dog. If the picture in your avatar is of your new dog then it does not look like a puppy. Why are the people getting rid of it? Does it have issues too? Have you spent time with it to see if you and your son and grandmother are suited to the dog? You couldn't have because this is all happening way too fast. You just got rid of Skipper the other day. Oh, I'm sorry, that was rude. :rolleyes:

[B] but we can teach him right from the beginning and we can socialize him right from the beginning[/B][/QUOTE]

Are you going to teach your son that too? He is 10 years old. Hardly a baby and very well old enough to know better!

Winston May 13th, 2008 09:35 PM

I am going to hold back any opinions I have at this time because this thread is really pissing me off...

I would like to suggest to you kindly that you seek some help! I dont mean this in a bad have ALOT of questions and I honestly think you have made a hasty decision with getting another pet at this time. Having said that PLEASE seek some training advice for you and your family!

A dog needs a pack leader and I am sorry to say you are not! A dog needs stability and consistancy not just cuddles and kisses! PLEASE listen to the advice of those who have walked down the road of pet ownership and heed our advice!


14+kitties May 13th, 2008 09:35 PM

[QUOTE=TinaMcq;592509]plus my son never made Skipper aggresive he was aggressive when I got him.[/QUOTE]

Your son's behaviour sure as heck didn't help! And what did you do to stop it? Don't get me started. You should never ever have taken a dog with known issues into your house when you have a child who does not know how to handle it!

I think this is a lost cause. You think we are all attacking you when in reality we are trying to make you see you are not ready for another animal of any kind. You just aren't!

clm May 13th, 2008 09:45 PM

I dislike people who don't tell the truth, and this OP hasn't been straight about so many things when it came to the first dog and now this alleged pup. :shrug: If she's looking for attention, she's getting lots of it, but I'll never read another post from her again. Not worth the time or effort IMO.


angeldogs May 13th, 2008 09:55 PM

You got another puppy.and it being a pup you can teach it right.did you ever think that skipper's aggression was learnt aggression.or medical.i was just at a seminar on behavioral therapy and training and the speaker was saying infected anal glands can cause outside of training did you look into see if it was could have rehomed him and been up front with the biting and have them sign that they know he was a bitter and take full responsibility for him and his action as the new owners.aggression can be dealt with out having to be PTS

14+kitties May 13th, 2008 09:55 PM

Yes, she has the honour of being the only one on my ignore list. I had her on before but was stupid enough to try to help her. Not again.
Oh, and Tina, the PM you sent me was everything you had already said in here. No more excuses. Just please do a better job with this new poor baby.

rainbow May 14th, 2008 02:21 AM

[B]Tina,[/B] I agree with what everyone has said to you.....not only in this thread but all the others. But, since you have unfortuneately already gotten another puppy, I would suggest that both you and your son take it to obedience school as you both have a lot to learn about raising a puppy.

Rottielover May 14th, 2008 06:07 AM

I was not going to jump into this thread because it brought back a flood of hurtful memories.
I had a dog named bear that I got from a no kill shelter, he was 5 years old, he was at the shelter for 3 1/2 years of his life in a garage with only 1 other dog as company.
When I took him out, that moment I knew he would be a lot of work, as he lunged in fear at everything that moved. He was great with me, great with old people, but anything, and anybody else you could see the fear in his eyes every time he lunged.
I did trainers, I did behaviorists for 3 years. Finally the day came where he could no longer go outside. Only time he felt safe was when the lights were off, blinds , windows closed and on my lap.
Then we went for a very early walk, away from cars and people. Then a truck came, he then threw me in front of a large truck and almost killed both of us.
I called my vet, spoke to her for hours, I did all that could be done to try to save this dog. I then made the hardest decision of my life and had him put down.
I just want to let everyone know, I do not know what the OP has tried to do, but not every dog can or should be saved from the demons in their heads.
Now I sit and cry

RIP Bear:rip:

Love4himies May 14th, 2008 06:23 AM

Tina, sorry to hear you got another puppy, I think it would have been better to wait and do some research on dogs.

What are you going to do if this one bites too, there are no guarantees. Please take everybody's advice and go for the training and listen to what the trainer tells you to do. These people on this forum have vast experience with dogs and know what they are talking about.

Rottielover: :grouphug:

danaekitty May 14th, 2008 07:57 AM

[QUOTE=TinaMcq;591180] He did get put down, its been a horrible ordeal for all of us...[/QUOTE]

[QUOTE=TinaMcq;592467]Skipper died of old age or cancer so all of you can go to hell.[/QUOTE]


I'm sorry that I did not see this post before I responded to your other one.
Happycats - if you're here, I hope we can still be e-friends!
Rottielover - thanks for your point of view, I think it was very important.:lovestruck:

14+kitties May 14th, 2008 08:38 AM


I'm sorry that I did not see this post before I responded to your other one.
Happycats - if you're here, I hope we can still be e-friends!
Rottielover - thanks for your point of view, I think it was very important.:lovestruck:[/QUOTE]

Once again danae - she did not say Skipper died of old age or cancer. She said all of her dogs BESIDES Skipper did. Likely story.

danaekitty May 14th, 2008 09:14 AM

Oops, I mis-read that post. Sorry!

happycats May 14th, 2008 10:05 AM


I'm sorry that I did not see this post before I responded to your other one.
Happycats - if you're here, I hope we can still be e-friends!
Rottielover - thanks for your point of view, I think it was very important.:lovestruck:[/QUOTE]

No problem, we're still efriends! :grouphug:;)

Chaser May 14th, 2008 12:05 PM

Here, a comprehensive list of shelter/rescue services in Ontario, including many no-kill organizations. Please print it and USE IT if you have any problems with your new puppy. This is not hard to do.


And maybe it would be a good idea to spend less time posting and PMing trying to defend yourself and more time training your dog and your son? Opinions on here are simply that - our opinions. You never have to meet any of the members of this forum, so maybe you should just let it go. It sounds like you are wasting a lot of time and energy...and I don't think you will change any minds.

14+kitties May 14th, 2008 01:16 PM

[QUOTE=Rottielover;592654]I was not going to jump into this thread because it brought back a flood of hurtful memories.
I had a dog named bear that I got from a no kill shelter, he was 5 years old, he was at the shelter for 3 1/2 years of his life in a garage with only 1 other dog as company.
When I took him out, that moment I knew he would be a lot of work, as he lunged in fear at everything that moved. He was great with me, great with old people, but anything, and anybody else you could see the fear in his eyes every time he lunged.
I did trainers, I did behaviorists for 3 years. Finally the day came where he could no longer go outside. Only time he felt safe was when the lights were off, blinds , windows closed and on my lap.
Then we went for a very early walk, away from cars and people. Then a truck came, he then threw me in front of a large truck and almost killed both of us.
I called my vet, spoke to her for hours, I did all that could be done to try to save this dog. I then made the hardest decision of my life and had him put down.
I just want to let everyone know, I do not know what the OP has tried to do, but not every dog can or should be saved from the demons in their heads.
Now I sit and cry

RIP Bear:rip:[/QUOTE]

Rottielover - I don't think anyone was trying to say that all dogs are trainable/fixable. I just think maybe this one was. There were so many other options available besides the one that was taken. It was the easy way out. Way too easy.
You said you spent 3 years working with Bear :rip:. You tried your darnedest. IMO I don't think that is true with the OP. We have all tried to give advice. I never heard of any that was taken. Skipper was only 15 months old. Cockers may have a rep for being biters. Other dogs do as well. I just feel like this poor guy was handed a death sentence the day he was adopted. I just pray the same doesn't happen with the new puppy.

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