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Frenchy April 14th, 2010 12:47 PM

Looking for a used screen door
If anyone has one to sell .... I'm buying. But it has to be 28" large (or wide?)

I was looking at used and new ones , it usually starts at 30" :confused:

I need this for a little project I have. :goodvibes: I'm not asking for free , I will pay for the door.

aslan April 14th, 2010 12:50 PM

if i cut and grooved the boards and numbered them,,then sent it to you would you be able to follow instructions to put it together,,kinda like a jigsaw puzzle.

Frenchy April 14th, 2010 12:51 PM

[QUOTE=aslan;908223]if i cut and grooved the boards and numbered them,,then sent it to you would you be able to follow instructions to put it together,,kinda like a jigsaw puzzle.[/QUOTE]

you think ? :confused:

aslan April 14th, 2010 12:57 PM

i could make you a simple one,,like two sides, top bottom and a piece across the center and screen the whole thing,,,or make the bottom solid for safety,,,if Jenniev came to town i could send it back with her. or are you talking fancy like mine...

Frenchy April 14th, 2010 12:58 PM

[QUOTE=aslan;908239] or are you talking fancy like mine...[/QUOTE]

no no , nothing fancy , just very basic :o

aslan April 14th, 2010 01:01 PM

solid bottom or all screen....mine is made of cedar,,it doesn't warp, mold or mildew,,etc, etc..and it smells good.

Frenchy April 14th, 2010 01:03 PM

[QUOTE=aslan;908249]solid bottom or all screen....mine is made of cedar,,it doesn't warp, mold or mildew,,etc, etc..and it smells good.[/QUOTE]

I was thinking solid wooded frame , put screen , and put some wooded "bars" across it to reinforce the screen. But that's only if I can't find a used one. I'm looking at wood or aluminium screen doors.

aslan April 14th, 2010 01:04 PM

k well if you don't find a door let me know..

Frenchy April 14th, 2010 01:06 PM

[QUOTE=aslan;908254]k well if you don't find a door let me know..[/QUOTE]

thanks aslan :2huggers:

BenMax April 14th, 2010 01:30 PM

I will be scoping the garage sales for you never know what you will find there..:laughing: (just the thought of your last find makes me giggle).

Frenchy April 14th, 2010 02:42 PM

[QUOTE=BenMax;908265]I will be scoping the garage sales for you never know what you will find there..:laughing: (just the thought of your last find makes me giggle).[/QUOTE]

:lightbulb: I could maybe exchange "them" for the door :laughing:

got a reply from an add I wrote to , door is 32" :(

on another note ... I have a Pedipaws to give. :pawprint:

otter April 14th, 2010 10:42 PM

Frenchy, I got a wooden screen door at "Home Hardware" for just $29
It's really basic but does the trick. They have a variety of widths available (my door is an odd size so I had to shave one down).
I guess regular price is $39,99 but they should be on sale this time of year.

old doors seem to be everywhere.. until you are trying to find one :wall::D

good luck:thumbs up

Chris21711 April 15th, 2010 09:09 AM

[QUOTE=Frenchy;908270]:lightbulb: I could maybe exchange "them" for the door :laughing:

[COLOR="RoyalBlue"]I'm still waiting on a pic of those beauties :cool:[/COLOR]

I have a Pedipaws to give. :pawprint:[/QUOTE]

You gave up on the pedipaws :confused:

Don't you think you should tell folks why you want the door :rolleyes:

Frenchy April 15th, 2010 09:16 AM

[QUOTE=Chris21711;908581]You gave up on the pedipaws :confused:

[COLOR="Magenta"]yes , and then I bought a Pedicure , and the motor seized so I took it back , and then I bought a dremel , much better ! :thumbs up[/COLOR]

Don't you think you should tell folks why you want the door :rolleyes:[/QUOTE]

I posted about it in the tjt :D

Chris21711 April 15th, 2010 10:31 AM

[QUOTE=Frenchy;908583]I posted about it in the tjt :D[/QUOTE]

I know I read it in the "chat room", I just wanted you to announce it to the WORLD :highfive:

14+kitties April 15th, 2010 10:40 AM

Don't you think you should tell folks why you want the door :rolleyes:[/QUOTE]

[QUOTE=Frenchy;908583]I posted about it in the tjt :D[/QUOTE]

[QUOTE=Chris21711;908614]I know I read it in the "chat room", I just wanted you to announce it to the WORLD :highfive:[/QUOTE]

