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coppperbelle January 18th, 2007 07:14 PM

SPCA Monteregie
The SPCA Monteregie was contacted by someone who heard dogs crying in a barn on the south shore. They investigated and found what was a puppy mill. Hopefully they will be able to find the person (I use that term loosely:evil: ) who is responsible for this mill and put him/her/them away. The animals were starving and as far as they can see no one had been to check on them in the last five days. One dog on the news was eating snow like it was filet mignon.

cpietra16 January 18th, 2007 07:18 PM

OMG...poor baby, he must have been so thirsty...:sad: I hope what goes around comes around. This person should be hung by their **LLS

Golden Girls January 18th, 2007 07:20 PM

omg. That is so awful.

Dogs taken from suspected South Shore puppy mill

Thirty-five dogs were taken from a cold, dark barn on Montreal's South Shore on Thursday, a location officials allege is a puppy mill.

Police and SPCA officials say they found the dogs unattended in stalls in the horse barn in the town of St-Mathieu after neighbours phoned in with tips.

The dogs, mostly Great Danes and Dobermans, were found with no water and little food, officials said.

"The barn is not heated and they're in the dark 24 hours a day, these dogs," Linda Robertson, a spokeswoman for the SPCA, told CBC News.

"These are mostly dogs that cannot live without heat."

Police said they have located the owner of the barn, but they are still looking for the tenant who rented it. The tenant is believed to be responsible for the dogs.

Robertson said the dogs rescued were mostly adults. Some had recently given birth, but the puppies were not at the barn, she said.

The dogs are now in the care of the Montérégie SPCA, which is looking for foster families.

Frenchy January 18th, 2007 07:36 PM

So it is true, my mom told me about it because it's about 10 minutes from where I live. :sad: SPCA are looking for fosters ? hummmm.....

coppperbelle January 18th, 2007 08:12 PM

[QUOTE=Frenchy;354787]So it is true, my mom told me about it because it's about 10 minutes from where I live. :sad: SPCA are looking for fosters ? hummmm.....[/QUOTE]

I e-mailed Poodletalk and offered our services if there are any goldens. I saw what I think may be one on the news. Most of the dogs seem to be Great Danes, Dobermans and I did see one very thirsty Sheepdog. I also saw what I think may be a golden.

Frenchy January 18th, 2007 08:17 PM

I think Poodletalk will be busy with all her e-mails because I did too. I'm willing to foster any breed.

poodletalk January 18th, 2007 08:28 PM

Thank-you for all your private messages, they are greatly appreciated.

I tried to come home early to see the news and I missed it! I am going to try to stay awake till 11:00 pm to see it.

coppperbelle January 18th, 2007 08:32 PM

SPCA Monteregie
Actually I could foster another breed also. This is an emergency situation and these dogs need lots of TLC.

Frenchy January 18th, 2007 08:32 PM

[QUOTE=poodletalk;354825]Thank-you for all your private messages, they are greatly appreciated.

I tried to come home early to see the news and I missed it! I am going to try to stay awake till 11:00 pm to see it.[/QUOTE]

Keep me posted if you need me, I could foster one. Like I said, any breed.

poodletalk January 18th, 2007 08:33 PM

I am typing my private messages in a minute....both of you should be getting an email soon...

Frenchy January 18th, 2007 08:33 PM

[QUOTE=coppperbelle;354832]Actually I could foster another breed also. This is an emergency situation and these dogs need lots of TLC.[/QUOTE]

:grouphug: If we both get one , I could pick them both and we could meet somewhere. No point of both of us driving there ?

Prin January 18th, 2007 08:38 PM

What a sad story! I guess they'll get their happy ending though. :fingerscr :fingerscr

coppperbelle January 18th, 2007 08:48 PM

[QUOTE=Frenchy;354839]:grouphug: If we both get one , I could pick them both and we could meet somewhere. No point of both of us driving there ?[/QUOTE]

I finish work early tomorrow (11:00).

Frenchy January 18th, 2007 08:54 PM

[QUOTE=coppperbelle;354848]I finish work early tomorrow (11:00).[/QUOTE]

I finish at 5h. I will call first thing tomorrow morning, I hope they let us take fosters tomorrow :fingerscr

Boubou January 18th, 2007 10:35 PM

Susie and I were there today. You know, you hear about these things but you can't believe it's true. You think humans cannot possible be that cruel. But you know what, they are!!!! These dogs were standing in horse box stalls with about 3 inches of urine and feces under their paws. They did have a bucket of food; dirty, rotten kibble, but no water!?! And no bedding either. There was one box stall with some hay and a heater close by. This must have been the whelping box. There was a great dane in there that had given birth not long ago, but there were no puppies to be found. Linda had been 'staking' out the place for a few weeks and the owner of the dogs only went once a week!

We have placed two beautiful great danes in a foster home together. They are wonderful and so happy to be sleeping on a futon tonight! I can't imagine how great it must feel on their raw, oozing paws burnt from the crap they'd been standing in.

