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pattymac July 11th, 2011 01:09 PM

Tons of Pics!!
I have tons and tons of old pics that I don't know what to do with. I know there's scrapbooking but not really into it. There's sooo many and for a family that doesn't take many pics, don't know what happened!!

Anything else I could do with them? There are some that no one has any clue as to where they were taken etc.

Winston July 11th, 2011 01:52 PM

You could put them together and make a video?

You could print some special ones and scrapbook?

You could have some reprinted and made into a canvas piece of art? (costco does this)


You could post then all here for our viewing pleasure!! :thumbs up especially if you have one of Nino and Bobee screaming at one another! :laughing: oh and we cant forget Noella! :thumbs up

hazelrunpack July 11th, 2011 03:18 PM

I have a number of old family pics that I didn't know what to do with. So I just bought a regular old album made of archival materials and store them there. I used to take it to family functions and we managed to identify quite a few of 'unknowns' just by letting family page through it. Not real creative, but at least they're not sitting hidden in a box somewhere. :o

pattymac July 11th, 2011 10:48 PM

I like the make them into a big canvas idea. Most are travel pics. I found some old pics of my Mom and her family taken way back in the early 40's! Really neat to see. Lots of farm pics, her Dad had really good looking horses, even though they were just farm horses. He used to be in the Russian Cavalry so his horses were very important to him. I think I'll try scanning them and saving them just in case.

renegaderuby October 15th, 2011 07:20 AM

I know you said , no scrapbooking. but you dont have to exactly scrapbook per say. You could just do "albulms".
I had a load of pics one time..and what I did with them was start with ONE PERSON, and do like a biography of pictures . from the the latest.
Then I'd start with the next person..and do the same. If i had group pics, I did copies and placed it in each albulm of the person in it.
Before you know it have extremely "unique and personal " christmas presents that people will come to pass around to thier kids, and thier kids , kids..and just think ONE DAY..your great great great something or another will be looking at something you created with your own two hands.

I know someone that also had SO MANY baby pictures of her first and second born, she had them scanned (dont know where) and made into a Quilt. ...her oldest daughter just had a baby..and that quilt is hangin over her bed. Now grandma is working on the baby's Quilt.

renegaderuby October 15th, 2011 07:21 AM

[QUOTE=pattymac;1017461]I like the make them into a big canvas idea. Most are travel pics. I found some old pics of my Mom and her family taken way back in the early 40's! Really neat to see. Lots of farm pics, her Dad had really good looking horses, even though they were just farm horses. He used to be in the Russian Cavalry so his horses were very important to him. I think I'll try scanning them and saving them just in case.[/QUOTE]

Maybe just an albulm of "horses" for your mom, I'm sure it will bring back lovely memories of her childhood.

cockertail February 16th, 2014 05:03 PM

When my parents died I got all the old pictures from the 30's and forward.So I made slide shows with them and added music of the era to each one as I broke it down to 4 different ones of significant periods in our family,then I made a tribute one for my Mom and One for dad of their lives put to music and then made copies and gave them out to family members,they all love it.

Jakes small dog August 5th, 2016 03:21 PM

Could you scan them into a PDF or JPEG or something and put them in one of those electronic photo frames?

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