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sammiec June 3rd, 2004 08:30 AM

Headline: Pitbulls tear shizsu to pieces!!!

Yet again, another blood boiling issue. I LOVE people!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

cutelittlemako June 3rd, 2004 08:39 AM

The pitbulls weren't properly secured and I guess you should never walk 2 pitbulls together if you're not strong enough.

But lady though, he dog was 13 years old and got killed, it must be pretty devastating.

I saw that story on t.v. yesterday and they started talking about how those dogs COULD MAYBE kill people. That has nothing to do with anything. Dogs can distinguish very well between people and other animals. The reporter cornered a police officer into saying that they could kill a person, it was obvious that the officer did not want to say it, he just said that they were very powerful animals and they could POSSIBLY kill a human.

It's sad the lengths people go through to get a good story.

chico2 June 3rd, 2004 08:47 AM

Sammiec,I read about that in the Star this morning under the heading"Attack dogs".The Star did not really say what happened,only that 2 pit-bulls killed a Ch...tzu and are being put down at the owners request.
I really sympathize with the little dogs owner,it must have been a horrific experience...but here they go again,calling all pitbulls"Attack Dogs"...capable of killing people,not all pit-bull owners are as responsible as you and Lucky,or know as much about them.

Lucky Rescue June 3rd, 2004 09:01 AM

I'm so very sorry for the owner of the small dog. What a traumatic thing to have happen.

But these dogs are not to blame. As usual, it's the irresponsible owners' fault.

Many dogs COULD kill a person, and some of them do. But just because a pit bull will kill another dog has nothing to do with human aggression!

Many greyhounds would cheerfully rip apart small dogs, cats, or anything else they can get hold of. I saw an 80lb one at a pet fair leap into the air to try and snatch a small dog from it's owner's arms but no one ever asked if it would attack a person.

Any dog that has teeth can bite, and any large dog can kill a person, but the reporter would not have asked this inane question if another breed had been involved in this sad situation.

sammiec, I hope these stories emphasize why I urge you not to take Briggs to dog parks.:(

sammiec June 3rd, 2004 09:03 AM

[QUOTE=chico2]not all pit-bull owners are as responsible as you and Lucky,or know as much about them.[/QUOTE]

I appreciate that, thank you! (I'm sure Lucky does too), but it's very hard to face people whe crap like that happens, but I guess for that reason us pitbull owners need to have a strong backbone.... I got looks this morning walking my dog... but you have to keep you head high and move on. I get comments all the time at work and in the elevator at home - "what made you get one of those?" What made you get one of those little yappy dogs? (not ofence to those that own them.... :p ) but geez....
I went to the website for the paper this morning as I usually do, and first thing I see - Pitbulls tear ****su to pieces... good lord people!!! Sensationalize it why don't you!! Never the story about the little ****su that bit a kid in the face as it bet down to pet it, or the bishon frise that growled and bit at my dogs legs...

I was talking with a friend of mine yesterday about the lady that owned Goldie - (Poor Goldie thread)... this friend has a lab.... she had sarcastically remarked that if her dog was playing with Briggs and he got rough and Briggs attacked back - all she would have to say is that he was defending himslef against the pitbull and that would be that..... I knew what I was getting into getting this dog, and have absolutely no regrets... that's a lie, just two regrets.... 1)human ignorance, and 2) not getting her sooner!!!

sammiec June 3rd, 2004 09:06 AM

funny how the name of a dog breed gets edited, I'll spell it wrong from now on... lol

heidiho June 3rd, 2004 09:07 AM

I also believe it is how you raise your dog.Not the dogs fault,while i am on this subject to,i think it is time we stop testing on animals and start testing on people in prison for murder..........................................

sammiec June 3rd, 2004 09:10 AM

one other thing that just makes my blood boil is the fact that these dogs are being put down for killing another dog, and a disgusting pervert that rapes and kills 10 year old Holly Jones is sitting in solitary confinment in jail so he doesn't get beaten you can tell I am very passionate about this issue, just need to vent I guess...

heidiho June 3rd, 2004 09:28 AM

Exactly,a person can kill,rape,molest and live in prison with cable tv,get fed,get appeals,but a poor dog that was raised crappy will get put down because he hurt someone,i say that is bs.......

mona_b June 3rd, 2004 10:00 AM

sammiec,you don't have to be a bad owner of this breed to have it attack and or kill another dog.

