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heidiho June 8th, 2007 05:55 PM

That is all i can find.

Frenchy June 8th, 2007 06:00 PM

Right now Heidiho, you should concentrate on you. When you feel better , maybe you can place a complaint , but right now, it's all about YOU getting better. :thumbs up

heidiho June 8th, 2007 06:08 PM

I know,i just feel like this wouldnt go on if they did there job as a doctor,and so freely give them out.,

Winston June 8th, 2007 06:32 PM

Your right Heidi! But I agree with Frenchy! This is all about you right now....besides you would need to be very strong to put on a fight ! why risk a relapse...for now baby steps....Try not to even think about what the doctor did or didnt do...that can come later....handle this and then go from there...


heidiho June 8th, 2007 06:52 PM

Yeah i know,well leaving early today,tags expired on car,have a good weekend.

heidiho June 9th, 2007 07:12 PM

Hey babysitting today,yeah computer access,i was reading my old paperwok from my meth classes and just for a laugh i called this rehab place that wrote the article,well i asked the lady how much a stay was,$24,000 for a month,i laughed and was gonna hang up and she started talking to me about everything and i told her my ins covers 90% but i dont even have 20.00 laying aroung to pay what 2400.00 would be 10%,she said we have a program that will pay the difference,i told her i just do not have luck like that,she said you never know,and of course dont say that about yourself,so i have a case # and will find out monday,there are 2 places one in oregon and minnesota,she asked which one i told her oregon.I am not even gonna dream that big,because it is a catch 22,if i go,i will lose my job,i will need 700.00 to cover my bills while i am there,and when i get out i will have no job and no money and maybe no home.I dont know if mark can handle all this,so you can see why unless you have money getting sober is not that easy.I am trying to find there website,but cant remember exactly how it was spelled,so if anyone has time it is something like Hazldun or hazelton,in oregon and minnesota.

hazelrunpack June 9th, 2007 07:45 PM

There's a lot to lose--but so much to gain, too. Whatever you decide though, we're behind you. We're your sounding board if you need one to make your decision. Sometimes just telling something or writing something will help you spot a flaw in your own logic, or confirm that your logic is sound. Maybe we can help in that regard.

Bottom line, though, is that only [I]you[/I] can make this decision. :grouphug:

Meanwhile, was this the place?:


heidiho June 9th, 2007 08:09 PM

I am so confused,i mean i cant go there to get sober and come out homesless.Yeah thats the place,thank you,i looked at it and cant see what they do there for treatment,it says holistic,not sure what that means,but if it means they use herbs and teas to get off of these pills im out,the only thing i have heard really postive things about opiate treatment that works is this. [url][/url]

hazelrunpack June 9th, 2007 08:15 PM

Rats--my connection is too slow to open the second window so I can't see the article.

By "holistic" they might just mean some adjunct therapies to keep you focused and relaxed--maybe some yoga, maybe supplements... Maybe "holistic" just refers to treating the whole body, not just the addiction? Don't know for sure...make sure you ask plenty of questions when you talk to them on Monday.

Any chance you could take an extended leave from work and come back to your job when you complete the program? :fingerscr

heidiho June 9th, 2007 08:24 PM

I am gonna call them today and ask.The work thing is probably no,because i already missed that one week about 2 months ago,and he almost fired me then,i am the only one who works the front desk ,so when i am not there it is only my boss,and he does not like that,i mean i am jumping the gun here,who knows if they are gonna do this,but then i would have to tell him i need a month off for medical reasons and man that is just not gonna fly,because before when i missed a week,i told him it was because of personal issues..Sucks that"ADDICTION" just has a stigma that will never go away,i without a doubt firmly believe also it is a disease of the brain,because nobody would willingly destroy everything in there life.OMG.,almost forgot,this is the most touching sweetest thing any pet i have ever had has done.I was laying on the living room floor this morning just balling my eyes out,and roxy was across the room in her lunge at me mode,and she runs at me makes a dead stop gets right in my face andstarts licking the tears right under my eyes,i about died right there.I stopped crying for a bit then lost it again and she did it again.I have no doubts animals know when you are hurting at all after today.....

hazelrunpack June 9th, 2007 09:41 PM

I have no doubts that Roxy knows you are hurting, either. She's a good little girl. :grouphug:

Does Mark know that you're looking into this Hazeldun place?

