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heidiho May 1st, 2007 04:11 PM

Getting my own place in Maui!!
Well we have been talking and in a few months,once i financially am ok,i am getting my own place,we just cannot get along,we are both set in our ways and the fighting is never ending about just stupid things,so we are gonna date just not live together and see if it is meant to be.Breaking up w/ roxy involved breaks my heart but he can come see her and stuff..Just an update..

chico2 May 1st, 2007 04:19 PM

Aww Heidi,sorry to hear that,I hope you will be able to manage on your own financially:fingerscr
Roxy will be fine,as long as she is with you,the ones that are worse off are the 2 kitties you've been feeding:sad:
I was hoping you and Mark were a lifelong relationship,but poop happens,not much to do but pick up and go on.

Lukka'sma May 1st, 2007 04:22 PM

Aww Heidi, so sorry that things are not going well for the two of you. I wish the best for you.
Do you have family in Hawaii or are they all on the mainland. (not sure of your prior life before I arrived on this site a few months ago) Anyway, it's a hard thing on the heart regardless of it being a joint decision. Take care

jiorji May 1st, 2007 04:26 PM

awww Heidi :sad:

Lukka'sma May 1st, 2007 04:30 PM

Hey, look at this Heidi, the future is looking brighter already. You can date other people right?


RolandsMom May 1st, 2007 04:30 PM

oh Heidi, im sorry to hear that. i was wondering how it was going. sometimes living together just doesnt work.
i really hope the dating thing goes well. Roxy will be fine. i know what you are going through and i will be sending you lots of:grouphug: and:goodvibes: . let us know how the move goes.

TeriM May 1st, 2007 04:31 PM

So sorry to hear things aren't going well for you. Big hugs and good wishes that things will get better :grouphug: .

RolandsMom May 1st, 2007 04:31 PM

woohee! Lukkas'ma. if she cant, send him my way!!!! :D

Dog Dancer May 1st, 2007 04:32 PM

Heidi, so sorry things aren't working out for you two right now. Sometimes you do need some space and time to work things through though. Maybe a bit of distance will make things clearer for you both. If it works out later that's good, if not, well life goes on. Just don't get down about it Heidi, don't slide into bad places. We're all here to support you emotionally and through the hard times. Use away girl - just make sure you use us! Roxy will still be loved to pieces so she'll be fine. Take care of yourself.

heidiho May 1st, 2007 04:32 PM

Yeah it is a horrible situation,but we talked about it,and he will keep feeding the 2 cats for me,and said most likely he will let them come inside and hang out when they want,they are my main concern cause i know no one will take care of them like me,but i will stop over there a few times a week(hard not to get teary eyed thinking about not seeing them everydday)My family lives in arizona,but i have nothing there except really bad memories and habits,this is my home now and i filled out an app for government apts,only 600.00 a month but waiting list is long,so we will see,and no pets allowed,so i am going to doctor to get prescription for anxiety and roxy will be the medication,i know alot of people here that have done that,if that doesnt work i will look around for a place i can afford and allows cats,if that doesnt work i am screwed and mark will get to keep her,Which i just cant let happen,just because she is all i have,he loves her to death to,but knows she is my cat........

Lukka'sma May 1st, 2007 04:40 PM

[QUOTE=RolandsMom;418405]woohee! Lukkas'ma. if she cant, send him my way!!!! :D[/QUOTE]

We have been down this road before about him. It probably is too early for Heidi to even consider dating him. He's smoking' though isn't he. He lives on Heidi's island I think.

heidiho May 1st, 2007 04:51 PM

:laughing: :laughing: He lives on Oahu,and yes we will be dating other people,well i will be,he doesnt want kids and stuff,and i dont know if i do or not,but iam not ready to give up that dream of maybe having them..Also he just isnt into doing couple things,he either wants to surf or drink beer,and there are so many things i want to do here,that is COOL to him so he doesnt do them..And as far as i see it,if it is meant to be it will be,but i need to live on my own to figure it out you know,i cant do it living there not knowing am i here cause he needs my part of the income or am i here cause he is so in love w/ me.Which i honestly dont believe he is in love w/ me nor am i to him.I think we are holding on to this jsut because it is a great story of how we got back together after 14 years,but we really have nothing in common.

Lukka'sma May 1st, 2007 05:04 PM

I had no idea you knew each other years ago. I guess dating someone you dated before kind of reminds you of all the reasons it didn't work in the first place.
All kidding aside about Leland, I wish you the best Heidi and I hope you are on a path that leads you to your OZ, whatever that may be.

breeze May 1st, 2007 05:19 PM

Heidi, It's better you find out now than later if you guys are compatible, there are no kids involed, just Roxy and there is no doubt in my mind that she belongs with you, you will find out if there is real love or not,
with everything that is in your past look how far you have come !!! you did it girl there is only the bright side to look forward to now ..
big :grouphug: and :goodvibes: :fingerscr sent your way

heidiho May 1st, 2007 05:27 PM

We talked about that to,14 years ago it didnt work,and then we see each other for the first time in 14 years for 7 days,which of course is filled w/pure fun and no worries,then i move here and we do it together(instead of getting my own place first) only to realize the only great thing we had was s**.And once that wears off somewhat we have nothing in common,and it does suck because what a great story,but i jsut dont think this is the one for me nor am i for him.I am not perfect by far,but i look at him and think this is not someone who has really ever totally grew up.It was great when i was 22 but not at 37 and him at 47,there is just a maturity that i want in a guy that he does not have.