LR is not a bad owner,nor has she raised Chloe to be aggressive...She has already stated that they can't be off leash because of the dod/dog agression they have...That goes for any breed that has this.

As for other breeds that have attacked people or pets and have not made it in the paper,yes they have.

Chi kills 4 week old baby.
Black Lab attacks 2 kids
Cocker Spaniel(family pet) attacks 10 year old girl.
Siberian Husky bites girl who put fingers through fence.(Owner not charged cause "beware of dog" sign was up.
2 Poodles attack 3 year old.

These are just a few I remember.

Do I think these dogs should be put down?No I don't.

I just feel so sorry for the little Shih Tzu and the owner.

Also,the problem is that people don't know these dogs have dog/dog agression.

sammiec June 3rd, 2004 10:11 AM

[QUOTE=mona_b]sammiec,you don't have to be a bad owner of this breed to have it attack and or kill another dog.

LR is not a bad owner,nor has she raised Chloe to be aggressive...She has already stated that they can't be off leash because of the dod/dog agression they have...That goes for any breed that has this.

Also,the problem is that people don't know these dogs have dog/dog agression.[/QUOTE]

I never said anything about bad pitbull ownership.

There was no mention of the dogs being off leash - it was said that the dogs escaped from their that as you may...

The point I was trying to make was the sensationalized story that these dogs face not that no other dog bites are reported....You said that people don't know that these dogs have dog agression - I could be wrong, but I think that's the only thing that people know about these dogs...

And not every pitbull has displayed aggression - many can live happily with other dogs, and cats (which are small).

mona_b June 3rd, 2004 10:22 AM

Sorry,it was what heidiho said about how you raise the dog.

I would figure that the dogs were on a leash.It did say they broke free from the owner.But I guess more will be known on the news.

What I mean by people is the ones who know nothing of the breed.I wasn't stating the owners of them.It's a given that if they knew anything about the breed,then they know this..... :D

And no,that's not the only thing they know.I know quite a few people who had no idea that this breed is known for having dog/dog aggression.

sammiec June 3rd, 2004 10:38 AM

And no,that's not the only thing they know.I know quite a few people who had no idea that this breed is known for having dog/dog aggression.[/QUOTE]

Sorry, I wasn't implying that people are stupid or anything, I simply meant that's all you hear about pitbulls. They attack, they are agressive, viscious, and cruel animals, they should be banned and anyone who owns these dogs are crazy and begging for trouble....
I guess I was assuming that since most people know pitbull for fighting that they would know that the are aggressive -- guess that makes an a** of of me!!

AM04 June 3rd, 2004 11:01 AM

In some cases pitbulls are agressive. It depends both on the owner and genes passed down. It makes me happy to see pitbulls that are really friendly. Like my girl Chaos, her vet stated that "she goes against everything a pitbull is." I had got her from a friend of a family, about 2 weeks ago, she's 8 months old. He had given her to me because I was in search for a puppy, and his males were trying to mount her and thought it would be best to not have her in the house at that young of an age. So many ppl have nonagressive pitbulls around me, and they should thank breeders like the family friend. The studs and females he breeds with have to fit a certain criteria. They have to have an amazing temperment. It's usually hard for him to find females and males to breed with because he likes to keep them for acouple days to be assure of their temperment. They are def. putting a good name on pitbulls (breeders like that). :D

sammiec June 3rd, 2004 11:03 AM

AM04 - is your girl fixed? I hope you read lots about these dogs before you took on the responsiblity... I really hope you didn't just take her because you wanted a puppy!!!

Lucky Rescue June 3rd, 2004 11:10 AM

I've seen many dogs of all breeds that were highly dog-aggressive. There was a Chow in my obed class that was really terrifying. :eek: My Chloe never showed aggression to any of the other dogs, yet she was the one people were wary of. Go figure.

The difference is that pit bulls are much better at fighting than most other breeds, and they will not quit, even if the other dog shows signs of submission.

The ironic thing is that they were bred to be exactly this way, and people made them what they are.

It's not in "how you raise them". This urge to fight is genetic and cannot be trained or loved out of them, but it can be managed by responsible owners!

I don't allow my Chloe to interact with other dogs at all. She is 4 years old, and mostly intolerant of silly or rude dogs, and although she is not overtly aggressive, why would I take a chance with her life?