Frenchy June 9th, 2007 09:58 PM

aww Heidiho, that sucks ! There's no place near you where they could help ?

heidiho June 9th, 2007 10:01 PM

Yeah he does,he is very overwhelmed right now,he is out of work,he just finished up a job is now lookinf for another..And the more i think about it the more i am realzing we are just not in a position for me to get this kind of treatment,as bad as i have always dreamed of this kind of treatment,financially i dont think i will be able to.I did find 2 doctors here that offer that new medication,so i might jsut have to do that with some therapy and keep working as bad as i know i need and would really benefit from something like a 30 day program i know deep down that it is a reality that is not gonna happen for me.So this whole thing is like a bad nightmare i just want to wake up from but its real and this is exaclty wh ywe broke up 14 years ago and that in itself makes me sick,so i can understand his anger,i dont know if we can make it through this,but i cant change that now.Well gotta go make dinner for kids,talk to you monday.

hazelrunpack June 9th, 2007 10:06 PM

Nite, heidi! :grouphug: Things will work out--you just need to hang loose and have some faith. :fingerscr See you Monday!

heidiho June 9th, 2007 11:31 PM

Hey,just gotta get my fix of til monday.Yes i did find a place i am gonna call monday.I cannot do 30 days,i hope when they call they say i didnt get accepted,cause that will be hard to turn down,but by going there i risk losing it all,job,mark,home and worst of all roxy,cause if i dont have a place to live she would have to stay with mark.I just have to get sobered up so i get get my head on straight and see are the problems me and mark have because i am not thinking clearly or are they real.

Frenchy June 9th, 2007 11:47 PM

Heidiho , if you don't get in , could you see a counselor / a psychiatrist that would could at least talk too ?

TeriM June 10th, 2007 02:34 AM

[QUOTE=Frenchy;437798]Heidiho , if you don't get in , could you see a counselor / a psychiatrist that would could at least talk too ?[/QUOTE]

That's a great idea. Stay strong Heidi, you can do this :grouphug: .

RolandsMom June 10th, 2007 07:26 PM

what about this place Heidi? I dont know if they will be able to help but you may be able to get a refferral and get you some help. i will keep looking see what else i find if you dont have time. i have quite a lot of time.


heidiho June 11th, 2007 01:56 PM

The place in oregon called,lm,i called back told them that i just cant go there,got there vociemail,i dont even want to know if i got accepted,cause i am not going,i am going to meet someone from alohahouse,and he also gave me 2 doctors that use that new medication here,so calling them today for appt,so funny i dont even believe in shrinks now cause if they are so smart how could i walk in there and lie and get that stuff,but i do need to talk to someone about why i keep doing this..Will keep you posted,

heidiho June 11th, 2007 02:05 PM

One thing i dont have time to do that i REALLY need to know is what rights do i have living with mark without my name being on any of the paper work,i pay the electric and maintence fees,so my name is on all those checks,basically i want to know how long legally i can stay there til i find a palce or could he make me move out immediatley??Not that he would kick me to the streets but i want to know if he could.I dont know where to find that out.

hazelrunpack June 11th, 2007 02:25 PM

[QUOTE=heidiho;438343]One thing i dont have time to do that i REALLY need to know is what rights do i have living with mark without my name being on any of the paper work,i pay the electric and maintence fees,so my name is on all those checks,basically i want to know how long legally i can stay there til i find a palce or could he make me move out immediatley??Not that he would kick me to the streets but i want to know if he could.I dont know where to find that out.[/QUOTE]

Is there a city Bar Association that sponsors free legal clinics? Sometimes they can answer stuff like that and you don't have to pay a lawyer to find out.

