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kathryn August 13th, 2009 08:34 PM

Eagles sign Vick

On behalf of the entire city of Philadelphia (of which I am a metro-area member) I would like to apologize for our home team signing a scum of the earth dog murdering animal torturing :censored::censored: :loser::loser: :yuck::evil: :wall:.

14+kitties August 13th, 2009 08:47 PM

The only way the message is going to get across to the mighty NFL is to stop watching football. Now do you really think a football loving nation like the United States is about to give up their favourite game because of one :loser: who deserved to spend his life behind bars? The answer would be a resounding No!!
So, what can you do about it? The only way it will sink in that people do not approve of Vicks' despicable actions is to stop filling the NFL's very deep pockets. Just my :2cents:

kathryn August 13th, 2009 08:56 PM

My dad is a GIGANTIC eagles fan.. he is FURIOUS. if vick really is playing (he honestly can't believe it) he said he's done with them. he has 2 eagles tattoos and an entire eagles wardrobe... He said he is ASHAMED to be an eagles fan right now..

waiting until the protests start. You better count me in for those!

LavenderRott August 13th, 2009 09:01 PM

[QUOTE=14+kitties;813752]The only way the message is going to get across to the mighty NFL is to stop watching football. Now do you really think a football loving nation like the United States is about to give up their favourite game because of one :loser: who deserved to spend his life behind bars? The answer would be a resounding No!!
So, what can you do about it? The only way it will sink in that people do not approve of Vicks' despicable actions is to stop filling the NFL's very deep pockets. Just my :2cents:[/QUOTE]

Watching the games doesn't make the NFL the money. Unless, of course, you are sitting in the stands.

You are better off not buying any football related products and writing to sponsors. The NFL makes a ton off of sponsors. If they pull their adds, the NFL might just listen.

Shaykeija August 13th, 2009 10:25 PM

all we need now is a list of their sponsers.

LavenderRott August 13th, 2009 10:28 PM

[QUOTE=Shaykeija;813826]all we need now is a list of their sponsers.[/QUOTE]

I would love to help here - but I refuse to watch football. I absolutely despise the sport.

MyBirdIsEvil August 14th, 2009 01:45 AM

Well, I was a huge NFL fan, and I personally decided to stop watching football and never buy any of their merchandise again when I heard Vick was being reinstated. My husband did the same. It would be great if all other animal lovers would do similar, but I don't see it happening.

Glad I've already stopped watching football because I USED to be an Eagles fan. Well, not anymore.

[QUOTE]W[B]atching the games doesn't make the NFL the money. Unless, of course, you are sitting in the stands.[/B]

You are better off not buying any football related products and writing to sponsors. The NFL makes a ton off of sponsors. If they pull their adds, the NFL might just listen[/QUOTE].

Yeah, but the sponsors only pay for ads because of the huge ratings. If people stop watching then there's no reason for the sponsors to pay for ads.

Writing the sponsors is still a good idea, but they won't care as long as the amount of people watching the game doesn't go down that much.

Golden Girls August 14th, 2009 06:59 AM

OMG longtime Eagle fan, CRUSHED

Kathryn my roomie not only has an entire eagle wardrobe like your dad (I have some) we also have an entire eagle house, clocks towels cups the biggest fridge magnet ever, flags everywhere - you name it it's here

Was sooo looking forward to Sept 3rd's Jets preseason game. A trip was also planned for their opening game

And then this news :sad: I don't understand why they would do this, these fans can be the cruelest of cruel (of course with reason lol) but common - what are they thinking

NFL had an apportunity to teach through example a valuable "moral" lesson, instead they chose to not only reinstate MV but give a 1.6M contract with a 2nd yr option of 5.2M :eek:

There are petitions you can sign, send letters boycotting sponsor's that use the Eagles, Campbells being huge. Don't assume everyone else is, it only takes a few minutes, just google tons of stuff going on right now

CBS Sports' James Brown is doing a "60 Minutes" Report, why is this :censored: getting airtime :confused:


:lightbulb: It is better to keep ones mouth closed and be thought a fool then to open it and remove all doubt.

I will NOT tune in and told them [email][/email]

chico2 August 14th, 2009 07:13 AM

I do not normally read the sport-pages,but have been for a long time,just waiting to see what team would be stupid enough to sign Vick.:yell:

I read even some of the players don't want him.
I like LR,cannot stand watching foot-ball and know nothing of the game.

He'll be making $1.6 mill,while the Best Friends Sanctuary are still trying to rehab his dogs,it's sickening beyond belief,but we all knew it would happen:evil:

There probably are people who figure he's done his time and is sorry,sure!!!
IMO,someone like this monster can never be forgiven.

14+kitties August 14th, 2009 07:22 AM

[QUOTE=LavenderRott;813768]Watching the games doesn't make the NFL the money. Unless, of course, you are sitting in the stands.
You are better off not buying any football related products and writing to sponsors. The NFL makes a ton off of sponsors. If they pull their adds, the NFL might just listen.[/QUOTE]

I kinda figured they went hand in hand. You don't watch the barbaric game to start with, football related products would naturally go down the toilet. I have never indulged in watching that "sport". Can't see the sense in grown men smashing into each other causing major injury and calling it fun. :shrug: If ratings went down for the televised games sponsors would stop trying to pawn their stuff during the game.

:lightbulb: Better yet, why not stop buying the sponsors stuff?

People have short memories when it comes to these atrocities. It needs to be kept in the forefront. Too bad his "salary" couldn't have gone straight to
Best Friends Sanctuary. :frustrated:

adammo August 14th, 2009 07:44 AM

Lots of Eagles fans here :).

