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Dog Dancer November 15th, 2011 11:08 AM

Thank you Winston
Cindy, you are amazing. Last night I got home from work and had a package in the mail. Even during her own grief over losing sweet Winston, this amazing woman took the time to make a beautiful scrap book of pictures of my two Shadow and Halo for me. Cindy you must have spent so much time searching threads to find all the pictures! It's amazing. I think the first picture page is the best with a beautiful picture of Shadow and the header "MY OLD DOG - A HEARTBEAT AT MY FEET" (Wharton). That truly was Shadow. Now she and Winston both are heartbeats and angel wings in our hearts instead.

I can't thank you enough my friend. It's so lovely. DH was amazed, he's always thought we were kinda nuts here you know, but lately he has come to realize how very special you all are. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:

So not knowing how to reciprocate (I'm not artsy) I have made a donation to 14+ in memory of Winston and Shadow. Some very needy kitties will be a little warmer this winter in memory of our two. We'll talk soon my friend. Thank you so much again, you're an angel.

Winston November 15th, 2011 11:33 AM

DD no need to recipricate I enjoyed doing it very much! I had a few laughs looking at Shadow and her funny look! with her 2 grey eyes! :D


Dog Dancer November 15th, 2011 12:06 PM

Well you will never really know how much that touched me though. It's quite stunning looking at her pictures how much grey she got around her eyes in the last five years. Of course I just need to look in the mirror myself for the same effect (not around my eyes mind you, just around my face...) She aged so suddenly after turning about 10.

I know this gift came from your heart and that just makes it so very very special to me. :angel2: :grouphug:

hazelrunpack November 15th, 2011 01:13 PM

Winston, what a thoughtful gift and a sweet gesture! :grouphug:

pbpatti November 15th, 2011 05:25 PM

This is why I love this forum. The most amazing people here to give comfort to those who need it. Winston you are truly a wonderful person thinking of others as you do. What a great gift to give. Good Karma MF.... patti

Goldfields November 15th, 2011 06:21 PM

How lovely for you, DD, and big hugs for you, Cindy. That was a great way of reciprocating, DD.

chico2 November 16th, 2011 08:55 AM

Winston,what a wonderful,thoughtful gift to DD in her time of loss,but then I always knew you were wonderful:grouphug:
DD,the donation to 14+,was very much appreciated I am certain...:grouphug:

Dog Dancer November 16th, 2011 01:15 PM

Last year when Shadow took ill, I was distraught over the fact that I wouldn't be with her anymore and she would be upset because of her extreme SA. 14+ sent me this lovely poem, I am going to put it into the album that Cindy sent me, I think it will fit in nicely. And I agree, the people on this site are just so amazing, it's one kindness after another. Truly you folks all rock my world.

Shadow’s side

Don’t worry Mom, I’ll be fine
I’ve been told there is a wonderful place
Where all my problems will be left behind
I won’t be scared when you aren’t there
Instead I’ll be watching you from up there
I’ve heard in this place there is no pain
I can play, can run, can tumble down
I’ll be up so high, I’ll feel so free
I’ll miss you but I know soon you’ll be with me
I’ll find so many old friends up there
They’ll keep me company till you can be near
Don’t worry Mom, I’ll be fine

Author: 14+

Winston November 16th, 2011 01:52 PM

Wow DD that is such a beautiful poem. I would treasure that too! It will fit in nicely in your album. I was thinking when doing it up how often we don't print our photos any more since digital came in. I often used to sit down and look through our family photo albums as a child and loved it! So something small to have a glance back at was what I was hoping to achieve and leaving room for you to fill it in as you like! with your memories.:thumbs up

You know DD I have copied many of 14+ poetry. Some of them are very profound and worthy of keeping for sure. (sorry for copyright infringements!) :laughing:

Dog Dancer November 16th, 2011 04:06 PM

Winston you are right about not printing pics these days - everything is on the camera or computer. I do print pics of major events as DH isn't computer literate enough to look at them online, so we have a few albums floating around (like from the BBQ for 160 this summer and son's wedding). I have to admit though I don't have a lot of the dogs around. It's always so hard to get a good face shot of the dogs with black dogs. First Shadow's face was just black, and then at the end she had all the grey so her eyes looked - I don't know, just didn't look quite right somehow. You have no idea how often people asked me if she was a wolf!

14+ certainly has a way with words and as soon as I got your album I knew I would have to put her poem into it. I love it just as it is though and don't really want to add anything, it's perfect.

:grouphug: to thank you again. I'll call you soon, do you think we can do a talk without crying yet???

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