I think she should too!! :cloud9: :highfive:
If I lived closer I could get hubby to whip you up one too. He's quite handy once I get him moving on a project. :rolleyes:

Frenchy April 15th, 2010 11:20 AM

[QUOTE=Chris21711;908614]I know I read it in the "chat room", I just wanted you to announce it to the WORLD :highfive:[/QUOTE]

[QUOTE=14+kitties;908617]I think she should too!! :cloud9: :highfive:

:laughing: you guys are too funny :laughing:

ok ok , the door is for the guest bedroom , that I'm changing into a small catuary so I can start fostering cats , maybe 2-3 at a time , or moms with kittens. If all goes well , I'll be taking the first fosters in 2 weeks.

I'm giving the bed away (just the mattress) I'll know more next week , someone might come by and pick it up. I was also looking at the base of the bed , it's an old futon wooded base , I think we can make the door by using some of this wood. :thumbs up and will also ask my friend about building a cat tree for the fosters. :cat:

I can't wait :goodvibes:

BenMax April 15th, 2010 11:27 AM

[QUOTE=Frenchy;908622]:laughing: you guys are too funny :laughing:

ok ok , the door is for the guest bedroom , that I'm changing into a small catuary so I can start fostering cats , maybe 2-3 at a time , or moms with kittens. If all goes well , I'll be taking the first fosters in 2 weeks.

I'm giving the bed away (just the mattress) I'll know more next week , someone might come by and pick it up. I was also looking at the base of the bed , it's an old futon wooded base , I think we can make the door by using some of this wood. :thumbs up and will also ask my friend about building a cat tree for the fosters. :cat:

I can't wait :goodvibes:[/QUOTE]

Yeah!!!! I have a blind girl and a 3 legged boy (we got him through a member here - but then he had 4 legs, one broken badly that required removal). You up to it???:grouphug:

Frenchy April 15th, 2010 11:32 AM

[QUOTE=BenMax;908623]Yeah!!!! I have a blind girl and a 3 legged boy (we got him through a member here - but then he had 4 legs, one broken badly that required removal). You up to it???:grouphug:[/QUOTE]

If they can wait a bit , of course I will take them ! :cat: (they get along together ?)

14+kitties April 15th, 2010 11:32 AM

[QUOTE=Frenchy;908622]:laughing: you guys are too funny :laughing:

ok ok , the door is for the guest bedroom , that I'm changing into a small catuary so I can start fostering cats , maybe 2-3 at a time , or moms with kittens. If all goes well , I'll be taking the first fosters in 2 weeks.

I'm giving the bed away (just the mattress) I'll know more next week , someone might come by and pick it up. I was also looking at the base of the bed , it's an old futon wooded base , I think we can make the door by using some of this wood. :thumbs up and will also ask my friend about building a cat tree for the fosters. :cat:

I can't wait :goodvibes:[/QUOTE]

:grouphug: You are the best!! And I am honoured you are using my word "catuary". :D You have a huge heart my friend and I am honoured to know you!! :grouphug:
I guess you don't know yet if you are going with the slats or the aluminum screening.

BM - Since you mentioned the little guy with three legs - how is he doing? :fingerscr I am sure he is flourishing with your rescues' help.

Frenchy April 15th, 2010 11:38 AM

[QUOTE=14+kitties;908627] And I am honoured you are using my word "catuary". :D [/QUOTE]

YOU have been an inspiration 14+ , by seeing everything you do :thumbs up

It killed me when I saw that Churchill wouldn't accept new foster dogs. He could get better but , I'm not going to risk the safety of a foster while trying. I get e-mails about dogs in need of rescuing every day , you don't know how that makes me feel , knowing I can't take any of them. :(

I never thought about fostering cats before for that same situation , the others might not welcome him/her , takes a long time to get them all used to one another. Then you have to start all over again with another foster cat ... but by keeping them in the "catuary" , the fosters will have less stress :thumbs up

14+kitties April 15th, 2010 11:45 AM

:grouphug: :cry:
It is a little sad more people don't take a seldom used room and do the same thing. Just think of the inroads we could make on improving the fate of a lot of kitties. :cloud9:
Churchill comes first. And yes, I know exactly how it feels to turn away an animal in need. :( It breaks our hearts slowly. But on the upside you have helped so many! :highfive:

