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clm May 10th, 2010 10:11 PM

350 animals to be euthanized at SPCA York Region Branch
Just saw this on the news. All due to a ringworm outbreak. All animals to be euthanized this week. :(


luckypenny May 10th, 2010 10:25 PM

But ringworm can be treated and it's not life threatening :shrug:. That's so terribly sad :(.

mummummum May 10th, 2010 10:27 PM

Apparently they've had a severe outbreak for weeks and have been unable to get it under control. I guess because it's easily transfered from animal to human they felt they had no choice. Euthanasia seems like an over the top response though. That's every animal in the York shelter according to the press.

otter May 10th, 2010 10:40 PM

How horrible!

for Ringworm :wall::wall:

sheesh, we had a ringworm outbreak when I was in University... heck, I think our whole residence had it, no one even blinked an eye.

NOT FAIR :yell::yell::yell::yell::yell::yell:

That's a huge shelter too! OMG

Shaykeija May 11th, 2010 01:48 AM

Cheap lazy ...OMG so many furbabies.....

Goldfields May 11th, 2010 03:50 AM

They should be ashamed of themselves! And out of a job if they're in paid positions. When I worked in a racing stable we had a ringworm epidemic, no big deal, in fact very funny IMO opinion seeing I diagnosed it and the boys argued that it was something else, until one of them got a giant ringworm on his stomach. :laughing:
Golly, people who adopt from those societies must be animal lovers to do so, are they going to care that the animal would need treatment? Disgraceful!!

Melinda May 11th, 2010 03:55 AM

ringworm outbreaks on farms were commonplace, it was treated??? I don't understand?

quincymycat May 11th, 2010 05:55 AM

I heard on the news this monring it started in March and the "manager" did not follow the regime for isolating and eradicating the what ....the manager has been fired.....those poor animals are the ones that lose everything. :cry:
They news footage showed heavy security around the building this morning supposedly to prevent anyone coming in contact with the ringworm :shrug:
So bloody sad. 350 cats and dogs deemed worthless. :cry: :cry:

14+kitties May 11th, 2010 06:55 AM

Once again our society has failed. Poor sweeties. :candle:

Frenchy May 11th, 2010 08:01 AM

omg that is just horrible :( killing pets just because of worms :frustrated:

diandpat May 11th, 2010 08:43 AM

OMG this makes me sick :cry:

Chris21711 May 11th, 2010 09:10 AM

They news footage showed heavy security around the building this morning supposedly to prevent anyone coming in contact with the ringworm :shrug:

If they said on the news that "it is to prevent anyone coming into contact with ringworm".....that's a lie.

They were checking vehicles to see if any animals were "stolen".

Chris21711 May 11th, 2010 09:31 AM

OSPCA to euthanize 350 Animals at York Region Shelter
The York Region shelter is the OSPCA's biggest and most shelters go it is a great facility. It shares a building with Provincial HQ.

This is the blurb from the Toronto Star this morning:


This is not the first time that they have experienced an outbreak of ringworm. In the past they have managed to sanitize the building and re-open a few days later.

[B]Why [/B]is management being so pigheaded as to not allow animals to be taken by staff/volunteers/public and treated in their homes is unfathomable.....all that is needed is that a waiver be signed.

I feel so helpless and devastated by this news....this is our local OSPCA, the one I used to volunteer at. I could go on, but won't. I'm just sick to my stomach.

Melinda May 11th, 2010 10:08 AM

is there nothing anyone can do???

Luvmypitgirls May 11th, 2010 10:38 AM

And the manager and staff will they be euthanized too? Ya know just to prevent further outbreak, god forbid they take it home to their families!

This is disgusting disgraceful and horrific. Crap like this makes me ashamed to be human:cry:

I had ringworm when I was a kid, thankfully nobody thought I was completely worthless and euthanized me:(

Melinda May 11th, 2010 10:45 AM

so did I luvmypitgirls, just about anyone who has lived/worked on a farm gets it at least once.