There were also about 7 huskies tied in the back of the barn, they are very sociable and look like perfect family dogs. Also, some border collies, an english sheepdog, two beagles, a pomeranian, a doberman (the cutest thing, she curled up on a blanket on the front seat of someones warm minivan the moment they put her in it! Oh, and she's sooo skinny!), and about 4 more great danes. Oh yeah, and six bunnies, all up for adoption!! (we found an axe, hammer and long nails next to their enclosure)......

We will certainly need foster homes til we could put them up for adoption.

technodoll January 18th, 2007 11:39 PM

i just saw this on the news, i could hardly believe my eyes :sad: how many other places like this exist? i know of one... puppymiller with abused dogs... how can i report it, who do i speak to who would go investigate? :yell: and yet the gov'ment is spending how many hours and how many dollars debating if Parc Avenue should be renamed or not?! when they could be putting viable and enforceable Animal Protection laws in place instead? it's a total disgrace.

i'M soooo happy those poor dogs got out of that hell... but watch the owner get a slap on the wrist, turn around and do it again :mad:

Frenchy January 18th, 2007 11:41 PM

We will certainly need foster homes til we could put them up for adoption.[/QUOTE]

Me and Copperbelle already gave our names and I just saw it on the news:sad: I hope we can help them soon.

fosterpat January 19th, 2007 09:04 AM

Are there really pregnant dogs in this group and if so, what breed of dog?

Golden Girls January 19th, 2007 10:33 AM

I'm so happy to hear these seized animals have been saved from their hell.

[B][SIZE="2"]Hats off to Linda Robertson, her staff and all the volunteers who dedicated their love of animals :angel: [/SIZE][/B]


[B][SIZE="2"]Anonymous tip leads SPCA to 'hellhole'[/SIZE][/B]


Published: Friday, January 19, 2007

ST. MATHIEU - Imagine for an instant that 24 hours a day, every day, you live in darkness in a cold, dank building where you spend your time trying to stay warm.

You're constantly without food or water. If you get thirsty, you are forced to lick the condensation off a window. And you can't lie down without sleeping in your own filth or that of your neighbours.

Until yesterday, that was the best most of the 32 dogs in a small puppy mill in this town, 20 kilometres south of Montreal, could hope for.

But the dogs' fortunes are looking much better after animal-rights workers found them yesterday.

As is usually the case, the puppies were already gone, probably sold to pet stores across Quebec; only mature dogs used for breeding were still in the barn.

Workers from the Monteregie SPCA battled the bitter cold and tried to calm the frayed nerves of the frightened canines. The dogs spent last night in foster homes or at the Monteregie SPCA's shelter in Ste. Angele de Monnoir.

"There was no one here, and the situation was the same (every day) - overturned buckets, no water, dogs jumping up at the windows, no visible sign of food at the time," said Linda Robertson of the Monteregie SPCA, who went to the mill every day for a week, monitoring the dogs' situation and hoping to find the owner.

The SPCA investigated for a week before a judge signed off on a warrant to seize the dogs.

"One of the huskies had food, but it was rotten and he wasn't eating it," Robertson said.

Three of the dogs had recently given birth, but their puppies were gone. Two other dogs were pregnant and scared.

Seven huskies were found behind the barn, tied to barrels. Tossed in with them were rabbits, also rescued yesterday; they might have served as food for their penmates.

The barn once housed Les Aventuriers Ranch, a riding stable. But indications are the horse barn had not been used for its purpose in some time. The puppy mill might have been in existence for as long as two years.

"There was a Great Dane bleeding from the eye," Robertson said. "They were all living in squalor. The excrement hasn't been picked up - in weeks, I imagine."

Almost all the animals had some sort of sickness.

"It's horrific to go inside there," said Debra Rossetti, a volunteer helping out yesterday.

"It's heartbreaking and it's maddening, because you wonder how this could be allowed to go on. It's a hellhole. These dogs are just used for reproduction. The puppies are sold to pet stores, and people buy them not knowing where they come from."

Yesterday's rescue started with an anonymous tip to the Roussillon intermunicipal police.

Detectives were able to find the owner of the building, a woman who had rented it to someone else, Constable Guy Lepine said.

Police were trying to track down the tenant, who could face criminal charges.

"It's the first time we've seen anything like this here," Lepine said.

Critics say the puppy mill industry is rampant in Quebec, partly because the agency that has the power to inspect such places doesn't have adequate staffing or funding to do so.

"These (mills) are everywhere," Robertson said. "We always come back to the same issue: There's no compulsory registration of these breeders."

As for where the dogs come from, Robertson said the answer won't be easy to determine.

"I'd like to see their register. To date, we don't know (where they are from), and most of these outfits don't keep registers."

Robertson said workers are trying to find foster homes for some of the dogs. The animals will be cared for until a judge makes a decision in any related trial.

To help the Monteregie SPCA, call 450-460-3075.


Animal Rescue: For more pictures of the scene at the St. Mathieu barn, where 32 dogs were rescued, view our online photo gallery.