Frenchy April 15th, 2010 11:48 AM

I should also add that , the rescue that I will be fostering the kitties for (I already fostered dogs for her 2-3 times) is making "my job" easier. All the cats (and dogs) are vetted before going into fostering. They're all tested so I know the ones I take , won't be bringing unwanted visitors to my house. :p and I really like "working" with Benmax. :)

I love this rescue. I have to say , I have fostered for 3 different rescues so far , and I love all 3. :)

Frenchy April 15th, 2010 11:52 AM

[QUOTE=14+kitties;908629]:grouphug: :cry:
It is a little sad more people don't take a seldom used room and do the same thing. [/QUOTE]

Yes , I kept thinking I need a guest bedroom .... but for what ? Having guest 2-3 times a year ? :confused: next time I have visitors , they'll just have to take my room and I'll sleep in the living room , I already fall asleep on the couch most nights anyway :laughing:

I also thought about having a roomate but only someone that I know. I don't have friends in need of a room , I do know of cats that would though :D

14+kitties April 15th, 2010 11:55 AM

[QUOTE=Frenchy;908631]Yes , I kept thinking I need a guest bedroom .... but for what ? Having guest 2-3 times a year ? :confused: next time I have visitors , they'll just have to take my room and I'll sleep in the living room , I already fall asleep on the couch most nights anyway :laughing: [/QUOTE]

I have a "free room" coming up soon too. :laughing::laughing: Hubby would kill me!!!!!

Speaking of cats - gotta go do some cleaning in a small house I know.... :rolleyes:

t.pettet April 15th, 2010 08:59 PM

Looking for a used
Is the mattress looking for a new home? mine is so old and stinky.

BenMax April 16th, 2010 08:26 AM

[QUOTE=14+kitties;908627]:grouphug: You are the best!! And I am honoured you are using my word "catuary". :D You have a huge heart my friend and I am honoured to know you!! :grouphug:
I guess you don't know yet if you are going with the slats or the aluminum screening.

[COLOR="Magenta"]She is the greatest isn't she! I am so pleased as this type of service is GOLD!!![/COLOR]

BM - Since you mentioned the little guy with three legs - how is he doing? :fingerscr I am sure he is flourishing with your rescues' help.[/QUOTE]

He is actually doing great. That leg was badly mangled and there was no saving it at that point. He can bolt like there is no tomorrow. You wouldn't even know that he was 'challenged'. To him, I am certain it's a relief and no longer hindering his mobility.:thumbs up

Now - challenge #2 is finding him a great home.

14+kitties April 16th, 2010 12:21 PM

[QUOTE=BenMax;908853]He is actually doing great. That leg was badly mangled and there was no saving it at that point. He can bolt like there is no tomorrow. You wouldn't even know that he was 'challenged'. To him, I am certain it's a relief and no longer hindering his mobility.:thumbs up

Now - challenge #2 is finding him a great home.[/QUOTE]

:cry: What good news!! I know you have said that Gerdy doesn't like hugs and such but please, corner her and give her a big one for me please. She is an :angel: for all of these homeless, frightened animals. :grouphug:
And you are right - Frenchy is the bestest!!! :grouphug:

Frenchy April 16th, 2010 12:36 PM

[QUOTE=t.pettet;908753]Is the mattress looking for a new home? mine is so old and stinky.[/QUOTE]

My sister told me about a friend of hers , but she'll only see him next week. If he doesn't want it , of course you can have it ! But it would be a long way for you to come and get it ? It's a Serta , Queen , very thick (8 inches) about 5 years old. It's a very hard mattress. I'll keep you posted !


Now - challenge #2 is finding him a great home.[/QUOTE]

might take a while but sometimes it's the contrary ... sometimes people are not looking for one more cat but if they see one with special need , they'll go : ahhhhh gotta save this poor kitty :cat:

[QUOTE=14+kitties;908973]:cry: What good news!! I know you have said that Gerdy doesn't like hugs and such but please, corner her and give her a big one for me please.

:laughing: [COLOR="Magenta"]would love to see this :laughing: Gerdy running away from Benmax :laughing:[/COLOR]
And you are right - Frenchy is the bestest!!! :grouphug:[/QUOTE]

it's all because of you all , always there for me. :grouphug:

Tundra_Queen April 20th, 2010 02:48 AM

frenchy do u have a salvation army around your place, they might have one. Or do u know of any contractors, they might have one they just removed and are going to throw it out? Would save them dumping fees. How about a junk yard? or a place where people take garage but is for dumping building stuff?

Frency that is so great about the cattery!! You are such a loving person. ((HUGS))

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