I hope the Alohahouse works out! :fingerscr Nothing like help close to home! :grouphug: When is your appointment?

heidiho June 11th, 2007 02:57 PM

I go wed to meet robert w/ aloha house,it is a class he said,and we will talk there and i will meet some other people,he said it is like na class but a little different.Gonna call doc today about other stuff,when boss goes to lunch.I will try and find that on internet,i will feel alot better when i know what my legal rights are living there.

hazelrunpack June 11th, 2007 03:03 PM

[QUOTE=heidiho;438360]I go wed to meet robert w/ aloha house,it is a class he said,and we will talk there and i will meet some other people,he said it is like na class but a little different.Gonna call doc today about other stuff,when boss goes to lunch.I will try and find that on internet,i will feel alot better when i know what my legal rights are living there.[/QUOTE]

If the city doesn't have it's own Bar Assn, check with the State Bar Assn--it also might host a legal clinic.

Good luck on Wednesday, heidi! :fingerscr We'll be crossing fingers and paws for you! :grouphug:

heidiho June 11th, 2007 03:15 PM

Thank you.;)

chico2 June 11th, 2007 03:47 PM

Heidi,I don't know how things work legally in the US,here though,if you live common-law and contribute to the expences it's almost like if you were married.
I did not comment on the Oregon place,did not think it was something you should do,you might have ended up homeless and then what??
The Aloha thing sounds like a great idea,hopefully when Mark sees you are really working on getting better,he will cooperate and help out.
I've never really been addicted to anything other than smoking cigs,never been on any mind-altering drugs,don't even take aspirins unless I have to.
But I've seen what drugs can do to people and I think you are one step on the way out,knowing you have a problem and trying to do something about it.
You know we are all rooting for you and Mark,that you will be able to help yourself to a great future.
Beeing worried about Mark kicking you out,is not helping,time to sit down and have a serious discussion with him,ok!

heidiho June 11th, 2007 04:03 PM

Apt place just called me at work,told her yes i want it(no idea how i am gonna get deposit)i can move in july 15.I am excited and scared.I have no bed tv dishes shower curtain or the $$ to move in,but this is like a sign to me,i cant not take it,it is the only palce i can afford and have roxy.It is 625.00 a month which i can do,but this deposit is gonna be a tough one.

RolandsMom June 11th, 2007 05:08 PM

thats great news Heidi. that must be a big weight off your shoulders. im sure that something will come up about the deposit. maybe you can pay her in two instalments? worth asking!
im glad you are going to that meeting on wednesday. will be thinking of you.

heidiho June 11th, 2007 05:32 PM

I am really stoked,scared to be own my own here,but i know i can do it..:shrug:

RolandsMom June 11th, 2007 06:22 PM

damn right you can! you can give yourself a great big pat on the back for being so brave and strong!:thumbs up

heidiho June 11th, 2007 06:50 PM

Chico2- I knew deep down i couldnt go to a 30 day place(who do i think i am britney spears):laughing: .But sure did sound great,it is weird that she called this morning i believe things happen for a reason,and that was just so crazy after what happend this weekend the fighting and all,that it has to be meant to be,so without even thinking how am i gonna get the $$ i told her yes i will take it,at first it was july 4 which panicked me,then she said most likely july 15 i told her that is better for me.Still dont know where i am gonna get the $$ to move in,parents dont have it,and they are all i have for family,so after work gonna fill out job application at a place called Sand kids,will have to work 2 jobs for ahwile because i am gonna need everything,sucks cause i dont need to jobs to afford to live there,but also are not gonna have any $$ extra to get household things...I am pretty excited about class also,cant wait to be with people who understand (meaning mark doesnt fully understand) it is 6:00 to 7:30 wed.And word of advice to any single girl,NEVER NEVER move in w/someone unless you have the back up to MOVE OUT.Although if i didnt take this chance i would not be here in Maui.

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