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ancientgirl October 25th, 2007 07:08 PM

Oksana fell from the cabinets!
Ever since Vlad began to explore the top of the cabinets, I know she's been wanting to do the same. She wants to do everything Vlad does, and it only took her about a week to figure out how to get up there and this evening I have had the scare of my life!

I was cutting some pieces of chicken, when suddenly out of the corner of my eye, I saw a black blur go past me and when I looked, I saw Oksana fall on the counter, then the floor! OMG.

My poor Little Miss. When she fell on the floor, she got up and walked a couple of feet. I noticed her limping, so I stayed still for a moment. She then looked at me and laid down. So I approached her slowly and tried to touch her little leg. She pulled it back a little bit, then got up and walked away, limping slightly.

The first thing I thought was to just take her to the vet. I thought she broke her leg or something. When I went upstairs to put on some jeans, I noticed she was running up the stairs, with Vlad chasing her.

I've been watching her for the last 2 hours. She's not limping, and she's been nibbling on her kibble as her usual nightly routine. She even climbed BACK up on to the cabinets!

I think she's okay. I'm going to see how she's walking in the morning and if she's limping again, I'm taking her to the vet. This made me realize how happy I am I didn't listen to those people who told me not to put the lattice in the loft area. I don't want to think about what might have happened if either one of them were to fall from THAT height!

I had to call my friend Alice, who's had pets all her life and her sister has cats and dogs. She said that I should watch her, but since she's walking and eating and playing, chances are she's okay.

I hope she's right.

Jim Hall October 25th, 2007 07:35 PM

:thumbs up If she's a smart kitty,she now know how not to get down.

She ok but expect a liitle sympathy limp in the AM :cat:

ancientgirl October 25th, 2007 07:54 PM

I had hoped that she wouldn't even want to get back up there, but she did not 10 minutes after the incident!

She's been nibbling on her kibble and now her and Vlad are chasing each other so it looks like she's okay.

TeriM October 25th, 2007 08:44 PM

Glad she's ok :thumbs up. Did she give you that "I'm so embarrassed" look that kitties get?

ancientgirl October 25th, 2007 09:01 PM

She did at first, but then she had this "Mommy, my leg hurts" look. Those sad little kitty eyes broke my heart.

But now she's downstairs playing with Vlad.

Frenchy October 25th, 2007 09:10 PM

[QUOTE=ancientgirl;494131]She did at first, but then she had this "Mommy, my leg hurts" look. Those sad little kitty eyes broke my heart.


That was the : please pet and kiss me , I hurt myself :rolleyes:

Frenchy October 25th, 2007 09:16 PM

:laughing: what is it with black cats tonight ? Paddy was chasing a bug and tried to jump on the counter top but missed and fell in one of the doggy water bowl (just his front paws tough) :laughing:

hazelrunpack October 25th, 2007 09:24 PM

Glad to hear that Oksana seems none the worse for wear :thumbs up...and hopefully Paddy will not melt from his close encounter with water :p

Oksana's adventure makes me even happier than usual that the dogs don't climb on the counters...though Brier did once try to leap off the deck (would have been a 12 foot drop! :eek:)

ancientgirl October 25th, 2007 09:25 PM

[QUOTE=Frenchy;494137]:laughing: what is it with black cats tonight ? Paddy was chasing a bug and tried to jump on the counter top but missed and fell in one of the doggy water bowl (just his front paws tough) :laughing:[/QUOTE]

Oh no, I hope this isn't some funky pattern nearing Halloween!

Frenchy October 25th, 2007 09:27 PM

[QUOTE=ancientgirl;494140]Oh no, I hope this isn't some funky pattern nearing Halloween![/QUOTE]

That's what I tought too , they might be messing with us .... :evil:

ancientgirl October 25th, 2007 09:30 PM

Oksana's adventure makes me even happier than usual that the dogs don't climb on the counters...though Brier did once try to leap off the deck (would have been a 12 foot drop! :eek:)[/QUOTE]

That's what terrifies me about leaving them alone while I'm at work, and still get nervous having the loft. There is one small section, next to the stairs that is open. Of course the stairs are there, but still...cats being so agile and fond of heights and jumping scares the heck out of me! It's one of the reasons I had to get pet insurance, because if heaven forbid they fall I want to be sure I can get treatment for them and not worry about if I can or can't pay for it all.

clm October 25th, 2007 11:34 PM

I've got 2 clumbsy cats who are forever scaring me. They never seem to learn and just like yours they go right back up to what they fell off of, no more graceful than when they fell of it either.

