
Pet Podcast

Humping and mounting behavior in dogs – Pet podcast #23 – Interview with Tenderfoot Training

Pet podcast #23 features an interview with Elizabeth Simpson of Tenderfoot Training.  This is a fascinating pet podcast where we discuss why both spayed and neutered dogs, as well as intact dogs exhibit humping and mounting behaviours. Elizabeth also explains how to deal with this issue.

This week’s ‘Good Mews’ story is a story from the August issue of BusinessWeek where we learn that in this pet economy you can buy artificial testicles for your dog called Neuticles. The premise behind this product is that your male dog or cat should not feel bad about its appearance after it has been neutered.

Other links:
Tenderfoot Training’s DVD or VHS tape.

You can download this pet podcast directly by clicking the preceding link or listen to it almost immediately, with the embedded player.


2 Responses to this Article, So Far

  1. Avatar Kenny says:

    Thanks for that informative podcast, I learnt a ton. I have a spayed female that sometimes mounts and now I know why. Cheers! Kenny

  2. Avatar Mary says:

    Great info ,I was very worried about our 5mo. old Lab pup who is trying to hump my 12 year old son . Now I can see this may be excitement and not nessesarily dominance or sexual behavior. That will help me know better how to approach this problem in the future. thanks M.N.

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