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marko October 1st, 2007 06:46 AM

October challenge - Pets in costume
This should be a super cute challenge and even though Halloween is at the end of the month, let's start getting ready immediately.

I took shots this weekend of Li'l Ziglet and I'll post them later today or tomorrow.



Byrd October 1st, 2007 06:16 PM

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K, I'll be first. This is an old one, but it fits.

chocolatecoffee October 1st, 2007 06:20 PM

This is absolutely my favourite of Cannelle. Argh, matie!


:D I do want to take some new ones of Mocha and Panna this year though, I'll have to put those up as soon as I get them.

Byrd October 1st, 2007 06:41 PM

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Awww, what a cute pirate. He wears the hat, Willow hates the hat. So, this is what she's getting this year.

chocolatecoffee October 1st, 2007 07:33 PM

Hahaha, I'm glad she looks like she doesn't mind the hat - she hates it! But I should at least be happy she's fine wearing the costume unlike the other two! Willow has such a beautiful smile, she looks so proud posing :cloud9:.

Byrd October 1st, 2007 07:40 PM

Ooopps sorry it's a she pirate. :o

Willow knows what a camera is.... she always poses when it comes out.

otter October 1st, 2007 08:42 PM

Willow you are just gorgeous, grin at that camera all you can!:D
Cannelle makes a mighty fine pirate, the white fur works so well with the costume, looks like she could use an eye patch:laughing:

rainbow October 2nd, 2007 01:28 PM

[B]Byrd,[/B] Willow is such a photogenic girl :lovestruck: ...I still say she should be in commercials. :thumbs up

[B]Chocolatecoffee,[/B] what an [I]adorable[/I] pic of Cannelle. :cloud9: It would win a photo contest for sure. :thumbs up

marko October 2nd, 2007 05:01 PM

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[B]Byrd[/B] - Such a cute pic of your Witch...No wait, your Warlock - sooo cute!

[B]Chocolatecoffee[/B] - what can I say, this shot is pawsitively adorable - arghhhdorable!

Here are 2 that I took of Ziglet this weekend. We shot these really quickly and had to bribe him with treats and petting just to shoot.

rainbow October 2nd, 2007 05:15 PM

Very cute pics of Ziglet. :lovestruck: It looks like he co-operated quite well in the first pic. :D

hazelrunpack October 2nd, 2007 07:04 PM

Willow looks a little manic in that hat, Byrd. "Hurry up, Mom, take your picture, and give me a bunch of cookies!" :dog:

I don't think I've ever seen a pic of Cannelle before chocolatecoffee! She's adorable!

And Ziglet looks smashing in orange, Marko! :thumbs up

Great pictures so far! :D

breeze October 2nd, 2007 07:21 PM

[QUOTE=hazelrunpack;484989] Great pictures so far! :D[/QUOTE]

and it's only the 2nd of October !!

I can't wait for the rest of the month.

growler~GateKeeper October 3rd, 2007 02:04 AM

Ziglet has the Warlock frown face down pretty good in the first one :lovestruck:

Wonderful pics as always everyone, keep 'em coming :thumbs up

Byrd October 3rd, 2007 06:18 PM

Rainbow I'm still waiting for just the right person to come along and see her pic and think the same as you.

Marko, Willow's a Witch, she's a she.

But guys/gals, just to let you all know, a Warlock is actually a Wiccan/Witch who has taken the wrong path and turned bad. To call someone (a male Wiccan for example) a Warlock is a really big insult. Males and females of the Wiccan and Pagan faiths are all referred to as "Witch".

dtbmnec October 3rd, 2007 06:24 PM



Leo attempting to be a ghost? :D


want4rain October 3rd, 2007 06:49 PM

[QUOTE=Byrd;485393]Rainbow I'm still waiting for just the right person to come along and see her pic and think the same as you.

Marko, Willow's a Witch, she's a she.

But guys/gals, just to let you all know, a Warlock is actually a Wiccan/Witch who has taken the wrong path and turned bad. To call someone (a male Wiccan for example) a Warlock is a really big insult. Males and females of the Wiccan and Pagan faiths are all referred to as "Witch".[/QUOTE]

yep, got a buddy of mine who kind of cringes at the W word. :) happens a lot around this time of year.


rainbow October 3rd, 2007 11:33 PM



Leo attempting to be a ghost? :D


:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

roccoisus October 4th, 2007 10:20 AM

These pictures are just precious I will work on some this weekend :D

allymack October 5th, 2007 08:59 PM

aww i love your little kitty marko!!:), haha dtbmnec love the kitty trying to be a ghost! i'll hopefully have some pictures of enzo to post..if i cann get a costume to stay on him long enough to take the picture...that should be a challenge haha

wdawson October 6th, 2007 08:36 AM

i see we have some good pics already:D

growler~GateKeeper October 7th, 2007 02:53 AM

[B]Wayne[/B] we're still waiting for Maggies' :cloud9: debut in the Photo Challenge :D ;)

Roscoe's Mom October 7th, 2007 06:02 PM

And I thought when the kids moved out, Trick or Treat was a thing of the past! I'm INSPIRED! These pups and kitties are just so cute! Thanks for sharing!

marko October 8th, 2007 02:55 AM

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Here's a cutie of Zak :rip:, we dressed him up and coaxed him up the ladder. He was always so cooperative...gosh how I miss that blond sweetie.

marko October 8th, 2007 02:56 AM

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This is one of my all time favourite Zak shots. I love how his ear sticks out from under the hat.

growler~GateKeeper October 8th, 2007 04:52 AM

such a handsome boy Zak :lovestruck: always loved firemen :cloud9:

it's great you have so many fabulous pics of your sweet :angel2: boy what a wonderful tribute :)

gomez October 8th, 2007 05:33 AM

Here is Pumpkin Boy looking not too impressed with his Halloween Hat:


Fast forward 4 seconds, the hat was on the floor being murdered!

roccoisus October 9th, 2007 10:29 AM

:cloud9:sooooooooooo cute I love coming here and getting a daily chuckle and smile.:cloud9:

Frenchy October 9th, 2007 08:16 PM

Great pics everyone , I don't come into this thread often because it's kinda long to download on my :censored: crappy computer / connection.

Marko , Zak was a fabulous model :lovestruck: :angel:

dtbmnec , by Leo's face , this looks like animal cruelty :laughing:

Gomez , he's too cute :laughing:

rainbow October 10th, 2007 12:43 AM

[B]Gomez,[/B] that's one cute little pumpkin. :lovestruck:

[B]Marko,[/B] I love that pic. :lovestruck: I don't think I've ever seen a kitty that tolerates wearing costumes as well as your sweet Zak did. :cloud9:

breeze October 10th, 2007 03:46 PM

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Little red riding hood, with her own homemade cookies for how ever wants to share with her. yummmmmmmmmmmmm


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