I too am one and am very torn on this news. I despise what he did but I am a big fan of the NFL. I kept saying when they were talking about his re-instatement to forget about all of the outside stuff and just concentrate on why you watch sports - for the athletic ability and entertainment. Now that he is with my team it is much harder to tell myself this!! The one thing I keep thinking now is that there are a lot of athletes that live lives much different than we see in the games (McNair for example). I'm going to try and forget about the outside stuff, but I know it probably won't happen :(

LavenderRott August 14th, 2009 08:25 AM

I can't find the clip but I heard it several times on the radio this morning. About what Vick did - we all know that he destroyed several "under performing" dogs with his own hands - but when the interviewer was listing these things, he also mentioned "throwing the family dogs into a pit and lauging as they were killed". Personally - this is a whole new level of heartlessness and goes directly to the character of the "man".

Whether we like it or not, our sports stars are role models. Especially to underpriveledged children who live in exactly the same neighborhood the Mr. Vick grew up in and in similar neighborhoods around the country. Yes, he did his time. But that doesn't mean that he should be able to go right back to what he was doing before.

Pete Rose was banned for life from baseball for betting. No lives were lost. Because of his betting he is ineligable to be inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame.

Melinda August 14th, 2009 10:12 AM

I went to the page and left comments, not good ones, I'm also writing to the city (P.A.) to voice my displeasure at how a "brotherhood" city could have links with this "mans" name....don't know if it will do any good, but if enough voice their opinions , we will be heard

marko August 14th, 2009 10:36 AM

I wonder if animal loving players on opposing teams will go after him with extra gusto during the game because of this. I won't know the answer though cuz even though I only watch maybe 3 games a year, those days are over effective immediately.

Melinda August 14th, 2009 10:39 AM

one can only hope they do Marko, maybe his career will end that way???

BenMax August 14th, 2009 11:22 AM

I think there will be reprocussions for him once he walks into play. I cannot believe (or I choose not to) that he will be welcomed back without reprisal. Someone here mentioned getting a hold of the sponsors. I think that is an excellent way for people to protest. He is bringing everyone around him down and they may not take too kindly to this.

Interesting that the name of this team is that of an animal.

LavenderRott August 14th, 2009 11:35 AM

Campbell's (as in soup) is one of the largest sponsors of the NFL with tons of their money spent on commercials featuring players.

Effective immediately - my house will NOT be eating Campbell's soup and we will be collecting all of our non-Campbell labels. These will be sent, with a note, to Campbell.

BenMax August 14th, 2009 11:36 AM

[QUOTE=LavenderRott;813968]Campbell's (as in soup) is one of the largest sponsors of the NFL with tons of their money spent on commercials featuring players.

Effective immediately - my house will NOT be eating Campbell's soup and we will be collecting all of our non-Campbell labels. These will be sent, with a note, to Campbell.[/QUOTE]

Nice!!!:thumbs up

14+kitties August 14th, 2009 11:44 AM

This is an old sponsor article from when he was arrested. Darn, I love my Diet Coke! :sad:



Love4himies August 14th, 2009 11:50 AM

I guess it was pretty naive of my to think that a team wouldn't touch him with a 10 foot pool. :sad:

ancientgirl August 14th, 2009 11:55 AM

I also hate watching any sports, especially watching a bunch of millionaires throw a ball around.

I can only hope this team has shot itself in the foot. I'd actually like to find out what the first game he will be playing in will be. Only to watch as he comes out on the field to really loud boo's!

BenMax August 14th, 2009 12:15 PM

Petition signed - thank you for the link.:thumbs up

CearaQC August 14th, 2009 12:40 PM

[QUOTE=14+kitties;813970]This is an old sponsor article from when he was arrested. Darn, I love my Diet Coke! :sad:


In my opinion do NOT drink anything with aspartame in it!!


NFL is all about profit. Not surprised. I can't stand pro sports of any kind and support none of them.

MommaKat August 14th, 2009 12:57 PM

I am also surprised and upset about the Eagles signing him..

I did watch his press conference. Normally, I'm always advocating for 2nd chances but what he did was so cruel,monstrous and perverse. I have young Nephews who are HUGE football fans and I remember when all this started, my sister had to explain to them what he did and why he could not play football. I have no clue how she is going to explain why he's allowed to play again :frustrated::yell::shrug:.

Press conference video...


Dog Dancer August 14th, 2009 03:42 PM

Sad day for football. Unfortunately I don't believe that the vast majority of NFL fans are going to stop going to games to show their dislike of Vick. Eagles fans will largely continue to go to the games in droves. I agree that the best way to show our disdain is to let the sponsors know that we will boycott their products. The sponsors is where the money is at. But I say kudos to everybody who does stop going to the games because of this, and if I had any NFL stuff (especially Eagles) I'd mail it back to them.

chico2 August 14th, 2009 03:51 PM

To be honest,I could not even watch the press-conference,to me Vick looks like Mefisto himself,a purely evil man.
Sure he is trying to be humble and sorry for what he did,but I just don't buy it,to do what he did to these poor animals,he has to be evil through and through,I could never in my life forgive such a person.

Melinda August 14th, 2009 06:26 PM


campbellsoup web page canada, I just wrote to them

sugarcatmom August 14th, 2009 08:19 PM

Gotta love what this ex-Eagles fan is doing on eBay:

Jim Hall August 14th, 2009 10:50 PM

[QUOTE=sugarcatmom;814072]Gotta love what this ex-Eagles fan is doing on eBay:
lol free enterprise rulles

chico2 August 15th, 2009 07:54 AM

SCM,that's so funny:laughing:love it:thumbs up

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