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shirley1011 July 2nd, 2007 04:32 PM

I also had Carly's email address so I sent her a note...someone must
be getting those messages...maybe even Carly....I did say about the
ears so I hope they won't be too disappointed if it's not him.

Know what that is like!

My fingers and toes are crossed for Spencer!

Carlyg July 2nd, 2007 05:03 PM

HI everybody!

I just looked on the website, unfortunatley that is not Spencer. You were right on..the ears are too short and didn't hang the same way and his face was a bit different too. The colouring of the nose and eyes were exact though. My parents and brothers said no too...I have to triple check with everyone every time I see a dog on a website lol.

Thank you thank you for all your concern! It's so great to know that other people are looking out too. (Especially after recieving a couple prank calls this week about rewards and peopel vandelizing my posters).

My mom told me she recieved a message on the anewering machine. I thought it was someone from the Hamilton SPCA because I did e-mail them too, but I guess it was you shirley. THANK you so much for calling:) :)

I'm actually leaving tomorrow, but I am bring my computer. I'm hoping I'll find places with internet access.

Thanks again everyone!:)

Chris21711 July 3rd, 2007 08:14 AM

The ears do look shorter, could that not be because of the haircut the little guy has, which would make his face look a little different? Hopefully Carly by the time you are back from your trip, little Spencer will be waiting for you.

Carlyg July 3rd, 2007 02:43 PM

Urg. I'm guessing again. I probably shoudl know my own dog, but I was so despearate before I went after every single, I just don't know.
I'm leaving in an hour for the airport so I can't drive to Hamilton. (I don't think it's him though).

I just emailed the Hamilton SPCA adoption center and sent them numerous pictures of Spencer and very distinct characteristics (eg. he is deaf, he has no bottom front teeth). If they think Dou Dou is Spencer, I will get my brother who is staying home to go and check.

I also posted the dog's picture on my facebook group..I'll get more opinions fro my friends and family and people who have seen him in person. My parents and younger brother already said no though. (So did I at first, but now that I look again and cover the ears, he does look a lot like him.) If he does have those other characteristics, my brother will go down there.

Carlyg July 9th, 2007 12:05 PM

I'm still in Italy. I have played with 1000 dogs and named them all Spencer lol. No word from the humane society that I emailed though..but it's not spencer..everyone who has seen him in person confimed it..I didn't think it was though.

There are so many stray dogs in's really really sad. I saw one today that looked sooo hot and he was finding shade and he was limping. i saw another one in Pompei who only had three legs. The people say they just wander everywhere..there are strays everywehre in everytown we go to. It's just a "normal' thing here.

I have Spencer's stuffed koala with me for good luck. :) :) ..and i'm putting up more posters when I get home.

Chris21711 July 9th, 2007 12:20 PM

Hi Carly, we are all still keeping our eyes on all the sites. The little guy in Hamilton is no longer showing. Did you ever go back to that house with the 70's furniture? The dogs in Italy are somewhat luckier than the ones in China, I read that they systematically go around poisoning the strays because there are so many. Ugh! Hope the rest of your vacation goes good.

Carlyg July 9th, 2007 05:57 PM

hey Chico
Actually no, I never went back to the house with the 70s furniture. RIght after I went to that house I started getting the e-mails from that guy in "England".I was busy trying to figure out if he was lying or not..I did a stupid thing and put a lot of attention into that. I know he doesn't have him now..he stopped answering..he kept it up for a good 2 months.

When I get home, like I said, Im going to put up more posters....and ya,I'm going to go back around that house.

And that's horrible about the dogs in China. so sad.

Chris21711 July 10th, 2007 10:05 AM

Hi Carly, I was on the Barrie ospca site and today they are showing a Bichon, I don't think that it is Spencer, but maybe you want to check it out.

Carlyg July 10th, 2007 04:59 PM

Thanks Chris

ANd thank you everybody who is keeping an eye out on all the websites.

That wan't spencer. THey neutured that dog after they found him...we neutured Spencer 9 years ago. :sad:

He's gotta turn up somewhere. I don't like knowing that they will be euthanized after five days...I'm scared I'm going to miss him somewhere...I also don't like being away from my phone and the e-mail that I gave all the animal shelters. (it wont work on the computer here for some reason) I'll be home in a week though...and continue my search.

For now, I'll just keep looking at the sites.

Thanks again!

shirley1011 July 13th, 2007 06:59 PM

There is a new post on Pet Harbor at the Toronto North Shelter...Male
Bichon White...No picture Age. 12??

You never know! Will keep watch for the picture!

Love4himies July 13th, 2007 08:42 PM

Let's keep our fingers crossed:fingerscr :pray: :fingerscr

chico2 July 14th, 2007 06:06 AM

:fingerscr :fingerscr for Carly and Spencer!
There seems to be sooo many Bichons around,on the route I walk Bailey,there are 5 houses with Bichons...