Maya May 1st, 2007 06:06 PM

Hopefully you can still be friends and he will cook for you every now and then.:) Break ups are stressful to say the least.:sad: I think it does get a little easier as we get older though. Hope you find a good place.:fingerscr :fingerscr :fingerscr

Frenchy May 1st, 2007 06:21 PM

I'm so sorry Heidiho, but I'm glad you decided to stay and get a place of your own ! :thumbs up

heidiho May 1st, 2007 06:38 PM

At first he was mad because i was staying on island.But he now realizes and is happy he could at least bring me somewhere like this and show me there is a better way of life,so we should be ok living on such a small island,it would be weird running into him w/ a girl but i will get over it.My boss is saying i shouldnt put that i have a cat on application,this is the hard thing finding a place that allows pets that I CAN AFFORD.Not sure how this is gonna work..I might have to get 2 jobs so i can afford to live somewhere where i can have her,i have lost to many pets and i am not gonna live without roxy........even if i have to hook.just kidding.........

cpietra16 May 1st, 2007 06:48 PM

Oh Heidi, I'm sorry it isn't working. I'm happy you're not thinking of going back to Arizona. Give it some time. Things usually have a way of working out. You're smart and beautiful, you can find a job.Start your own business...isn't there something you always wanted to do?

marsupial mama May 1st, 2007 06:56 PM

sorry to hear about this :sad: , but like someone else said, better sooner than later and with no kids etc.

i don;t know all your story but I get the feeling you have had some rough times. i really hope things will work out for you on all fronts and that you will find an affordable place where you can have pets too. You have been such a wonder caring for Roxy and her relatives, and what goes around comes around so I hope you find your pet friendly home.

Wishing you all the best.

heidiho May 1st, 2007 06:59 PM

I tell you,it would be impossible to have lived here,then to go back to Arizona,not gonna happen,i thought about it,and that is just a bad nightmare that i could honestly tell you i probably would fall back into,just because i have nothing there(well mom and dad)but i mean no future or anything,.I love it here and my cats are here,and mark is here,so someday if it is meant to be it can be..I have a decent job,so i am gonna make it one way or another.I did make business cards up for pet sittting and dog walking but only handed out a few,cause some woman started one on the westside here and she is insured,bonded and liscensed and i dont have any of that,so when i see someone walking a dog i hand them one,and i have given a few out to people i know to pass on,but that is about it,NOTHING else interests me to do at all besides that.I was thinking if i ever want to make real money i need to get into a big hotel place here,but it just isnt me....

Frenchy May 1st, 2007 07:01 PM

Why don't you want to work in hotels ? Must be great to work for people on vacation, happy people :D

cpietra16 May 1st, 2007 07:07 PM

Get someone to help you write a business proposal about opening a a doggie/ kittie spa/ hotel. I bet there aren't any in the area??? I bet with a great presentation and demand a bank would listen...worth a shot if you love animals

heidiho May 1st, 2007 07:11 PM

Yeah you would think that huh!!Well i got shocking news for you,you would be suprised how many people come in here to check in and are the biggest a** holes,and where i work doesnt get nearly as busy as say The Hyatt,some people come in here sooooo miserable and bitchy i am in awe,and at this point in life i dont have that in me anymore to tolerate be treated that way,and my boss is so cool he doesnt expect me to.

heidiho May 1st, 2007 07:17 PM

Ok one place out for sure,just emailed me doctors note or not,NO PETS.......

Prin May 1st, 2007 07:21 PM

:grouphug: Good luck, Heidi.

Frenchy May 1st, 2007 07:43 PM

Is there a car dealer near ? Maybe I could move there and you could dogsit my fuzzbutts ? :D (If you don't overcharge :shrug: ) and I could put the moves on the guy posted before (so not hip, don't know who the heck he is) :confused:

heidiho May 1st, 2007 07:44 PM

Ok have appt thursday at 6:00 for a studio $800.00 a month(includes utilities) she will consider cat as long as it is strictly indoors,which i made clear she is and always will be,although i dont even on a tv or dishes or bed,but we can rough it.

Frenchy May 1st, 2007 07:51 PM

That's the fun part (I always tought anyway) getting a place alone , on your own and just manage with what you have. Hope you get this one :fingerscr

heidiho May 1st, 2007 08:00 PM

I think so to,you know we have had fights and he says it s his place when he knows i hate that crap.Never again unless i have 4 carats on finger and $$ in the bank,might sound shallow but idont care,learned my lesson again.I am pretty excited about my own place.w/roxy

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