Interesting list, mona! You can also add the Doxie who killed a 4 week old infant. I saw people making excuses for this, even going as far to say that the Doxie probably thought the baby was a badger!!! :eek:

cutelittlemako June 3rd, 2004 11:30 AM

In general I think that pitbulls don't show their dog agression until they are a few years old, so it's easy for some people to think that their dog can get along with other dogs, when in fact the pitbull might not have a high tolerance for them. This is the reason that you should read as much as you can on the breed and not rely on what people tell you, especially if they don't have much experience. Lucky Rescue is a great resource because her's is 4, she is a VERY responsible owner, and she knows a lot about the breed from her own experience.

I don't believe you can rely on a dog's temparament before they are AT LEAST 1 year old. Puppies are very different than adults.

The important thing is to know the possibilities. What might happen. If you can foresee what could happen in a certain situation, it is much less likely to happen. As L.R. said, if you never let your dog around other dogs, they can't hurt them.

mona_b June 3rd, 2004 11:42 AM

Oh and I forgot about the 10 month old GSD that was off leash with his owner in a school yard.He attacked a child,nothing to serious...But here's what kills me,he had bitten 5 other children,again not serious.He was put under house quarenteen for 10 days.And the only reason she was able to keep the dog home was because he had his complete shots.Animal Control had to call the owners vet to verify this..Have not heard anymore about it...This happened here in Hamilton a few months ago.

mona_b June 3rd, 2004 11:52 AM

Just had to share this.

When I had my previous GSD Cujo,I was across the street with him at my best friends house.Yes Cujo was on a leash.Out of the blue a white APBT came after Cujo.I was scared to death.Both Cujo and this dog where on their hind legs.Cujo had this dog by the neck.There is no way my dog was letting go.Thye were both locked on to each other.A friend who lived across the street literally jumped over a small car to help.The owner was just turning the corner to my street.Thank god my friend was able to seperate them,as I was still holding the leash.As I was shaking,I called him every name in the book.I still remember it as if it was yesterday.Cujo wasn't hurt.Thank god.

Lucky Rescue June 3rd, 2004 01:19 PM

Oh Mona - how terrifying!! :eek:

I just have to recount MY first encounter ever with a pit bull.

I had my other dog at the time - a big GSD/collie X, and had driven my niece to a saddle shop around here. I took my dog too, and got him out of the car to wait for my niece.

I just got him out, when I saw a pit bull tearing out of the store right at us. I had never seen one, but recognized this one from the media horror stories. His eyes were fixed on my dog Polo, and I just knew I better act quick!!

My dog was older and not so agile, but I managed to get him back in the car and slam the door just as pit bull reached us. His head banged into the door, so badly did he want to get at my dog.

I was paralyzed with fear, thinking this dog would now turn on me, as some others would. To my surprise, he did turn on me, but with butt wiggles, a big grin and sloppy kisses. I was amazed and totally charmed. :D

Cutelittlemako - you are 100% right. Many pit bull owners who have dogs under 2 and who are fine with other dogs think that THEIR dog will never be aggressive and continue letting them play with strange dogs, and taking them to dog parks. This is where most of the headlines come from. :(

mona_b June 3rd, 2004 01:31 PM

Oh LR it was...I had no place to run.I was on the sidewalk in front of her house....There is a total 9 stairs,very narrow,there is no porch.Well there is,but it's closed off.And he came from no where.

I'm glad you managed to get him in the car... :)

AM04 June 3rd, 2004 10:01 PM

What I meant about how they're raised, was that some ppl raise them to fight, there's some kids up at my school that think it's 'cool' to make their dogs have puppies and raise them as fighters. Thankfully, the guy who was doing this had all of them taken away by a certain phone call someone made :P And ppl also raise them to be attacks dogs towards ppl coming onto their property, which sometimes they may get confused when off property.

No, she is not spayed yet. I'm not sure if any vet clinic will spay her. She may be pregnant, and I'm waiting on the results from my vet. Do they spay dogs that are/may be pregnant?