P.Morris May 11th, 2010 10:59 AM

Guess they'll never be getting a donation off of me. -- I thought the idea was to save animals? Not destroy them. -- Kind of odd, the TV News, isn't pumping this info out, to the public? -- It would make anyone "sick" to hear it!

Love4himies May 11th, 2010 11:14 AM

:yell::yell::yell: Just horrible. :mad: :cry:

Dog Dancer May 11th, 2010 01:56 PM

This is so pathetically sad. There just aren't words for it. :(

Melinda May 11th, 2010 02:26 PM

|I have been emailing and sending out the page from the media to every newspaper, station I can think of....begging them to do something, no word back from any of them

Stacer May 11th, 2010 04:03 PM

Can our local MPPs or MPs do anything?

How can those vets look into the eyes of all those animals and put them down one by one in an assembly line of death? It's so awful.

14+kitties May 11th, 2010 04:23 PM

It's already started...............
:candle::rip: innocent :angel: :candle:

chico2 May 11th, 2010 04:26 PM

The reason for the guards,is not for fear of contaminating anyone,the reason is simply because dog-walkers,volounteers(sp?) want to save some animals,they certainly can be saved:(
I am disgusted with the OSPCA and really sad for those poor animals,the one pic that really got me in tears was of the b/w Husky and all the others of course...
I don't know what's happening,there seem to be one horror-story after the other,with the OSPCA....shame on them all:evil:

Hopefully the front-page picture in the Star this morning,will make people take action.:pray:

Frenchy May 11th, 2010 04:29 PM

[QUOTE=14+kitties;917480]It's already started...............
:candle::rip: innocent :angel: :candle:[/QUOTE]

sickening :( :( :(

Dog Dancer May 11th, 2010 04:47 PM

I'm with LMPG - the managers should be PTS also just in case....

It's so disgusting I can't even fathom it. :(:( The public should be demanding answers and every person should be fired. Every person that donated money should get every penny back... I just can't believe this can be allowed in a country like ours. Where are all the other vets in that city who could step up and volunteer to give some treatment to save these animals if the OSPCA is overwhelmed. Humans suck! Well some of them, it's a probably a damn good thing they have security.

doggy lover May 11th, 2010 05:00 PM

all are being pts...all I can say is sad very sad:angel::rip:

Love4himies May 11th, 2010 05:12 PM

I hope this guy can help :pray:


MPP urging province to stop mass euthanization at GTA shelter
‘Very aggressive strain’ of ringworm and human error blamed for blanket euthanasia.
Colin McConnell/Toronto Star

OSPCA to euthanize 350 animals
Jennifer Yang
Staff Reporter
The MPP for Newmarket-Aurora is speaking out against the “mass destruction” of 350 animals at a York Region SPCA and has urged the province to halt the blanket euthanization.

Frank Klees condemned a York Region SPCA’s decision to put down hundreds of dogs, cats and other small animals following a massive ringworm epidemic that broke out at their Newmarket facility some five weeks ago.

In a statement released Tuesday afternoon, Klees questioned whether every option was considered before such an extreme decision was made and also called upon the Minister of Community Safety and Correctional Services to intervene in the blanket euthanization, which began Tuesday morning.

“Before this drastic step is taken, I want assurances that all other options have been investigated,” Klees said the press release. “This comes as a shock to the community, and we can't just allow this mass destruction of these animals to take place without absolute assurance that there are no other options available to us.”

Some 50 volunteers and concerned animal lovers showed up at the Newmarket OSPCA Tuesday morning to protest the animals’ death sentence.

Construction worker Jason Francis rushed to the OSPCA Tuesday morning after seeing his cat on the front page of the Toronto Star as one of 350 animals scheduled to be euthanized.

“It was kind of a shock,” Francis said, standing outside the animal shelter desperate for word on the fate of black-and-white J.J. “We thought for sure someone would have picked him up.”

There is still no word on J.J.’s fate.