Rottielover January 19th, 2007 11:21 AM

Prin, what I got from this was that Linda will get there ASAP, while Barnoti sits on his butt asking for donations. Linda was able to get the ball moving quick to save these poor creatures.
I do not think anything there to put her or the Spca monteregie down in anyway.
Could be wrong, but that is what I got

poodletalk January 19th, 2007 11:36 AM

Guys: please do not fight on this thread, I really don't want the mods to lock it. This is the moment for the SPCA Monteregie to shine and show all the good work that they do.

Prin January 19th, 2007 11:51 AM

I agree. We should get this thread back on topic

The Gazette has a photo gallery on their site now:

Frenchy January 19th, 2007 12:04 PM

[QUOTE=Golden Girls;355175] Poodletalk the voice box at Monteregie is full [/QUOTE]

:yell: I've been trtying to contact them. I know Coppperbelle left our names but I can't reach her and I don't know if Linda from spca has phone numbers to reach me. Poodletalk, did you give Linda my phone number ? She would need the one at work because I'm here until 5h00. But then again, I guess the dogs are not quite ready to go into fosters home today? Also, I read in La Presse that they were goldens and gsd too ? But like I said, I'll take any breed, maybe 2 if a small breed.

Frenchy January 19th, 2007 12:06 PM

The Gazette has a photo gallery on their site now:

OMG I want to take them all. :sad:

Prin January 19th, 2007 12:08 PM

[]Two people have turned themselves in, in connection with a puppy mill operation on the south shore.
32 dogs were found in a barn in St. Phillippe and the SPCA seized them on Thursday.
The dogs had spent days without food or water.
The animals spent Thursday night in foster homes or at the local SPCA shelter. [/QUOTE]But on the news, they said the two people were just landlords and not the actual millers.:shrug:

Frenchy January 19th, 2007 12:11 PM

[QUOTE=Prin;355187]But on the news, they said the two people were just landlords and not the actual millers.:shrug:[/QUOTE]

Yes and some media say St-Philippe but it's really in St-Mathieu. Doesn't really make a difference anyway but I hate it when they don't know what they're talking about.

Pike January 19th, 2007 12:18 PM

This thread has been edited for rude behaviour, which will not be tolerated. Please keep it civil or it will be locked.

Golden Girls January 19th, 2007 12:20 PM

[QUOTE=poodletalk;355188]GG: There is no other phone number for the shelter.[/QUOTE]it's ok, I'll keep searching for Linda's cell. It's quite understandable how busy they are today or should I say busier

Frenchy January 19th, 2007 12:26 PM

[QUOTE=poodletalk;355188]Frenchy: I don't have your phone number, maybe Copperbelle gave them your work number. I don't really know, Sorry!!!

GG: There is no other phone number for the shelter.[/QUOTE]

I pm you my contacts.

coppperbelle January 19th, 2007 12:28 PM

Puppy mill
I gave them your home number. I also left my home number and cell number but no one has called and someone has been here all day.

I just saw the news and Linda R. is being interviewed. It appears that the dogs are being examined by a vet this morning and many have things that are wrong with them. I guess they are just trying to get that organized before placing the dogs in foster homes.
Many of the dogs have problems. One has mange and can't stop shaking. I guess he is so cold. Last night he was shaking so bad even when covered with two blankets. Hearing that just brings tears to my eyes. I can't believe someone could be so cruel. It turns out that two people (a man and a woman) turned themselves into police today. They own another "kennel" (I use that term loosely) in St-Catherine.

This is so disturbing yet is happening all over this province.

This morning I had a discussion with a co-worker about pet shop puppies and how they come from puppy mills. She said no that once her dog had pups and they couldn't find a home for the last one and brought it to the pet shop for them to sell. :yell: So not all puppies in the pet shop come from puppy mills, some come from Back Yard Breeders too.

Frenchy January 19th, 2007 12:31 PM

[QUOTE=coppperbelle;355211] They own another "kennel" (I use that term loosely) in St-Catherine.


I hope they seize the dogs there too.

phoenix January 19th, 2007 01:33 PM

oh i should not have looked at those pictures. You guys are :angel: thank you for your work on behalf of all of those poor dogs.

Golden Girls January 19th, 2007 04:07 PM

Frenchy check your pm, I've given you a contact # - homes are still needed for a few Great Danes.

Frenchy January 19th, 2007 04:11 PM

[QUOTE=Golden Girls;355302]Frenchy check your pm, I've given you a contact # - homes are still needed for a few Great Danes.[/QUOTE]

I didn't get it :yell: maybe if I wait a couple minutes ? :fingerscr

Golden Girls January 19th, 2007 04:23 PM

sorry Frenchy, my box was full. It's ok now. Please use the 2nd # only. thanks

Frenchy January 19th, 2007 04:24 PM

Got it ! :thumbs up

Frenchy January 19th, 2007 05:00 PM

It's ok , I already spoke to Debra, will get more details later tonight , she has to call me back , but I am picking up either a Great Dane or a doberman tomorrow. :thumbs up

Golden Girls January 19th, 2007 05:20 PM

Way to go :thumbs up :grouphug:

Hunter's_owner January 19th, 2007 08:57 PM

Excellent Frenchy. Can't wait to see some pics:highfive:

Frenchy January 19th, 2007 09:39 PM

Nobody called me back :shrug:

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