Chaos does have an amazing personality, and was raised around dogs. But yes, you are right about her still being young. And that adult dogs are different from puppies. I shouldn't be going on how she is now. But that's also not all that I'm going on. When I got her, I got her from a breeder who noted that she came from an excellent line of temperment. I've also known him most of my life, and don't see why he would lie to me. I believe in the gene's that are passed down, and from the dogs that he has I've never seen one sign of agression from them, at all.

sammiec June 4th, 2004 07:53 AM

I highly doubt that you ill find a vet that will abort a pregnant dog... but I would make sure that she goes to the vet very soon, at least to find out.... I hope she's got all her shots, etc. the last thing you need is a intact female running around without her shot!!!! That's begging for trouble!!! Oscar is a pit too?

mona_b June 4th, 2004 08:02 AM


Yes vets will abort a pregnant dog.More if they are in the early stages of pregnancy.

sammiec June 4th, 2004 08:18 AM

REALLY!?!? Wow, I thought that would be very hard to come by. I personally would object I think, I mean, the dog got preganant, if you didn't want it to be you would have had it fixed, no? But, hey, what do I know...

mona_b June 4th, 2004 09:01 AM

I agree...but most of these pups end up in shelters eventually. :(

On another site,can you believe a 6 month old pup that was pregnant,yes 6 months old,was dropped of in the shelter?That is just sad...She is a baby herself..... :(

mizzlittle June 4th, 2004 09:07 AM

just my twotupence - if they are going to put the dogs down who did this they should also put the person who owns them down...

This is the way life gets you back - those dogs were trained and bred to fight to kill for many many generations - how else do they expect them to be after that? It will always be in them no matter what, only good training can keep it under lock and key that goes for the owner more than the dog!

sammiec June 4th, 2004 09:17 AM

Oh Mona! That's horrible!!! That poor baby's body hasn't even fully developed herself!! I hope she was allright!

AM04 - I really hope that you reconsider breeding your pitty, she needs to go to the vet right away! I'm sorry to say, but I am really concerned about this "breeder" that you know. He can't tell you if his female is in heat ?? - and having an unaltered female around other unaltered males when he's not wanting to breed sounds a little he's not too sure about what's going on. Someone correct me if I am wrong, but a reputable breeder would have specific locations to keep these dogs happy and away from other dogs during mating season if A) they are not old enough to safely produce a litter, B) he wasn't sure if he wanted to mate them, C) AND I think that a "breeder" would decide which animals would mate and with a specfic dog!! D) AND I don't know of any breeder that would just give away a pregnant dog!!!!
I can tell by your posts that you are fairly young AM04, but please... be careful...this dog is not like any other dog - they REQUIRE special care and attention, they require a knowledgeable owner, and they require alot of training and obedience... Be careful. There are enough of these poor dogs living in shelters all over the place, and many find that they are difficult to adpot and many end up euthanized....
You can go through a screeing process to find that perfect person for your puppies, but in reality - everyone can pretend to be an angel when they want to (eg - job interviews..) AND you don't know that you could adopt your puppies to a prefect person that has no clue what these dogs take, the could get fed up and just give it away -- another dog ending up in the shelter of fighting for its life.

mastifflover June 4th, 2004 09:36 AM

dog attack
I personally have never had a single bad Pit Bull or Staffordshire experience. The problem with these dogs is their owners not the dog. You get these guys who have no self esteem buying these dogs to be their dicks for them and they abuse and train these dogs to be aggressive. I think the owners not the dogs need to be put down. And yes every breed will bite if provoked, especially those small white things. I know what you pit and staff owners go through I own a mastiff and they are vicious dogs too, I keep forgetting to tell my totally non agressive boy that he is a killer. People shoot their mouths off who don't know what they are talking about and you guys should just let it roll off your backs. If you actually ever did a true bite study you would find that most dog bites are from small dogs and goldens this is from a doctor friend who works in the emergency department in downtown Toronto. In 6 years he has treated only 2 bites from the above breeds. Maybe those small purse dogs need to be muzzled since they are the ones who always try and bite my dog.

Lucky Rescue June 4th, 2004 09:47 AM

[QUOTE]You get these guys who have no self esteem buying these dogs to be their dicks for them and they abuse and train these dogs to be aggressive. I think the owners not the dogs need to be put down. [/QUOTE]

How right you are!! Pathetic isn't it? "I have this mean tough dog, so therefore I am mean and tough too". Sick. :mad:

Yes, vets will spay pregnant dogs and cats, and I highly recommend you do it now, AM04. One thing the world and the breed doesnt' need is yet more badly bred pit bull puppies.:(

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