Carlyg July 16th, 2007 02:08 PM

I went down to where that 12 year old Bichon wasn't Spencer. He is really cute though...somebody Please take your dog home!

and you're right..there seems to be Bichon's EVERYWHERE...everywhere I look there is another Bichon..I have to turn my car around all the time to make sure it isn't Spencer.
It is kind of like some horror movie and there are hundreds of Spencer's in hundreds of fun house mirrors ..and everytiime I go to reach for him..hem disapears or changes and it isn't him

chico2 July 16th, 2007 03:35 PM

Carly,the thing is also,if people find a lost Bichon,they are more likely to keep it,than a larger dog,without letting any authority know.
A friend of mine found a Shizu(sp)a few years back,he was dirty and skinny and against my advice she kept him.
She thought in the shape he was in,he must have been neglected.:yell:

Carlyg July 16th, 2007 09:40 PM

yeah, I definetly know that someone has decided to keep him (even though he had just been groomed and he had a tag and collar).
I still check the websites though because I hear stories of dogs who had been stolen and then they escape from that house...or maybe when the people find out he is deaf they will abandon him and someone will find him and give him to a shelter or never know?

chico2 July 17th, 2007 06:38 AM

Of course Carly,I did not mean to be discouraging,sorry :sorry:
Don't give up on little Spencer,the more vets that know of him the better.
I am sure there are not that many elderly deaf Bichons out there,if someone has him,they will:fingerscr eventually bring him to a vet.

SIL July 17th, 2007 09:11 AM

Carly... Don't get discouraged. People keep telling me that someone probably has Billie and is keeping her because she's small, trained and a nice dog...just like Spencer but I'm NOT giving up. It's hard to think that people would keep something that isn't theirs...especially a pet :mad: but there are all kinds of people out there. I hope that people come to their senses or in my case get fed up by Billie's barking :laughing: and return OUR DOGS!!!

Carlyg July 18th, 2007 04:34 PM

No don't be sorry, Chico. I wasn't discouraged by that. The fact that someone has him and is keeping him is just a reality we knew many months ago. And no, I won't give up..not for a longgg time anways. haha. I'll make everybody sick of me untl they just hand him back :D

Yeah SIL, just like you are hoping they will get fed up with Billies barking, I'm hoping they will get fed up with Spencer peeing all over their floor. He is house trained..but he gets reallllly nervous all the time. If you walk up behind him and tap him on the head..he just pees. If you leave him alone and walk out the front door(even if you just took him out 2 seconds ago)..he will pee. If he is looking out the window and sees someone he doesn't know...well, he pees then too.

haha..he isn't bad. I think it was just because he got old and the deafness doesn't help. Either way...someone has to get tired of it.

SIL July 19th, 2007 04:17 PM

Carly...did you see the picture of the neutered male white poodle toy/bichon frises at the animal services east? Just thought I'd point it out, if you're like me though, you probably check those sites hourly :laughing:

Carlyg July 19th, 2007 09:26 PM

Thanks for pointing that out SIL,

Actually I noticed him yesterday..he is keeping my family on our toes

Honestly, I think there is a chance this one could be spencer (a very slimmm chance though) lol..but his nose colouring on the top is the same, his eyes are the same, the length of his nose is the same, and his i called the shelter where he is and they said that dog also has a breeder's tatoo i nside his right ear..just like spencer.

however, he is over an hour away from where we live...and my parents are doubtful it is him..but I want to see for sure because he really looks like him. Anyways, my mom called back and asked if the dog has bottom teeth missing liek spencer..if he does, we will go look. The lady said she was going to call back but she didn't. We are calling tomorrow

Shaykeija July 19th, 2007 09:32 PM

:fingerscr I so hope this is Spencer...

SIL July 19th, 2007 10:44 PM

Carly...I'm hoping that it is Spencer :fingerscr :pray: I found that the people at the 'east' animal shelter are a bit slower at posting pictures and answering calls so keep hounding them to get your answer.

Love4himies July 20th, 2007 06:49 AM

Good luck, carlyg, hope it is Spencer.

Carlyg July 20th, 2007 01:49 PM

no, it wasn't Spencer.

We called them a bunch of times then finally the lady went to check. She said that dog was not missing any teeth..Spencer is missing most of his bottom teeth. I wish I still had the number on his tatoo..that would make things a whole lot easier. We lost that sheet of paper when we moved though :sad:

shirley1011 July 20th, 2007 02:11 PM

Aww Carly, I was so hoping that was Spencer! The rollercoaster of
ups and downs is just awful, I know how you must be feeling.
Don't give up...and I know how easy it would be to that but we have
to find our missing furbabies.

SIL July 20th, 2007 07:42 PM

Carly...I was hoping for a happy ending to at least one 'missing dog' post :sad: We'll just have to keep looking....until something good happens:pray:

goldengal July 20th, 2007 08:29 PM

Carley ..... Could you contact Spencer's breeder to get the tatoo number? Also, if he is registered, CKC would have the tatoo number as well. Hope you soon find your fur baby. Take care.


growler~GateKeeper July 20th, 2007 11:09 PM

[QUOTE=goldengal;454425]Carley ..... Could you contact Spencer's breeder to get the tatoo number? Also, if he is registered, CKC would have the tatoo number as well. Hope you soon find your fur baby. Take care.


Great suggestions goldengal

Carly does your vet have the tattoo # on file (even if they did not do the tattooing themselves)?

Wish you all the luck to find your furbaby.:goodvibes:

rainbow July 20th, 2007 11:33 PM

The breeder or CKC would have the tattoo number or else the vet that did it would have a record also. Good luck....I hope you are reunited with Spencer soon. :fingerscr :goodvibes: :goodvibes:

SIL July 22nd, 2007 02:50 PM

Carly...another male bichon frise at the east animal shelter.... GOOD LUCK!!!

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