Staff inside the building wore white hazardous material suits, latex gloves and plastic covers over their shoes. Several windows were blocked with black garbage bags but a few cats could be seen inside, as well as piles of disassembled animal cages. Yellow quarantine tape also hung from the handle of the front door.

The OSPCA disclosed Monday that cats, dogs, rats and other small animals would be euthanized over the next two or three days because of the highly contagious disease.

A combination of a “very aggressive strain” of ringworm with “human error” led to the drastic response to the outbreak, said Kate MacDonald, the CEO of the Ontario SPCA. She would not elaborate on what she meant by human error, but yesterday confirmed to the Star that Newmarket shelter manager Denise Stephenson was fired 10 days ago.

“It was due to protocols breaking down,” she said. “An outbreak like this is containable when protocols are followed.”

Asked Tuesday whether animals were screened before they were admitted, shelter officials said that was one of the protocols being reviewed.

Many shelter volunteers were in tears as they peppered MacDonald with questions as to how the animals might be saved.

“I’ve been here five years,” said volunteer Marilyn Challis as she walked out of the office. “It’s totally unnecessary.”

Francis said he regretted bringing J.J. to the shelter. “There was nothing wrong with him before he came here.” With his boss’s permission to take the day off, Francis was determined to get J.J. back; if the cat was alive, he planned to bring him to live with Francis’ mother in Burlington.

Francis, who lives in Keswick, got J.J. from a friend’s litter just before Christmas. When his youngest daughter turned out to be allergic to cats, J.J. was taken to the OSPCA for adoption.

“It was a very difficult decision and it was not made lightly,” OSPCA spokeswoman Alison Cross said outside the shelter Tuesday morning.

“We understand this is not anything anyone wants to happen and that people are upset. We’re upset as well.”

Engineer Jason Claxton, an OSPCA donor, left disappointed with the answers he heard.

“It just seemed like a lot of the answers were canned,” Claxton said. “I did not believe a lot of what they were saying.”

The OSPCA’s spaying and neutering clinic next door to the shelter was still in business Tuesday, with a steady stream of people bringing animals in. The society said walls and doors separated the clinic from the shelter and there was no chance of contamination.

Two security guards patrolled the parking lot entrance, checking for employees’ identification.

“I’m pretty pissed off about this,” said Chris Payne of Friends of Forsaken Animals, a cat rescue group. “This is just so wrong and they’re letting people in (to the spaying clinic). Can they 100 per cent guarantee that these animals won’t catch anything?”

Of the euthanasia, she said, “They’re not giving the animals a chance. They’re just wiping the slate clean.”

The society consulted with experts before making its decision, said Cross, adding that employees have been particularly affected by the news.

“They’re sad. They’re really sad,” she said.

“These are the animals they care for every day. They worked really hard to get rid of this fungus.”

JennieV May 11th, 2010 05:12 PM

Unless theres something else going on in there, that we dont know about... this is an over-reaction, in my eyes.. Its sad, it is inhumane and it is preventable.

kathryn May 11th, 2010 05:15 PM

That is absolutely STTTUPIIDDDDD :wall: I know firsthand that ringworm can be a pain in the butt. Honestly, there have been some outbreaks here and there at my shelter and other shelters but even out the animal control facilities they never would euthanize adoptable animals over a ringworm outbreak!!

Jeeeze, just put some anti-fungal cream on the pets and send them home :frustrated: Bleach everything and it dies off eventually. If they need to euthanize that many animals over ringworm I am sure their sanitary practices are in need of updating.

I really never try to blame shelter workers for unpreventable things because obviously this is not an easy job to have, but this is just S T U P I D. If it were something deadly and horribly contagious then yeah, I would understand but it is a fricking MINOR FUNGAL INFECTION :wall:

What's next, going to kill everything that has roundworms? :rolleyes:

Melinda May 11th, 2010 05:33 PM

2 minutes on the news...thats all they gave it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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