The puppies are finding that jumping from the patio chairs onto the patio tables is fun at the moment. Not having an easy time breaking that habit. I just hope they don't break a leg before I can get them to stop. Little monsters are so fast, they run around full tilt and are on top of the table and off it again before I even move. Maybe I'm just getting old and slow :laughing:


krdahmer October 26th, 2007 12:29 AM

:eek:Man I hear ya... I've had my share of scares here with a few actual injuries too. My guys seem to go through daredevil phases where they just have to try everything.... even caught Smoke on my parents huge hutch one morning, no idea how she got up there and she had no idea of how to get down! :rolleyes:

Glad to hear she is ok, and thats usually what I do when one falls here too, if it is only a limp and no yowling I wait and observe them for a while and then determine if they need a vet visit.... usually they are back to normal in a couple hours or so, and I figure it is just like us, they just get a bruise or something and it smarts for a bit.:shrug:

Anyhow hope she's still ok tomorrow and that she's learned the tricks of cabinet travel!!

growler~GateKeeper October 26th, 2007 02:12 AM

Often times when they fall they will limp a while like they have just landed the wrong way so it hurts a little for a while. Since she was up & running around with Vlad a short while after she's probably fine. :thumbs up If tomorrow she is limping a bit it is likely she just a tweaked muscle or has a mild bruise, same as us when we fall or bump into something, may be sore for a couple of days.

If there is any signs of pain (wincing/meowing/trying to bite you when you touch her leg :D) when you feel her leg/hip then you should keep an eye on her for a day or two if it lasts longer than that you may want to bring her in.

ancientgirl October 26th, 2007 08:22 AM

Thanks for the replies everyone. I watched her this morning and there was no limping, and she was jumping on and off my bed with no trouble.

It was a huge scare though. A couple of days ago, both of them were chasing each other around the apartment, they'd go up on the counter, to the fridge, to the cabinets, then down and I'd see them both fly across the counters and onto the kitchen opening. I swear I thought one of them would fall right then and there, but they managed to get through all that playing unharmed.

I'm so glad she's okay though. That thump when she fell on the counter freaked me out!

krdahmer October 26th, 2007 09:56 AM

Glad to hear she is still ok this mornin! :thumbs up

They are tough little animals aren't they... some of the falls they just shake off, well we'd be in full body casts!!! :rolleyes::laughing:

ancientgirl October 26th, 2007 10:11 AM

I'm VERY relieved she was up and running around after a little while, but amazed at the same time. I mean, had I taken that same kind of fall, my arm would be in a cast.

I wonder sometimes if their skeleton is made of rubber or something. I often see her crawling from under the couch, what's more amazing, I see Vlad who is much bigger than her, and the space for them to get under the couch is small!

Thankfully they are resilient, but that's not the way I wanted to find out.:frustrated:

rainbow October 26th, 2007 02:22 PM

Glad little Oksana is okay. :thumbs up It must have been quite the scare though. :eek: :grouphug:

ancientgirl October 26th, 2007 02:38 PM

Scared the heck out of me. She's fine today, none the worse for wear.

growler~GateKeeper October 27th, 2007 12:41 AM

Glad Oksana's doing good :highfive: [SIZE="1"](likely won't be the last scare you get from them either - them cats they like to keep us on our toes :o)[/SIZE]

CyberKitten October 27th, 2007 12:27 PM

Glad to hear Oksana is OK - she will prob recall it tho - anew study shows cats remember feeling when they ruin into something more than what they see. Hopefully, she won;t be so anxious to jump to the top of things (I wish Siamese and Sphynx listened that well tho, lol)

mummummum October 27th, 2007 01:05 PM

Ancient Girl, :rolleyes:cCats aren't meant for anyone with "heart trouble" :D

Glad to hear the little trouble-maker is fine though. :grouphug:

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