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chico2 May 8th, 2008 07:30 AM

3 Attachment(s)
This is my absolute favorite time of the year and unlike last bad year,it seems everything will be blooming again:thumbs up
So far only my Magnolia and the Tulips,but the Rhodo and Lilacs are just about to.
It looks a little spars,but here are a couple of pics of my tulips in the front-yard..

BeagleMum May 8th, 2008 07:41 AM

That's so pretty, mine haven't flowered yet.

Love4himies May 8th, 2008 07:50 AM

Your tulips are so pretty, chico, are those rose bushes I see between the tulips? Roses are my favourite plants.

My Magnolia hasn't bloomed yet:sad:. It seems to be so far behind everybody elses

14+kitties May 8th, 2008 09:10 AM

Very pretty! You are right, you are a great gardener!

chico2 May 8th, 2008 09:19 AM

Yes,L4H,those are my roses,I've got about a dozen of them,I too love roses.
One of my pinks is about 25yrs old..
14+,wait until you see everything in bloom in my perennial garden,I see my poppies are budding too,it's going to be a great flower-year I think:thumbs up the Lily of the Valley are up too:thumbs up

Chris21711 May 8th, 2008 09:39 AM

Real pretty Chico. My bulb collection rendered 4 tulips, 1 daffodil and 1 fritillaria that is almost bloomed. What is that left of the tulips in the first pic? Also I have a beef, you live about an hour from me and you have buds on your poppies already :frustrated: mine are only about 6ins tall. :eek:

Love4himies May 8th, 2008 09:40 AM

[QUOTE=chico2;590367]One of my pinks is about 25yrs old..
14+,wait until you see everything in bloom in my perennial garden,I see my poppies are budding too,it's going to be a great flower-year I think:thumbs up the Lily of the Valley are up too:thumbs up[/QUOTE]

:eek:25 years old :eek:, I am envious. [SIZE="1"]umm, can you come to my place and give some lessons :D?[/SIZE]

I can't wait to see your garden in bloom.

Love4himies May 8th, 2008 09:43 AM

[QUOTE=Chris21711;590383] Also I have a beef, you live about an hour from me and you have buds on your poppies already :frustrated: mine are only about 6ins tall. :eek:[/QUOTE]

I think chico has a "special communication" with her plants and they listen to her. I think she should share it with the world [SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkRed"]or if not the world, how about[/COLOR][/SIZE].

chico2 May 8th, 2008 10:09 AM

OMG Girls,I am definetly no real gardener,I stick them in the ground and they grow:laughing:
Chris,to the left of the Tulips are a bunch of Shasta Daisies(only leaves yet),they need to be split.
But they look really good in the summer between the roses

hazelrunpack May 8th, 2008 01:19 PM

Wow, chico! Beautiful tulips!! :cloud9:

I can't believe how much ahead of us your area is. :eek: We've just gotten rid of our snow and the plants are just starting to poke through... I think I saw some daffodils out in the sunny area by the road, but everything else is still yawning and stretching--no where near blooming! :D

Love4himies May 8th, 2008 01:22 PM

[QUOTE=chico2;590398]OMG Girls,I am definetly no real gardener,I stick them in the ground and they grow:laughing:

If it was that simple how come when I stick things in the ground they don't grow? I couldn't even grow zuccini!:yell: I got some nice yellow flowers poking up all over my grass, they seem to be flourishing:D

Chris21711 May 8th, 2008 03:14 PM

[QUOTE=Love4himies;590485]If it was that simple how come when I stick things in the ground they don't grow? I couldn't even grow zuccini!:yell: I got some nice yellow flowers poking up all over my grass, they seem to be flourishing:D[/QUOTE]

My garden must be like yours then L4H.

I do have shastas though, they always grow spindly :eek:

Chris21711 May 9th, 2008 09:56 AM

OK Chico, this weekend I'm going to stick some Lily Bulbs in the ground and if they don't come up then I hold you accountable :laughing:

chico2 May 9th, 2008 04:05 PM

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Ok Chris,except I planted my lily-bulbs in the fall,maybe 5 yrs ago and they keep coming back...I think I got some pics,,

chico2 May 9th, 2008 04:07 PM

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oops,the second one was not a is the yellow one..I also have some pink ones,but cannot find the pics..

14+kitties May 9th, 2008 05:37 PM

Very very nice Chico. I am envious too. I just don't have time to work my gardens right now. The weeds have taken over. :sad: After the long weekend and a visit to mom I should be able to take a few hours to do some gardening. My customers know if my car is here, I am here.
Wanna come help? :fingerscr

rainbow May 10th, 2008 01:23 AM

Spindly Shastas and yellow flowers in the grass......sounds like my place. :laughing:

chico2 May 10th, 2008 06:38 AM

Well girls,don't feel bad,when I was younger with 3 boys in school,work gardening was minimal,never heard of perennials:laughing:old(er)age has it's silver-lining:)
14+I know where your prioritys lie :cat::cat::cat::cat::cat::cat::cat::cat:
and if gas was not $1,26 liter and rising,I did not have to paint,cook,clean house,did not have achy bones,I'd be at your house in no time:laughing:

rainbow May 10th, 2008 02:07 PM

:laughing: I do feel bad though.......I'm almost your age and my brown thumbs have never turned green. :o

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