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BengalGirl November 21st, 2005 01:28 PM

Hi Everyone!!
Just joined yesterday and thought I should introduce myself.
We have 3 four-legged kids and a 150 gal tank with discus and a stingray.
My husband and I own a business in which we are fortunate enough to bring our "kids" to work with us:thumbs up Our doberman is practically our mascot, she has been "working" with us since she was a puppy,everyone asks for her if they don't see her.:angel:
She is so wonderful, loving, the true velcro-dog that the doberman is labelled as. But I don't think she realizes how big she is at times. A little overwhelming:eek: even to our cockerspaniel who equally enjoys playing.
Our newest addition, as of last thursday, is a 16wk old Bengal. He is ....unbelievable! I grew up with all kinds of animals, including cats, but he has brought so much happiness (and laughter) into our home in such a short time. yes,....I'm in love:o
I can't imagine how I will feel once we have children, if pets can make you feel so loved. For now we'll just enjoy the four-legged and finned kids.:D :D :D

Bengal Girl

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